Commit 0b9e0385 authored by Alp Mestanogullari's avatar Alp Mestanogullari

Add client executable to run 'scripts' against a running Garg backend

parent 41fe94e7
module Auth where
import Core
import Options
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Options.Generic
import Servant.Client
import qualified Servant.Auth.Client as SA
import Gargantext.API.Client
import qualified Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth.Types as Auth
import qualified Gargantext.Core.Types.Individu as Auth
import qualified Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node as Node
-- | Authenticate and use the resulting Token to perform
-- auth-restricted actions
:: ClientOpts -- ^ source of user/pass data
-> (SA.Token -> Node.NodeId -> ClientM a) -- ^ do something once authenticated
-> ClientM a
withAuthToken opts act
-- both user and password CLI arguments passed
| Helpful (Just usr) <- user opts
, Helpful (Just pw) <- pass opts = do
authRes <- postAuth (Auth.AuthRequest usr (Auth.GargPassword pw))
case Auth._authRes_valid authRes of
-- authentication failed, this function critically needs it to
-- be able to run the action, so we abort
Nothing -> problem $
"invalid auth response: " ++
maybe "" (show . Auth._authInv_message)
(Auth._authRes_inval authRes)
-- authentication went through, we can run the action
Just (Auth.AuthValid tok tree_id) -> do
let tok' = SA.Token (encodeUtf8 tok)
whenVerbose opts $ do
liftIO . putStrLn $ "[Debug] Authenticated: token=" ++ show tok ++
", tree_id=" ++ show tree_id
act tok' tree_id
-- user and/or pass CLI arguments not passed
| otherwise =
problem "auth-protected actions require --user and --pass"
module Core (problem, whenVerbose) where
import Options
import Options.Generic
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Servant.Client
newtype GargClientException = GCE String
instance Show GargClientException where
show (GCE s) = "Garg client exception: " ++ s
instance Exception GargClientException
-- | Abort with a message
problem :: String -> ClientM a
problem = throwM . GCE
-- | Only run the given computation when the @--verbose@ flag is
-- passed.
whenVerbose :: Monad m => ClientOpts -> m () -> m ()
whenVerbose opts act = when (unHelpful $ verbose opts) act
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Options.Generic
import Servant.Client
import Options
import Script (script)
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- we parse CLI options
opts@(ClientOpts (Helpful uri) _ _ (Helpful verb)) <- getRecord "Gargantext client"
mgr <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
burl <- parseBaseUrl uri
when verb $ do
putStrLn $ "[Debug] user: " ++ maybe "<none>" show (unHelpful $ user opts)
putStrLn $ "[Debug] backend: " ++ show burl
-- we run 'script' from the Script module, reporting potential errors
res <- runClientM (script opts) (mkClientEnv mgr burl)
case res of
Left err -> putStrLn $ "[Client error] " ++ show err
Right a -> print a
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Options where
import Options.Generic
-- | Some general options to be specified on the command line.
data ClientOpts = ClientOpts
{ url :: String <?> "URL to gargantext backend"
, user :: Maybe Text <?> "(optional) username for auth-restricted actions"
, pass :: Maybe Text <?> "(optional) password for auth-restricted actions"
, verbose :: Bool <?> "Enable verbose output"
} deriving (Generic, Show)
instance ParseRecord ClientOpts
module Script (script) where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Gargantext.API.Client
import Servant.Client
import Auth
import Core
import Options
import Tracking
-- | An example script. Tweak, rebuild and re-run the executable to see the
-- effect of your changes. You can hit any gargantext endpoint in the body
-- of 'script' using the many (many!) client functions exposed by the
-- 'Gargantext.API.Client' module.
-- Don't forget to pass @--user@ and @--pass@ if you're using 'withAuthToken'.
script :: ClientOpts -> ClientM ()
script opts = do
-- we start by asking the backend for its version
ver <- getBackendVersion
liftIO . putStrLn $ "Backend version: " ++ show ver
-- next we authenticate using the credentials given on the command line
-- (through --user and --pass), erroring out loudly if the auth creds don't
-- go through, running the continuation otherwise.
withAuthToken opts $ \tok userNode -> do
liftIO . putStrLn $ "user node: " ++ show userNode
steps <-
-- we run a few client computations while tracking some EKG metrics
-- (any RTS stats or routing-related data), which means that we sample the
-- metrics at the beginning, the end, and in between each pair of steps.
tracking opts ["rts.gc.bytes_allocated"]
[ ("get roots", do
roots <- getRoots tok
liftIO . putStrLn $ "roots: " ++ show roots
, ("get user node detail", do
userNodeDetail <- getNode tok userNode
liftIO . putStrLn $ "user node details: " ++ show userNodeDetail
-- we pretty print the values we sampled for all metrics and the
-- results of all the steps
whenVerbose opts (ppTracked steps)
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Tracking
( tracking
, ppTracked
, EkgMetric
, Step
) where
import Core
import Options
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Servant.Client
import System.Metrics.Json (Value)
import Gargantext.API.Client
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- | e.g @["rts", "gc", "bytes_allocated"]@
type EkgMetric = [Text]
-- | Any textual description of a step
type Step = Text
-- | Track EKG metrics before/after running a bunch of computations
-- that can talk to the backend.
