Commit ff38f3d1 authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

[TIDY] move ApiNgrams class from views/api/ to a new file:...

[TIDY] move ApiNgrams class from views/api/ to a new file: views/api/ because it corresponds to the generic route /api/ngrams and not only for analytics usage
parent 213d626b
from gargantext.util.http import ValidationException, APIView \ from gargantext.util.http import ValidationException, APIView \
, get_parameters, JsonHttpResponse, Http404\ , get_parameters, JsonHttpResponse, Http404\
, HttpResponse , HttpResponse
...@@ -265,180 +263,6 @@ class NodeNgramsQueries(APIView): ...@@ -265,180 +263,6 @@ class NodeNgramsQueries(APIView):
return CsvHttpResponse(sorted(result.items()), ('date', 'value'), 201) return CsvHttpResponse(sorted(result.items()), ('date', 'value'), 201)
# ?? TODO put in an file separately ?
# remark:
# the post() function is not used for analytics
# but was added here to use the same url "api/ngrams"
class ApiNgrams(APIView):
def get(self, request):
# parameters retrieval and validation
startwith = request.GET.get('startwith', '').replace("'", "\\'")
# query ngrams
ParentNode = aliased(Node)
ngrams_query = (session
.query(, Ngram.terms, func.sum(NodeNgram.weight).label('count'))
.join(NodeNgram, NodeNgram.ngram_id ==
.join(Node, == NodeNgram.node_id)
.group_by(, Ngram.terms)
# .group_by(Ngram)
.order_by(func.sum(NodeNgram.weight).desc(), Ngram.terms)
# filters
if 'startwith' in request.GET:
ngrams_query = ngrams_query.filter(Ngram.terms.startswith(request.GET['startwith']))
if 'contain' in request.GET:
ngrams_query = ngrams_query.filter(Ngram.terms.contains(request.GET['contain']))
if 'corpus_id' in request.GET:
corpus_id_list = list(map(int, request.GET.get('corpus_id', '').split(',')))
if corpus_id_list and corpus_id_list[0]:
ngrams_query = ngrams_query.filter(Node.parent_id.in_(corpus_id_list))
if 'ngram_id' in request.GET:
ngram_id_list = list(map(int, request.GET.get('ngram_id', '').split(',')))
if ngram_id_list and ngram_id_list[0]:
ngrams_query = ngrams_query.filter(
# pagination
offset = int(request.GET.get('offset', 0))
limit = int(request.GET.get('limit', 20))
total = ngrams_query.count()
# return formatted result
return JsonHttpResponse({
'pagination': {
'offset': offset,
'limit': limit,
'total': total,
'data': [
'terms': ngram.terms,
'count': ngram.count,
for ngram in ngrams_query[offset : offset+limit]
def put(self, request):
Basic external access for *creating an ngram*
1 - checks user authentication before any changes
2 - adds the ngram to Ngram table in DB
3 - (if corpus param is present)
adds the ngram doc counts to NodeNgram table in DB
(aka "index the ngram" throught the docs of the corpus)
4 - returns json with:
'msg' => a success msg
'text' => the initial text content
'term' => the normalized text content
'id' => the new ngram_id
'count' => the number of docs with the ngram in the corpus
(if corpus param is present)
possible inline parameters
@param text=<ngram_string> [required]
@param corpus=<CORPUS_ID> [optional]
from sqlalchemy import insert
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from re import findall
from gargantext.util.db_cache import cache
# import will implement the same text cleaning procedures as toolchain
from gargantext.util.toolchain.parsing import normalize_chars
from gargantext.util.toolchain.ngrams_extraction import normalize_forms
# for indexing
from gargantext.util.toolchain.ngrams_addition import index_new_ngrams
# 1 - check user authentication
if not request.user.is_authenticated():
res = HttpResponse("Unauthorized")
res.status_code = 401
return res
# the params
params = get_parameters(request)
print("PARAMS", [(i,v) for (i,v) in params.items()])
if 'text' in params:
original_text = str(params.pop('text'))
ngram_str = normalize_forms(normalize_chars(original_text))
raise ValidationException('The route PUT /api/ngrams/ is used to create a new ngram\
It requires a "text" parameter,\
for instance /api/ngrams?text=hydrometallurgy')
