Commit d21337f4 authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

FIX OK: better group removal in table

parent b62a065a
......@@ -38,14 +38,6 @@
* (each user action is enacted in Current and at the same time carried
* over to GroupsBuffer)
* NB for groups removal: there is a case when user clicks "cancel" in group modifs
* but some modifications will already be triggered:
* it happens when an entire group A is attached to a new
* group B, and then later an ex-element of A is removed
* from the new group
* => even if the new group B is canceled, it will mark
* the entire old group A for destruction
* @author
* Samuel Castillo (original 2015 work)
* Romain Loth
......@@ -72,7 +64,7 @@
// ----------------------------------
// from /api/ngramlists/lexmodel?corpus=312
// with some expanding in AfterAjax
var AjaxRecords = [] ;
var AjaxRecords = {}
// current groups
......@@ -400,11 +392,24 @@ function getRecords() {
// ------------------
function saveActiveGroup() {
var mainform = activeGroup.now_mainform_id
// pr("saving mainform to GroupsBuffer: " + mainform)
// console.log("before changes, GroupsBuffer: ", JSON.stringify(GroupsBuffer))
// console.log("saving mainform to GroupsBuffer: " + mainform)
// console.log("using the activeGroup:\n ", JSON.stringify(activeGroup))
// first free the items that were not kept (in pending no man's land)
for (var j in activeGroup.new_free) {
var ngid = activeGroup.new_free[j]
// £POSSIBLE: ideally add links only if not pre-existing (but otherwise API will do it)
// the new array of tgt forms to save is in now_links
addInCurrentGroups(mainform, activeGroup.now_links) // -> current status
GroupsBuffer._to_add[mainform] = activeGroup.now_links // -> changes to make
// save the group (the new array of tgt forms to save is in now_links)
if (activeGroup.now_links.length) {
addInCurrentGroups(mainform, activeGroup.now_links) // -> current status
GroupsBuffer._to_add[mainform] = activeGroup.now_links // -> changes to make
// -----------------------------------------------------
// various consequences
......@@ -414,34 +419,40 @@ function saveActiveGroup() {
AjaxRecords[mainform].name = "*" + AjaxRecords[mainform].name
// all subforms old and new become deactivated in AjaxRecords
// all subforms become deactivated in AjaxRecords
for (var i in activeGroup.now_links) {
subformId = activeGroup.now_links[i]
AjaxRecords[subformId].state = -1
// the previous mainforms have old groupings to be marked for deletion
// the previous mainforms may have old groupings to be marked for deletion
for (downgradedNgramId in activeGroup.were_mainforms) {
// (except the one we just saved)
if (downgradedNgramId != mainform) {
// it deletes the current groups with these ex-mainforms
// TODO check
if (downgradedNgramId != mainform
// and if it did have a group
&& CurrentGroups.links[downgradedNgramId]) {
// then we delete the entire ex-group under the ex-mainform
// for DB
// 1) for DB
GroupsBuffer._to_del[downgradedNgramId] = CurrentGroups["links"][downgradedNgramId]
// locally
// 2) locally
deleteInCurrentGroups(false, downgradedNgramId)
// arg 1 "false" <=> no need to change subform states
// arg 3 no subforms <=> delete entire group
// because these subforms stay subforms
// (but under the new mainform)
// no arg 3 <=> delete entire group
// clean group modification zone and buffer and update table
console.log("after changes, GroupsBuffer: ",GroupsBuffer)
function removeActiveGroupFrame() {
function removeActiveGroupFrameAndUpdate() {
// no need to restore records: everything from the frame
// was in temporary var activeGroup
......@@ -456,7 +467,12 @@ function removeActiveGroupFrame() {
vizopenGroup = {}
// reprocess from current record states'dynatable').dom.update();
var currentStateFilter ='dynatable').settings.dataset.queries['my_state_filter']
// TODO when several scores, use cache like currentStateFilter
var FirstScore = OriginalNG.scores.initial
console.log("full re-create table")
MainTableAndCharts(AjaxRecords, FirstScore , currentStateFilter)
// for click open/close
......@@ -550,7 +566,15 @@ function drawSublist (linkNamesArray) {
return sublistHtml
function drawActiveGroup (tgtElementId, mainformId, linkIdsArray, ngInfos) {
// we can create sort functions for ngramIds to use their associated name
// (name lookup uses global var AjaxRecords or any other similar records)
function comparatorNamesInRecords(records) {
