Commit fae2b9c0 authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

import terms table: better stats log and result format

parent 1b1417de
......@@ -86,7 +86,19 @@ class bulk_insert:
readline = read
def bulk_insert_ifnotexists(model, uniquekey, fields, data, cursor=None):
def bulk_insert_ifnotexists(model, uniquekey, fields, data, cursor=None, do_stats=False):
Inserts bulk data with an intermediate check on a uniquekey
(ex: Ngram.terms) to see if the row existed before.
If the row already existed we just retrieve its id.
If it didn't exist we create it and retrieve the id.
Returns a dict {uniquekey => id}
do stats: also returns the number of those that had no previous id
if cursor is None:
db, cursor = get_cursor()
mustcommit = True
......@@ -109,6 +121,7 @@ def bulk_insert_ifnotexists(model, uniquekey, fields, data, cursor=None):
sourcetable = model.__tablename__,
uniquecolumn = uniquekey,
# insert what has not been found to the real table
INSERT INTO {sourcetable} ({columns})
......@@ -119,6 +132,11 @@ def bulk_insert_ifnotexists(model, uniquekey, fields, data, cursor=None):
sourcetable = model.__tablename__,
columns = ', '.join(fields),
if do_stats:
# remember how many rows we inserted just now
n_new = cursor.rowcount
# retrieve dict associating unique key to id
SELECT, source.{uniquecolumn}
......@@ -130,10 +148,15 @@ def bulk_insert_ifnotexists(model, uniquekey, fields, data, cursor=None):
columns = ', '.join(fields),
result = {
# term : new_id
row[1]: row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()
# this is the end!
cursor.execute('DROP TABLE __tmp__')
if mustcommit:
if do_stats:
return result, n_new
return result
......@@ -253,7 +253,6 @@ def export_ngramlists(node,fname=None,delimiter="\t",titles=False):
this_corpus_all_rows = map_csv_rows + miam_csv_rows + stop_csv_rows
# choice of output: file or string
if fname == None:
out_file = StringIO()
elif type(fname) == str:
......@@ -317,6 +316,8 @@ def import_ngramlists(fname, delimiter='\t', group_delimiter='|'):
(creates absent ngrams if necessary)
=> use the new ids to map the relations involving the old ones
NB: the creation of MAINLIST also adds all elements from the MAPLIST
NB: To merge the imported lists into a corpus node's lists,
chain this function with merge_ngramlists()
......@@ -346,11 +347,17 @@ def import_ngramlists(fname, delimiter='\t', group_delimiter='|'):
# for stats
n_read_lines = 0
n_total_ng = 0
n_added_ng = 0
n_group_relations = 0
# load CSV + initial checks
for i, csv_row in enumerate(ngrams_csv_rows):
print("---------------READ LINE %i" % i)
# fyi
n_read_lines +=1
# print("---------------READ LINE %i" % i)
this_ng_oldid = str(csv_row[0])
this_ng_term = str(csv_row[1])
......@@ -398,19 +405,19 @@ def import_ngramlists(fname, delimiter='\t', group_delimiter='|'):
# fyi
n_read_lines +=1
# end of CSV read
# ======== ngram save + id lookup =========
# returns a dict {term => id}
new_ngrams_ids = bulk_insert_ifnotexists(
n_total_ng = len(imported_ngrams_dbdata)
# returns a dict {term => id} and a count of inserted ones
(new_ngrams_ids, n_added_ng) = bulk_insert_ifnotexists(
model = Ngram,
uniquekey = 'terms',
fields = ('terms', 'n'),
data = imported_ngrams_dbdata
data = imported_ngrams_dbdata,
do_stats = True
del imported_ngrams_dbdata
......@@ -421,34 +428,43 @@ def import_ngramlists(fname, delimiter='\t', group_delimiter='|'):
del new_ngrams_ids
del imported_ngrams_oldids
# print(import_nodes_ngrams)
# ======== Import into lists =========
# 3 x abstract lists
new_lists = {
# 3 x abstract lists + 1 translations
result = {
'map': UnweightedList(),
'main': UnweightedList(),
'stop': UnweightedList()
'stop': UnweightedList(),
'groupings' : Translations()
for list_type in import_nodes_ngrams:
for old_id in import_nodes_ngrams[list_type]:
new_id = old_to_new_id_map[old_id]
# add to the abstract list
# ======== Synonyms =========
new_groups = Translations()
# for main also add map elements
if list_type == 'main':
for old_id in import_nodes_ngrams['map']:
new_id = old_to_new_id_map[old_id]
# ======== Synonyms =========
for (x,y) in imported_groupings:
new_mainform_id = old_to_new_id_map[x]
new_subform_id = old_to_new_id_map[y]
# /!\ Translations use (subform => mainform) order
new_groups.items[new_subform_id] = new_mainform_id
result['groupings'].items[new_subform_id] = new_mainform_id
n_group_relations += 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
print("IMPORT: read %i lines from the CSV" % n_read_lines)
print("IMPORT: read %i terms (%i added and %i already existing)"
% (n_total_ng, n_added_ng, n_total_ng-n_added_ng) )
print("IMPORT: read %i grouping relations" % n_group_relations)
return (new_lists, new_groups)
return result
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