Commit f929908a authored by delanoe's avatar delanoe

Merge branch 'romain-goodies' into unstable

parents f1a5a610 22321e79
......@@ -188,11 +188,12 @@ function toggleFavstatus (rec_id) {
function transformContent2(rec_id) {
function transformContent2(rec_id, trClass) {
// pr("\t\ttransformContent2: "+rec_id)
var elem = AjaxRecords[rec_id];
// pr("\t"+elem.rawtitle)
var result = {}
if (elem["del"]) {
result["id"] = elem["id"]
result["short_date"] = '<strike>'+elem["short_date"]+'</strike>'
......@@ -200,7 +201,13 @@ function transformContent2(rec_id) {
result["docurl"] = '<strike>'+elem["docurl"]+'</strike>'
result["isFavorite"] = favstatusToStar(rec_id, elem["isFavorite"], boolStrike=true)
result["rawtitle"] = elem["rawtitle"]
result["del"] = '<input id='+rec_id+' onclick="overRide(this)" type="checkbox" checked/>'
if (trClass == "normalrow" || trClass == "duplrowdel") {
result["del"] = '<input id='+rec_id+' class="trash1" onclick="toggleTrashIt(this)" type="checkbox" checked/>'
else if (trClass=="duplrowkeep") {
// forbid deletion for one of the duplicates
result["del"] = ''
} else {
result["id"] = elem["id"]
result["short_date"] = elem["short_date"]
......@@ -208,16 +215,22 @@ function transformContent2(rec_id) {
result["docurl"] = elem["docurl"]
result["isFavorite"] = favstatusToStar(rec_id, elem["isFavorite"])
result["rawtitle"] = elem["rawtitle"]
result["del"] = '<input id='+rec_id+' onclick="overRide(this)" type="checkbox"/>'
if (trClass == "normalrow" || trClass == "duplrowdel") {
result["del"] = '<input id='+rec_id+' class="trash1" onclick="toggleTrashIt(this)" type="checkbox"/>'
else if (trClass=="duplrowkeep") {
result["del"] = ''
return result;
function overRide(elem) {
var id =
var val = elem.checked
console.log("striking: ")
function toggleTrashIt(boxElem) {
var id = // row_id in the table (not ngram_id)
var val = boxElem.checked
// console.log("striking =>", val)
// console.log("record", AjaxRecords[id])
//'dynatable').settings.dataset.originalRecords[id]["del"] = val;
AjaxRecords[id]["del"] = val;
......@@ -229,13 +242,15 @@ function overRide(elem) {'dynatable').dom.update();
function transformContent(rec_id , header , content) {
if(header=="del") {
// pr("\t\ttransformContent1: "+rec_id)
if(content==true) return '<input id='+rec_id+' onclick="overRide(this)" type="checkbox" checked/>'
if(content==false) return '<input id='+rec_id+' onclick="overRide(this)" type="checkbox"/>'
} else return content;
// function transformContent(rec_id , header , content) {
// console.warn("hello transformContent1")
// if(header=="del") {
// // pr("\t\ttransformContent1: "+rec_id)
// if(content==true) return '<input id='+rec_id+' onclick="toggleTrashIt(this)" type="checkbox" checked/>'
// if(content==false) return '<input id='+rec_id+' onclick="toggleTrashIt(this)" type="checkbox"/>'
// }
// else return content;
// }
......@@ -271,22 +286,43 @@ $("#move2trash")
//generic enough
function ulWriter(rowIndex, record, columns, cellWriter) {
var trClass = 'normalrow'
// special case ------------------------------------------------- 8< -------
// set the tr class to show duplicates in another light
// normalrow|duplrowdel|duplrowkeep (the last 2 for duplicate case)
if (dupFlag) {
// console.log("dupFlag in ulWriter")
recId = RecDict[]
if (recId == countByMeta[record.signature]['smallest_id']) {
trClass = 'duplrowkeep'
else {
trClass = 'duplrowdel'
// -------------------------------------------------------------- 8< -------
// pr("\tulWriter: "
var tr = '';
var cp_rec = {}
if(!MyTable) {
// £TODO check if ever used
for(var i in record) {
cp_rec[i] = transformContent(RecDict[], i , record[i])
} else {
// pr("\t\tbfr transf2: rec_id="" | arg="+RecDict[])
cp_rec = transformContent2(RecDict[])
cp_rec = transformContent2(RecDict[], trClass)
// grab the record's attribute for each column
for (var i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; i++) {
tr += cellWriter(columns[i], cp_rec);
return '<tr>' + tr + '</tr>';
return '<tr class='+trClass+' node-id=''>' + tr + '</tr>';