# if we have a 'corpus' param (to do the indexing)...
do_indexation = False
if 'corpus' in params:
# we retrieve the corpus...
corpus_id = int(params.pop('corpus'))
corpus_node = cache.Node[corpus_id]
# and the user must also have rights on the corpus
if == corpus_node.user_id:
do_indexation = True
res = HttpResponse("Unauthorized")
res.status_code = 401
return res
# number of "words" in the ngram
ngram_size = len(findall(r' +', ngram_str)) + 1
# do the additions
log_msg = ""
ngram_id = None
preexisting = session.query(Ngram).filter(Ngram.terms==ngram_str).first()
if preexisting is not None:
ngram_id =
log_msg += "ngram already existed (id %i)\n" % ngram_id
# 2 - insert into Ngrams
new_ngram = Ngram(terms=ngram_str, n=ngram_size)
ngram_id =
log_msg += "ngram was added with new id %i\n" % ngram_id
# 3 - index the term
if do_indexation:
n_added = index_new_ngrams([ngram_id], corpus_node)
log_msg += 'ngram indexed in corpus %i\n' % corpus_id
return JsonHttpResponse({
'msg': log_msg,
'text': original_text,
'term': ngram_str,
'id' : ngram_id,
'count': n_added if do_indexation else 'no corpus provided for indexation'
}, 200)
# just in case
except Exception as e:
return JsonHttpResponse({
'msg': str(e),
'text': original_text
}, 400)
_operators_dict = { _operators_dict = {
"=": lambda field, value: (field == value), "=": lambda field, value: (field == value),
"!=": lambda field, value: (field != value), "!=": lambda field, value: (field != value),
from gargantext.util.http import ValidationException, APIView \
, get_parameters, JsonHttpResponse\
, HttpResponse
from gargantext.util.db import session, func
from gargantext.util.db_cache import cache
from gargantext.models import Node, Ngram, NodeNgram
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
from re import findall
# ngrams put() will implement same text cleaning procedures as toolchain
from gargantext.util.toolchain.parsing import normalize_chars
from gargantext.util.toolchain.ngrams_extraction import normalize_forms
# for indexing
from gargantext.util.toolchain.ngrams_addition import index_new_ngrams
class ApiNgrams(APIView):
def get(self, request):
Used for analytics
Get ngram listing + counts in a given scope
# parameters retrieval and validation
startwith = request.GET.get('startwith', '').replace("'", "\\'")
# query ngrams
ParentNode = aliased(Node)
ngrams_query = (session
.query(, Ngram.terms, func.sum(NodeNgram.weight).label('count'))
.join(NodeNgram, NodeNgram.ngram_id ==
.join(Node, == NodeNgram.node_id)
.group_by(, Ngram.terms)
# .group_by(Ngram)
.order_by(func.sum(NodeNgram.weight).desc(), Ngram.terms)
# filters
if 'startwith' in request.GET:
ngrams_query = ngrams_query.filter(Ngram.terms.startswith(request.GET['startwith']))
if 'contain' in request.GET:
ngrams_query = ngrams_query.filter(Ngram.terms.contains(request.GET['contain']))
if 'corpus_id' in request.GET:
corpus_id_list = list(map(int, request.GET.get('corpus_id', '').split(',')))
if corpus_id_list and corpus_id_list[0]:
ngrams_query = ngrams_query.filter(Node.parent_id.in_(corpus_id_list))
if 'ngram_id' in request.GET:
ngram_id_list = list(map(int, request.GET.get('ngram_id', '').split(',')))
if ngram_id_list and ngram_id_list[0]:
ngrams_query = ngrams_query.filter(
# pagination
offset = int(request.GET.get('offset', 0))
limit = int(request.GET.get('limit', 20))
total = ngrams_query.count()
# return formatted result
return JsonHttpResponse({
'pagination': {
'offset': offset,
'limit': limit,
'total': total,
'data': [
'terms': ngram.terms,
'count': ngram.count,
for ngram in ngrams_query[offset : offset+limit]
def put(self, request):
Basic external access for *creating an ngram*
1 - checks user authentication before any changes
2 - adds the ngram to Ngram table in DB
3 - (if corpus param is present)
adds the ngram doc counts to NodeNgram table in DB
(aka "index the ngram" throught the docs of the corpus)
4 - returns json with:
'msg' => a success msg
'text' => the initial text content
'term' => the normalized text content
'id' => the new ngram_id
'count' => the number of docs with the ngram in the corpus
(if corpus param is present)
possible inline parameters
@param text=<ngram_string> [required]
@param corpus=<CORPUS_ID> [optional]
# 1 - check user authentication
if not request.user.is_authenticated():
res = HttpResponse("Unauthorized")
res.status_code = 401
return res
# the params
params = get_parameters(request)
print("PARAMS", [(i,v) for (i,v) in params.items()])
if 'text' in params:
original_text = str(params.pop('text'))
ngram_str = normalize_forms(normalize_chars(original_text))
raise ValidationException('The route PUT /api/ngrams/ is used to create a new ngram\
It requires a "text" parameter,\
for instance /api/ngrams?text=hydrometallurgy')