return function(a,b) {
return records[a].name.localeCompare(records[b].name)
function drawActiveGroup (tgtElementId, mainformId, linkIdsArray, ngInfos, newFree) {
var groupHtml = '<p id="group_box_mainform">';
groupHtml += mainformSpan(ngInfos[mainformId])
groupHtml += ' <br> │<br>';
......@@ -559,7 +583,7 @@ function drawActiveGroup (tgtElementId, mainformId, linkIdsArray, ngInfos) {
groupHtml += '<p id="group_box_content">';
var last_i = linkIdsArray.length - 1 ;
for(var i in linkIdsArray) {
for(var i in linkIdsArray.sort(comparatorNamesInRecords(ngInfos))) {
var subNgramId = linkIdsArray[i] ;
if (i != last_i) {
groupHtml += ' ├── ' + subformSpan(ngInfos[subNgramId]) + '<br>' ;
......@@ -573,7 +597,7 @@ function drawActiveGroup (tgtElementId, mainformId, linkIdsArray, ngInfos) {
groupHtml += '\n <p id="activeGroupButtons">';
// Ok - No
var cancelGroupButton = '<button onclick="removeActiveGroupFrame()">' ;
var cancelGroupButton = '<button onclick="removeActiveGroupFrameAndUpdate()">' ;
cancelGroupButton += 'cancel' ;
cancelGroupButton += '</button>' ;
......@@ -583,6 +607,15 @@ function drawActiveGroup (tgtElementId, mainformId, linkIdsArray, ngInfos) {
groupHtml += cancelGroupButton
groupHtml += tempoSaveGroupButton
groupHtml += '<hr><p id="group_box_pending" style="color:grey;">';
if (newFree.length) {
groupHtml += 'Unwanted items will become independant terms at finish'
for (var j in newFree) {
pendingFormId = newFree[j]
groupHtml += pendingSubfHtml(ngInfos[pendingFormId])
groupHtml += '</p>\n'
// write html to current DOM
......@@ -613,6 +646,21 @@ function subformSpan( subNgramInfo ) {
// html for new_free subforms
function pendingSubfHtml( subNgramInfo ) {
// each item is a new ngram in the no man's land between grouped and free status
// like subformSpan
var subformHtml = '<p title="''" id="pending-subform-''" class="pending subform">'
// like plus_event
subformHtml += '<span class="note smaller glyphicon glyphicon-plus"'
subformHtml += ' title=\'add "''" back to active group\''
subformHtml += ' color="#FF530D"'
subformHtml += ' onclick="addToGroup('+ +',true)"></span>'
subformHtml +=
subformHtml += '</p>'
// makes mainform's span
function mainformSpan( ngramInfo ) {
......@@ -640,12 +688,10 @@ function makeMainform(ngramId) {
// -> it was not in any of the lists
if (! (mainform in activeGroup.were_mainforms)) {
// update records
delete activeGroup.ngraminfo[mainform].origin
AjaxRecords[mainform] = activeGroup.ngraminfo[mainform]
AjaxRecords[mainform].state = 0
// update lists (inherits status of previous mainform)
......@@ -658,67 +704,71 @@ function makeMainform(ngramId) {
// and update'dynatable').dom.update();
function removeSubform(ngramId) {
// no need to restore AjaxRecords[ngramId] because it's untouched
// remove the subform from activeGroup (and any older group in CurrentGroups)
// NB do this first at activeGroup save (before CurrentGroups will change)
function freeSubform(ngramId) {
// NB removeSubform has a side effect for subforms that were previously
// in another group see comment at the top of script
// we prefix "*" to the name if not already there like for mainform
if (AjaxRecords[ngramId].name[0] != '*') {
AjaxRecords[ngramId].name = "*" + AjaxRecords[ngramId].name
// normal case
if (AjaxRecords[ngramId].state != -1) {
// nothing to do:
// activeGroup removal will reveal untouched element in AjaxRecords
// special case: if removed form already was a subform it becomes independant
// (because the old mainform may be remaining in the new group)
if (CurrentGroups["subs"][ngramId]) {
else {
var oldMainFormId = CurrentGroups["subs"][ngramId]
// it must remove the subform from old group
// TODO make temporary
// for DB
GroupsBuffer._to_del[oldMainFormId] = [ngramId]
if (! GroupsBuffer._to_del[oldMainFormId]) {
GroupsBuffer._to_del[oldMainFormId] = [ngramId]
else {
// local consequences:
var subformInheritsState = true
deleteInCurrentGroups(subformInheritsState, oldMainFormId, [ngramId])
var subformBecomesFree = true
deleteInCurrentGroups(subformBecomesFree, oldMainFormId, [ngramId])
// arg1 true => the removed subform from the old group
// gets a state (map/del/normal)
// ==========================================
// core of the function for any type of ngram
// ==========================================
if (activeGroup.now_links.length == 1) {
// close the frame if last subform
// will get a placeholder score !