......@@ -330,7 +366,12 @@ function Main_test(Data) {
div_table += "\t"+"\t"+'<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"></span>'+"\n"
div_table += "\t"+"\t"+'</th>'+"\n"
div_table += "\t"+"\t"+'<th data-dynatable-column="del" data-dynatable-no-sort="true">'+"\n"
div_table += "\t"+"\t"+'<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span>'+"\n"
div_table += "\t"+"\t"+'<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash" style="padding:3 2 0 0"></span>'+"\n"
div_table += "\t"+"\t"+'<p class="note" style="padding:0 0 1 3">'
div_table += "\t"+"\t"+"\t"+'<input type="checkbox" id="trashAll"'
div_table += "\t"+"\t"+"\t"+' onclick="trashAll(this)" title="Check to mark all for trash"></input>'
div_table += "\t"+"\t"+"\t"+'<label>All page</label>'
div_table += "\t"+"\t"+'</p>'
div_table += "\t"+"\t"+'</th>'+"\n"
div_table += "\t"+'</thead>'+"\n"
div_table += "\t"+'<tbody>'+"\n"
......@@ -494,6 +535,7 @@ function Main_test(Data) {
records: Data,
sorts : {"date": 1},
sortTypes: {
signature: 'signatureSort',
docurl: 'rawtitleSort',
'hyperdata.journal': 'journalSort'
......@@ -561,27 +603,24 @@ function Main_test(Data) {
.functions['docFilter'] = function(record,opt) {
if (opt == 'filter_all') return true
else if (opt == 'filter_favs') return favorites[]
else if (opt == 'filter_dupl_tit') return (countByTitles[record.rawtitle] > 1)
else if (opt == 'filter_dupl_all') return (countByMeta[record.signature] > 1)
else if (opt == 'filter_dupl_all') return (countByMeta[record.signature]['n'] > 1)
// and set this filter's initial status to 'filter_all''dynatable').settings.dataset.queries['docFilter'] = 'filter_all''dynatable').sorts.functions["rawtitleSort"] = function rawtitleSort (rec1,rec2, attr, direction) {
// sorts on rawtitle instead of derived docurl
// and sorts with locale-aware order
if (direction == 1) return rec1.rawtitle.localeCompare(rec2.rawtitle)
else return rec2.rawtitle.localeCompare(rec1.rawtitle)
}'dynatable').sorts.functions["rawtitleSort"] = makeAlphaSortFunctionOnProperty('rawtitle')'dynatable').sorts.functions["signatureSort"] = makeAlphaSortFunctionOnProperty('signature')'dynatable').sorts.functions["journalSort"] = function journalSort (rec1,rec2, attr, direction) {
// like rawtitle but nested property
if (direction == 1) return rec1.hyperdata.journal.localeCompare(rec2.hyperdata.journal)
else return rec2.hyperdata.journal.localeCompare(rec1.hyperdata.journal)
// hook on page change
MyTable.bind('dynatable:page:set', tidyAfterPageSet)'dynatable').process();
// re-apply search function on click
......@@ -596,43 +635,118 @@ function Main_test(Data) {
// trashAll default position is: off
$('#trashAll').prop("checked", false)
// real trashAll states : SOME|ALL|NONE
$('#trashAll').data("columnSelection", 'SOME')
return "OK"
// create a sort function (alphabetic with locale-aware order)
// on any with a str inside (for instance "rawtitle")
function makeAlphaSortFunctionOnProperty(property) {
return function (rec1,rec2, attr, direction) {
if (direction == 1) return rec1[property].localeCompare(rec2[property])
else return rec2[property].localeCompare(rec1[property])
// select all column "trash"
// --------------------------
* Toggle all checkboxes in a column by changing their list in System
* effect => sets the "del" property of all visible records on this page
* ------------------
* (except if they are of class duplrowkeep)
* cf more complex original function SelectPage() in NGrams_dyna_chart_and_table
function trashAll() {
var newColumnState = $("#trashAll").prop('checked')
// propagate changes to all rows
$("tbody tr").each(function (i, row) {
// var nodeId = $(row).attr("node-id") ;
// var recId = RecDict[nodeId]
var exceptionUntrashable = row.classList.contains('duplrowkeep')
if (!exceptionUntrashable) {
var boxElem = row.getElementsByClassName("trash1")[0]
var stateBefore = boxElem.checked
if (stateBefore != newColumnState) {
// toggle all these rows' boxes
boxElem.checked = newColumnState
// and trigger the corresponding action manually