:: ClientOpts
-> [Text] -- ^ e.g @["rts.gc.bytes_allocated"]@
-> [(Step, ClientM a)]
-> ClientM [Either [(EkgMetric, Value)] (Step, a)]
-- no steps, nothing to do
tracking _ _ [] = return []
-- no metrics to track, we just run the steps
tracking _ [] steps = traverse runStep steps
-- metrics to track: we intersperse metric fetching and steps,
-- starting and ending with metric fetching
tracking opts ms' steps = mix (Left <$> fetchMetrics) (map runStep steps)
where fetchMetrics :: ClientM [(EkgMetric, Value)]
fetchMetrics = flip traverse ms $ \metric -> do
whenVerbose opts $
liftIO . putStrLn $ "[Debug] metric to track: " ++ T.unpack (T.intercalate "." metric)
dat <- (metric,) <$> getMetricSample metric
whenVerbose opts $
liftIO . putStrLn $ "[Debug] metric pulled: " ++ show dat
return dat
mix :: ClientM a -> [ClientM a] -> ClientM [a]
mix x xs = sequence $ [x] ++ intersperse x xs ++ [x]
ms = map (T.splitOn ".") ms'
-- ^ A trivial function to print results of steps and sampled metrics
ppTracked :: Show a => [Either [(EkgMetric, Value)] (Step, a)] -> ClientM ()
ppTracked [] = return ()
ppTracked (Right (step, a) : rest) = do
liftIO . putStrLn $ "[step: " ++ T.unpack step ++ "] returned: " ++ show a
ppTracked rest
ppTracked (Left ms : rest) = do
liftIO . putStrLn $ unlines
[ T.unpack (T.intercalate "." metric) ++ " = " ++ show val
| (metric, val) <- ms
ppTracked rest
runStep :: (Step, ClientM a) -> ClientM (Either e (Step, a))
runStep (step, act) = Right . (step,) <$> act
packages: .
-- ../servant-job
-- ../ekg-json
-- ../../../code/servant/servant
-- ../../../code/servant/servant-server
-- ../../../code/servant/servant-client-core
-- ../../../code/servant/servant-client
-- ../../../code/servant/servant-auth/servant-auth
-- ../../../code/servant/servant-auth/servant-auth-client
-- ../../../code/servant/servant-auth/servant-auth-server
allow-newer: base, accelerate, servant, time
allow-newer: base, accelerate, servant, time, classy-prelude
-- Patches
......@@ -20,7 +11,7 @@ source-repository-package
type: git
tag: c7bde4851a7cd41b3f3debf0c57f11bbcb11d698
tag: fd7e5d7325939103cd87d0dc592faf644160341c
type: git
......@@ -53,7 +44,7 @@ source-repository-package
type: git
tag: a9d8e08a7ef82f90e29dfaced4071704a3163394
tag: 9cdba6423decad5acfacb0f274212fd8723ce734
type: git
......@@ -112,7 +103,7 @@ source-repository-package
type: git
tag: d3ab7acd5ede737478763630035aa880f7e34444
tag: 756cb90f4ce725463d957bc899d764e0ed73738c
type: git
......@@ -146,4 +137,5 @@ source-repository-package
constraints: unordered-containers==0.2.14.*,
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -freduction-depth=0 #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O0 #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O0 #-}
module Gargantext.API.Client where
......@@ -55,17 +55,18 @@ import Servant.Job.Core
import Servant.Job.Types
import System.Metrics.Json (Sample, Value)
-- * actual client functions for individual endpoints
-- * version API
getBackendVersion :: ClientM Text
-- * auth API
postAuth :: AuthRequest -> ClientM AuthResponse
-- * admin api
getRoots :: Token -> ClientM [Node HyperdataUser]
putRoots :: Token -> ClientM Int -- not actually implemented in the backend
deleteNodes :: Token -> [NodeId] -> ClientM Int
-- * node api
getNode :: Token -> NodeId -> ClientM (Node HyperdataAny)
getContext :: Token -> ContextId -> ClientM (Node HyperdataAny)
renameNode :: Token -> NodeId -> RenameNode -> ClientM [Int]
......@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ killNodeDocumentUploadAsyncJob :: Token -> NodeId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> Maybe Limi
pollNodeDocumentUploadAsyncJob :: Token -> NodeId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe Offset -> ClientM (JobStatus 'Safe JobLog)
waitNodeDocumentUploadAsyncJob :: Token -> NodeId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> ClientM (JobOutput JobLog)
-- corpus api
-- * corpus api
getCorpus :: Token -> CorpusId -> ClientM (Node HyperdataCorpus)
renameCorpus :: Token -> CorpusId -> RenameNode -> ClientM [Int]
postCorpus :: Token -> CorpusId -> PostNode -> ClientM [CorpusId]