// and will gets a state (map/del/normal)
// (which will also finally trigger DB list change to new state)
else {
// clean now_links array
var i = activeGroup.now_links.indexOf(ngramId)
// clean were_mainforms dict (if key existed)
delete activeGroup.were_mainforms[ngramId]
function removeSubform(ngramId) {
// element moves from activeGroup.now_links ==> activeGroup.new_free
// (it's not going to be "freed" until user clicks "Finish")
// redraw active group_box_content
// and update'dynatable').dom.update();
// clean now_links array
var i = activeGroup.now_links.indexOf(ngramId)
// clean were_mainforms dict (if key existed)
delete activeGroup.were_mainforms[ngramId]
// add to free elements
// redraw active group_box_content
// (will remove the active item and add to pending zone)
......@@ -728,31 +778,42 @@ function removeSubform(ngramId) {
* => updates the global var CurrentGroups
* => optionally triggers assignment of a state to the ex-subforms
* @param inheritState boolean => updates the AjaxRecords[subformId].state
* @param becomesFree boolean => gets a new inherited AjaxRecords[subformId].state
* => adds placeholder for AjaxRecords[subformId].score
* @param ngramId of a mainform
* @param (optional) subforms array of subNgramIds (removes individual links)
* if absent: removes the whole group
function deleteInCurrentGroups(inheritState, mainformId, subforms) {
function deleteInCurrentGroups(becomesFree, mainformId, subforms) {
var wholeGroup = false
if (typeof subforms == "undefined") {
if (! subforms) {
console.log("deleteInCurrentGroups: no subforms specified: removing *entire* old group")
wholeGroup = true
wholeGroup = true
if (inheritState) {
// ex-subforms can inherit state from their previous mainform
var implicitState = AjaxRecords[mainformId].state
var subsToDel = []
if (wholeGroup) {
subsToDel = CurrentGroups.links[mainformId]
if (typeof CurrentGroups.links[mainformId] != "undefined") {
subsToDel = CurrentGroups.links[mainformId]
else {
subsToDel = []
else {
subsToDel = subforms
// nothing to remove, we return at once
if (subsToDel.length == 0) {
if (becomesFree) {
// ex-subforms can inherit state from their previous mainform
var implicitState = AjaxRecords[mainformId].state
// deleting in reverse index
for (var i in subsToDel) {
var subformId = subsToDel[i]
......@@ -760,13 +821,15 @@ function deleteInCurrentGroups(inheritState, mainformId, subforms) {
// deleting in "subs"
delete CurrentGroups.subs[subformId]
if (inheritState) {
if (becomesFree) {
AjaxRecords[subformId].state = implicitState
// consequence:
// now OriginalNG.records[subformId].state
// is != AjaxRecords[subformId].state
// therefore the newly independant forms
// will be added to their new wordlist
AjaxRecords[subformId].score = "NaN (do recount for score ?)"