// OK update this table page'dynatable').dom.update();
// global flag when duplicates special filter is requested
var dupFlag = false ;
// intercept duplicates query to sort alphabetically **before** duplicates filter
$("#div-table").on("dynatable:queries:added", function(e, qname, qval) {
// debug
// console.warn(e)
if (!dupFlag && qname == 'docFilter' && (qval == "filter_dupl_tit" || qval == "filter_dupl_all")) {
// console.warn("add", qname)
// console.warn("add", qval)
if (!dupFlag && qname == 'docFilter' && qval == "filter_dupl_all") {'dynatable').queries.remove('docFilter')
// to avoid recursion when we'll call this filter again in 4 lines
// flag to avoid recursion when we'll call this filter again in 4 lines
dupFlag = true ;
// sort alphabetically **before** duplicates filter
// the sorting'dynatable').sorts.clear();'dynatable').sorts.add('rawtitle', -1) // -1 <==> DESC (ASC doesn't work well ?)'dynatable').sorts.add('signature', 1)
// now we can add the query'dynatable').queries.add('docFilter', qval)'dynatable').process();
else if (qname == 'docFilter' && qval != "filter_dupl_all") {
dupFlag = false
$("#div-table").on("dynatable:queries:removed", function(e, qname) {
$("#div-table").on("dynatable:queries:removed", function(e, qname, qval) {
//console.warn("rm", qname)
if (qname == 'docFilter') {
dupFlag = false ;
// create a sort function (alphabetic with locale-aware order)
// on any with a str inside (for instance "rawtitle")
function makeAlphaSortFunctionOnProperty(property) {
return function (rec1,rec2, attr, direction) {
var cmp = null
// the alphabetic sort
if (direction == 1) cmp = rec1[property].localeCompare(rec2[property])
else cmp = rec2[property].localeCompare(rec1[property])
// second level sorting on key = id in records array
// (this one volontarily not reversable by direction
// so as to have smallest_id always on top in layout)
if (cmp == 0) cmp = RecDict[] < RecDict[] ? -1 : 1
return cmp
* tidyAfterPageSet:
* -------------
* Here we clean vars that become obsolete not at all updates, but only
* when page changes (bound to the dynatable event "dynatable:page:set")
function tidyAfterPageSet() {
// we visually uncheck the 'trashAll' box
$('input#trashAll').attr('checked', false);
// FIRST portion of code to be EXECUTED:
// (3) Get records and hyperdata for paginator
......@@ -682,10 +796,20 @@ $.ajax({
ourSignature = metaSignature(rec)
if (countByMeta.hasOwnProperty(ourSignature)) {
countByMeta[ourSignature] ++ ;
// property n contains the count
countByMeta[ourSignature]['n'] ++ ;
// no need to check for min rec_id b/c loop in ascending order
else {
countByMeta[ourSignature] = 1 ;
countByMeta[ourSignature] = {'n':undefined,
countByMeta[ourSignature]['n'] = 1 ;
// we also take the min rec_id
// (to keep only one exemplar at deduplication)
countByMeta[ourSignature]['smallest_id'] = i ;
// also save record's "meta signature" for later lookup
rec.signature = ourSignature
......@@ -46,6 +46,25 @@ th a {
/* special effects for duplicate rows
* NB: top/bottom convention only works because of sort rule that always put smallest id first
.duplrowkeep {
/*border-top: 3px solid black*/
.duplrowdel {
background-color: #CCC;
border-bottom: 3px solid black
/* table titles */
th.dynatable-head {
vertical-align: middle !important;
/* notes under table titles */
th .note {
color: #ccc;
......@@ -77,6 +96,8 @@ p.note > input {
p.note > label {
float: left;
margin-bottom: 0 ;
padding-bottom: 0 ;
.smaller {
......@@ -89,7 +110,7 @@ p.note > label {
#my-ajax-table tr:hover {
cursor: pointer;
font-weight: bold;
/*font-weight: bold;*/
/* ngram states */
......@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@
<select id="docFilter" name="docFilter">
<option value="filter_all">All</option>
<option value="filter_favs">Favorite documents</option>
<option value="filter_dupl_tit">Duplicates (title)</option>
<option value="filter_dupl_all">Duplicates (title, date &amp; src)</option>
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