Commit 36424845 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

Fix incorrect count report

For small counts, this reported wrong number of documents (batch size
instead of the small count).
parent 9a434702
......@@ -30,18 +30,18 @@ getMetadataWithC :: Text -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Integer -> IO (Either ClientError
getMetadataWithC q start rows = do
manager' <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
-- First, estimate the total number of documents
eRes <- runHalAPIClient $ search (Just requestedFields) [q] Nothing (Just 0) (Just 1)
pure $ get' q start rows <$> eRes
eCount <- countResults q
pure $ get' q start rows <$> eCount
get' :: Text -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Integer -> Response Corpus -> (Maybe Integer, ConduitT () Corpus IO ())
get' q start rows (Response { _numFound }) =
get' :: Text -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Integer -> Integer -> (Maybe Integer, ConduitT () Corpus IO ())
get' q start rows numFound =
( Just numResults
, yieldMany [0..]
.| takeC (fromInteger numPages)
.| concatMapMC (getPage q start'))
start' = fromMaybe 0 start
rows' = fromMaybe _numFound rows
rows' = min numFound $ fromMaybe numFound rows
numResults = rows' - (fromIntegral start')
numPages = numResults `div` (fromIntegral batchSize) + 1
......@@ -61,11 +61,8 @@ countResults :: Text -> IO (Either ClientError Integer)
countResults q = do
manager' <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
-- First, estimate the total number of documents
eRes <- runHalAPIClient $ search (Just requestedFields) [q] Nothing (Just 0) (Just 1)
pure $ count' <$> eRes
count' :: Response Corpus -> Integer
count' (Response { _numFound }) = _numFound
eRes <- runHalAPIClient $ search (Just requestedFields) [q] Nothing (Just 0) (Just 1) :: IO (Either ClientError (Response Corpus))
pure $ _numFound <$> eRes
requestedFields :: Text
requestedFields = "docid,title_s,abstract_s,submittedDate_s,source_s,authFullName_s,authOrganism_s"
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