// deleting in "links"
......@@ -825,10 +888,10 @@ function modifyGroup ( mainFormNgramId ) {
activeGroup.now_mainform_id = mainFormNgramId ;
activeGroup.were_mainforms[mainFormNgramId] = true ;
activeGroup.now_links = [] ;
// ngraminfo = standard info of records + 'origin' property
// ngraminfo = standard info of records (temporary copy)
activeGroup.ngraminfo = {}
activeGroup.ngraminfo[mainFormNgramId] = AjaxRecords[mainFormNgramId] ;
activeGroup.ngraminfo[mainFormNgramId]['origin'] = 'new' ;
activeGroup.new_free = []
// add relevant information from old & new links to activeGroup.now_links
updateActiveGroupInfo (mainFormNgramId, false)
......@@ -838,7 +901,8 @@ function modifyGroup ( mainFormNgramId ) {
......@@ -846,7 +910,7 @@ function modifyGroup ( mainFormNgramId ) {
// add new ngramid (and any present subforms) to currently modified group
function addToGroup ( ngramId ) {
function addToGroup ( ngramId, pending ) {
// console.log("FUN addToGroup(" + AjaxRecords[ngramId].name + ")")
......@@ -859,15 +923,24 @@ function addToGroup ( ngramId ) {
activeGroup.ngraminfo[ngramId] = AjaxRecords[ngramId]
// also add all its subforms as new subforms
updateActiveGroupInfo (ngramId, toOther)
// special case if it comes from 'no man's land'
if (pending) {
var i = activeGroup.new_free.indexOf(ngramId)
// normal case (item added from table)
else {
// also add all its subforms as new subforms
updateActiveGroupInfo (ngramId, toOther)
// redraw active group_box_content
......@@ -894,12 +967,13 @@ function updateActiveGroupInfo (ngramId, toOtherMainform) {
// fill active link info
for(var i in CurrentGroups["links"][ ngramId ] ) {
var subId = CurrentGroups["links"][ ngramId ][i] ;
// ----------- links (old and new)
activeGroup.ngraminfo[subId] = AjaxRecords[subId]
// ----------------------------
......@@ -1020,11 +1094,27 @@ function transformContent(ngramId) {
// score and name column cells
// -------------------------------------------
// <td> score </td> (ex: "normal" or "delete" etc)
result["score"] = '<span class="''">'+ngram_info["score"]+'</span>\n'
// <td> score </td>
if (! ngram_info["score"]) {
// score can be undefined or null after group separation
console.warn('undefined score at content rendering, for', ngramId)
result["score"] = '<span class="''">ERROR (recount should fix it)</span>\n'
// expected NaN
else if (ngram_info["score"] == "NaN") {
result["score"] = '<span class="'' note">NaN (do recount for score)</span>\n'
else {
result["score"] = '<span class="''">'+ngram_info["score"]+'</span>\n'
// (ex: "normal" or "delete" etc)
// <td> name </td> aka "ngrambox"
result["name"] = '<div class="ngrambox" id="box-'+ngramId+'">\n'
// test allows to make active items 'disappear'
if (ngramId != activeGroup.now_mainform_id && !(ngramId in activeGroup.were_mainforms)) {
result["name"] += plus_event + '\n'
......@@ -1323,8 +1413,10 @@ function InferCRUDFlags(id, oldState, desiredState, registry) {
// thus skips newly grouped items and returns unmodified registry
if (desiredState != state_skip) {
console.log(oldState,"==>", desiredState)
// (if was previously in MAP)
if (oldState === state_map) {
console.log("previously in map:" + id + "("+AjaxRecords[id]['name']+")")
if (desiredState === state_main || desiredState === state_stop) {
registry["outmap"][ id ] = true
// (... and some more actions only if is now desired to be in STOP)
......@@ -1336,6 +1428,7 @@ function InferCRUDFlags(id, oldState, desiredState, registry) {
// (if previously was in STOP)
else if (oldState === state_stop) {
console.log("previously in stop:" + id + "("+AjaxRecords[id]['name']+")")
if (desiredState === state_main || desiredState === state_map) {
registry["outdel"][id] = true
registry["inmain"][id] = true
......@@ -1348,6 +1441,7 @@ function InferCRUDFlags(id, oldState, desiredState, registry) {
// (if previously was under a group)
else if (oldState === state_skip) {
if (desiredState === state_main || desiredState === state_map) {
console.warn("enter free record:" + id + "("+AjaxRecords[id]['name']+")")
registry["inmain"][id] = true
// (... and one more action only if is now desired to be in MAP)
if(desiredState === state_map) {
......@@ -1360,6 +1454,7 @@ function InferCRUDFlags(id, oldState, desiredState, registry) {