# if we have a 'corpus' param (to do the indexing)...
do_indexation = False
if 'corpus' in params:
# we retrieve the corpus...
corpus_id = int(params.pop('corpus'))
corpus_node = cache.Node[corpus_id]
# and the user must also have rights on the corpus
if == corpus_node.user_id:
do_indexation = True
res = HttpResponse("Unauthorized")
res.status_code = 401
return res
# number of "words" in the ngram
ngram_size = len(findall(r' +', ngram_str)) + 1
# do the additions
log_msg = ""
ngram_id = None
preexisting = session.query(Ngram).filter(Ngram.terms==ngram_str).first()
if preexisting is not None:
ngram_id =
log_msg += "ngram already existed (id %i)\n" % ngram_id
# 2 - insert into Ngrams
new_ngram = Ngram(terms=ngram_str, n=ngram_size)
ngram_id =
log_msg += "ngram was added with new id %i\n" % ngram_id
# 3 - index the term
if do_indexation:
n_added = index_new_ngrams([ngram_id], corpus_node)
log_msg += 'ngram indexed in corpus %i\n' % corpus_id
return JsonHttpResponse({
'msg': log_msg,
'text': original_text,
'term': ngram_str,
'id' : ngram_id,
'count': n_added if do_indexation else 'no corpus provided for indexation'
}, 200)
# just in case
except Exception as e:
return JsonHttpResponse({
'msg': str(e),
'text': original_text
}, 400)
from django.conf.urls import url from django.conf.urls import url
from . import nodes from . import nodes
from . import ngrams
from . import metrics from . import metrics
from . import ngramlists from . import ngramlists
from . import analytics from . import analytics
...@@ -9,9 +10,11 @@ urlpatterns = [ url(r'^nodes$' , nodes.NodeListResource.as_view() ...@@ -9,9 +10,11 @@ urlpatterns = [ url(r'^nodes$' , nodes.NodeListResource.as_view()
, url(r'^nodes/(\d+)$' , nodes.NodeResource.as_view() ) , url(r'^nodes/(\d+)$' , nodes.NodeResource.as_view() )
, url(r'^nodes/(\d+)/having$' , nodes.NodeListHaving.as_view() ) , url(r'^nodes/(\d+)/having$' , nodes.NodeListHaving.as_view() )
# Ngrams
, url(r'^ngrams/?$' , ngrams.ApiNgrams.as_view() )
# Analytics # Analytics
, url(r'^nodes/(\d+)/histories$', analytics.NodeNgramsQueries.as_view()) , url(r'^nodes/(\d+)/histories$', analytics.NodeNgramsQueries.as_view())
, url(r'^ngrams/$' , analytics.ApiNgrams.as_view() )
, url(r'hyperdata$' , analytics.ApiHyperdata.as_view() ) , url(r'hyperdata$' , analytics.ApiHyperdata.as_view() )
# get a list of ngram_ids or ngram_infos by list_id # get a list of ngram_ids or ngram_infos by list_id
# url(r'^ngramlists/(\d+)$', ngramlists.List.as_view()), # url(r'^ngramlists/(\d+)$', ngramlists.List.as_view()),
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