// (if previously was in MAIN)
else {
// console.log("previously in main:" + id + "("+AjaxRecords[id]['name']+")")
if(desiredState === state_map) {
registry["inmap"][ id ] = true
......@@ -1405,9 +1500,15 @@ function SaveLocalChanges() {
// => AjaxRecords for current (desired) states
for(var id in AjaxRecords) {
var oldState = 0 ;
var oldState = OriginalNG["records"][ id ]["state"] ;
// map and stop not in original states TODO
if (OriginalNG["map"][ id ] ) oldState = 1
else if (OriginalNG["stop"][ id ]) oldState = 2
else if (typeof oldState == "undefined") {
console.warn('old state in OriginalNG not defined but not map nor stop: (id:' + id +')')
oldState = 0 ;
var mainNewState = AjaxRecords[id]["state"] ;
......@@ -1468,7 +1569,6 @@ function SaveLocalChanges() {
// The AJAX CRUDs in cascade:
// £TODO reactivate here and AddMap
$("#Save_All").append('<img width="8%" src="/static/img/ajax-loader.gif"></img>')
// trigger chained CRUD calls
......@@ -1738,10 +1838,10 @@ function MainTableAndCharts( ngdata , initial , search_filter) {
// Any <th> defined here will end up in the 'columns' arg of ulWriter
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// uncomment for column ngramId (here and in transformContent - l.577)
// uncomment for column ngramId (here and in transformContent - l.1134)
// div_table += "\t"+"\t"+'<th data-dynatable-column="ngramId" style="background-color:grey">ngramId</th>'+"\n";
// uncomment for column stateId (here and in transformContent - l.580)
// uncomment for column stateId (here and in transformContent - l.1137)
// div_table += "\t"+"\t"+'<th data-dynatable-column="state" style="background-color:grey">State</th>'+"\n" ;
// selector columns... not sortable to allow 'click => check all'
......@@ -1801,6 +1901,7 @@ function MainTableAndCharts( ngdata , initial , search_filter) {
// div_stats += "</p>"
// $("#stats").html(div_stats)
// NB will be transformed into ArrayAjaxRecords for dynatable pagination
AjaxRecords = {}
for(var id in ngdata) {
......@@ -1822,11 +1923,42 @@ function MainTableAndCharts( ngdata , initial , search_filter) {
// properties enabling to see old and new groups
"group_exists": ( in CurrentGroups["links"])
// temporary fix for scores out of broken groups
// useful for corpora imported during the 'falsefalsefalse' bug period
// (between 2016-05-23 and 2016-06-07)
if (
(typeof le_ngram.score == "undefined" || le_ngram.score == null)
&& (typeof le_ngram.state == "undefined" || (le_ngram.state != 2 && le_ngram.state != -1))
) {
console.log("no score for:")
// rec_info["score"] = 4000
// AjaxRecords.push(rec_info)
AjaxRecords[id] = rec_info
if ( ! DistributionDict[rec_info.score] ) DistributionDict[rec_info.score] = 0;
// now ngram.score will be the key (=> X value) ...
var xkey ;
if (! isNumeric(rec_info.score)) {
xkey = 0
else {
xkey = rec_info.score
// ... and we count how often an ngram got it (=> Y value)
if ( ! DistributionDict[xkey] ) {
DistributionDict[xkey] = 1;
else {
// console.log(FirstScore)
......@@ -1872,23 +2004,24 @@ function MainTableAndCharts( ngdata , initial , search_filter) {
.margins({top: 10, right: 50, bottom: 25, left: 40})
// .y(d3.scale.log().domain([min_frec/2,max_frec*2]))
// .valueAccessor(function (d) {
// return d.value;
// })
// .stack(y_frecs, function (d) {
// return d.value;
// })
// .ordinalColors(d3.scale.category10())
// .valueAccessor(function (d) {
// console.log(d)
// if(isNumeric(d)) {
// return d.value;
// }
// else return 0 ;
// })
// .ordinalColors(d3.scale.category10())
// .round(dc.round.floor)
......@@ -1898,7 +2031,16 @@ function MainTableAndCharts( ngdata , initial , search_filter) {
// .renderDataPoints({radius: 2, fillOpacity: 0.8, strokeOpacity: 0.8})
.title(function (d) {
var value = ? :;
if (isNaN(  {
// exemple d here:
// Object {
// x:2698, y:1,
// layer:0,y0:0,
// data:{key:2698, value:1}
// }
var value = d.y;
if (isNaN(value)) value = 0;
return value+" ngrams with "+FirstScore+"="+Number(d.key);
......@@ -1946,21 +2088,19 @@ function MainTableAndCharts( ngdata , initial , search_filter) {
// AjaxRecords per ngramid => dense array to maintain proper page range
// see'dynatable').settings.dataset.originalRecords
var ArrayAjaxRecords = [] ;
for (ngid in AjaxRecords) {
ArrayAjaxRecords.push(AjaxRecords[ngid]) ;
// DYNATABLE initialization
MyTable = []
MyTable = $('#my-ajax-table').dynatable({
dataset: {
records: ArrayAjaxRecords
// from AjaxRecords => array (to maintain proper page range)
records: makeRecordArray(AjaxRecords),
sortTypes: {
"score": 'NumOrNaNSort'
features: {
pushState: false,
// sort: false //i need to fix the sorting function... the current one just sucks
writers: {
_rowWriter: ulWriter
......@@ -1972,13 +2112,41 @@ function MainTableAndCharts( ngdata , initial , search_filter) {
//'dynatable').settings.dataset.records = []
//'dynatable').settings.dataset.originalRecords = []
//'dynatable').settings.dataset.originalRecords = AjaxRecords;
// /!\ settings.dataset.originalRecords will be set to ArrayAjaxRecords (in lib)
// sorts on numbers but allows NaN (and puts them as highest)
// ----------------------------------------------------------'dynatable').sorts.functions["NumOrNaNSort"] = function NumOrNaNSort (rec1,rec2, attr, direction) {
if (typeof direction == "undefined") {
return 0
score1Numeric = (typeof rec1.score == 'number')
score2Numeric = (typeof rec2.score == 'number')
// if (rec1.state == -1 || rec2.state == -1) {
// console.warn("Programming error: can't process inactive items in sort")
// return ( < ? direction : (-direction)
// }
// we'll assume both records have active states
if (score1Numeric && score2Numeric) {
return direction * (rec2.score - rec1.score)
else if (score1Numeric) {
return direction
else if (score2Numeric) {
return -direction
// when both records have non numeric values => alpha sort
else {
return ( < ? direction : (-direction)
}'dynatable').sorts.clear();'dynatable').sorts.add('score', 0) // 1=ASCENDING,'dynatable').process();'dynatable').sorts.add('score', 1) // 1=DESCENDING,
//'dynatable').process();'dynatable').paginationPage.set(1);'dynatable').paginationPerPage.set(20); // default:10'dynatable').process();
......@@ -2052,6 +2220,23 @@ function tidyAfterUpdate(event) {
* tidyAfterPageSet:
* -------------
* Here we convert AjaxRecords to an array
function makeRecordArray(recordsDict) {
var recArray = []
for (ngid in recordsDict) {
// must filter inactive forms for pagination/number of items to work right
if (recordsDict[ngid]['state'] != -1) {
recArray.push(recordsDict[ngid]) ;
return recArray
* tidyAfterPageSet:
* -------------
......@@ -2087,6 +2272,10 @@ function pr(msg) {
function isNumeric(n) {
return (!isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n))
function getCookie(name) {
var cookieValue = null;
if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {
......@@ -2159,7 +2348,7 @@ var final_url = window.location.origin+"/api/ngramlists/family?corpus="+corpus_i
GET_(final_url, HandleAjax)
function HandleAjax(res, sourceUrl) {
//£TODO unify with AfterAjax
//TODO unify with AfterAjax
if (res && res.ngraminfos) {
// = = = = MIAM = = = = //
......@@ -2169,7 +2358,12 @@ function HandleAjax(res, sourceUrl) {
OriginalNG["records"][ngram_id] = {
'id' : ngram_id, // redundant but for backwards compat
'name' : ngram_tuple[0],
'score' : ngram_tuple[1]
// 'NaN' is our standard for re-reading un-recounted corpora
'score' : ngram_tuple[1] ? ngram_tuple[1] : 'NaN',
// state 0 temporary default: for non-main items, it'll be updated to -1, 1 or 2
'state' : 0
......@@ -2271,7 +2465,7 @@ function AfterAjax(sourceUrl) {
for (var subNgramId in CurrentGroups["subs"]) {
// will allow us to distinguish it from mainlist items that
// have original state undefined (in InferCRUDFlags)
// have default original state (in InferCRUDFlags)
OriginalNG['records'][subNgramId]['state'] = state_skip
......@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ span.note {
span.note.glyphicon {
color: #555;
padding-right: 3;
p.note {
......@@ -78,6 +79,10 @@ p.note > label {
float: left;
.smaller {
font-size: 60%;
.greyed {
opacity: 0.3;
......@@ -130,10 +135,21 @@ tr:hover {
margin-bottom: 1em;
#group_box_pending {
line-height: .9 ;
font-size: 90% ;
.subform {
color: #777 ;
p.pending.subform {
margin-bottom: 0 ;
margin-left: 1em ;
font-size: 90% ;
.dynatable-record-count {
font-size: 0.7em;
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