......@@ -244,13 +245,13 @@ killCorpusDocumentUploadAsyncJob :: Token -> CorpusId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> Maybe
pollCorpusDocumentUploadAsyncJob :: Token -> CorpusId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe Offset -> ClientM (JobStatus 'Safe JobLog)
waitCorpusDocumentUploadAsyncJob :: Token -> CorpusId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> ClientM (JobOutput JobLog)
-- corpus node/node API
-- * corpus node/node API
getCorpusNodeNode :: Token -> NodeId -> NodeId -> ClientM (Node HyperdataAny)
-- corpus export API
-- * corpus export API
getCorpusExport :: Token -> CorpusId -> Maybe ListId -> Maybe NgramsType -> ClientM Corpus
-- * annuaire api
getAnnuaire :: Token -> AnnuaireId -> ClientM (Node HyperdataAnnuaire)
renameAnnuaire :: Token -> AnnuaireId -> RenameNode -> ClientM [Int]
postAnnuaire :: Token -> AnnuaireId -> PostNode -> ClientM [AnnuaireId]
......@@ -338,17 +339,17 @@ killAnnuaireDocumentUploadAsyncJob :: Token -> AnnuaireId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> Ma
pollAnnuaireDocumentUploadAsyncJob :: Token -> AnnuaireId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe Offset -> ClientM (JobStatus 'Safe JobLog)
waitAnnuaireDocumentUploadAsyncJob :: Token -> AnnuaireId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> ClientM (JobOutput JobLog)
-- contact api
-- * contact api
postAnnuaireContactAsync :: Token -> AnnuaireId -> ClientM (JobStatus 'Safe JobLog)
postAnnuaireContactAsyncJob :: Token -> AnnuaireId -> JobInput Maybe AddContactParams -> ClientM (JobStatus 'Safe JobLog)
killAnnuaireContactAsyncJob :: Token -> AnnuaireId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe Offset -> ClientM (JobStatus 'Safe JobLog)
pollAnnuaireContactAsyncJob :: Token -> AnnuaireId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe Offset -> ClientM (JobStatus 'Safe JobLog)
waitAnnuaireContactAsyncJob :: Token -> AnnuaireId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> ClientM (JobOutput JobLog)
-- contact node/node API
-- * contact node/node API
getAnnuaireContactNodeNode :: Token -> NodeId -> NodeId -> ClientM (Node HyperdataContact)
-- document ngrams api
-- * document ngrams api
getDocumentNgramsTable :: Token -> DocId -> TabType -> ListId -> Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe ListType -> Maybe MinSize -> Maybe MaxSize -> Maybe Ngrams.OrderBy -> Maybe Text -> ClientM (VersionedWithCount NgramsTable)
putDocumentNgramsTable :: Token -> DocId -> TabType -> ListId -> Versioned NgramsTablePatch -> ClientM (Versioned NgramsTablePatch)
postRecomputeDocumentNgramsTableScore :: Token -> DocId -> TabType -> ListId -> ClientM Int
......@@ -359,15 +360,14 @@ killDocumentNgramsTableAsyncJob :: Token -> DocId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> Maybe Limi
pollDocumentNgramsTableAsyncJob :: Token -> DocId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe Offset -> ClientM (JobStatus 'Safe JobLog)
waitDocumentNgramsTableAsyncJob :: Token -> DocId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> ClientM (JobOutput JobLog)
-- document export API
-- * document export API
getDocumentExportJSON :: Token -> DocId -> ClientM DocumentExport.DocumentExport
getDocumentExportCSV :: Token -> DocId -> ClientM Text
--getDocumentExportCSV :: Token -> DocId -> ClientM [DocumentExport.Document]
-- count api
-- * count api
postCountQuery :: Token -> Query -> ClientM Counts
-- graph api
-- * graph api
getGraphHyperdata :: Token -> NodeId -> ClientM HyperdataGraphAPI
postGraphAsync :: Token -> NodeId -> ClientM (JobStatus 'Safe JobLog)
postGraphAsyncJob :: Token -> NodeId -> JobInput Maybe () -> ClientM (JobStatus 'Safe JobLog)
......@@ -382,6 +382,7 @@ postGraphRecomputeVersion :: Token -> NodeId -> ClientM Graph
getTree :: Token -> NodeId -> [NodeType] -> ClientM (Tree NodeTree)
getTreeFirstLevel :: Token -> NodeId -> [NodeType] -> ClientM (Tree NodeTree)
-- * new corpus API
postNewCorpusWithFormAsync :: Token -> NodeId -> ClientM (JobStatus 'Safe JobLog)
postNewCorpusWithFormAsyncJob :: Token -> NodeId -> JobInput Maybe NewWithForm -> ClientM (JobStatus 'Safe JobLog)
killNewCorpusWithFormAsyncJob :: Token -> NodeId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe Offset -> ClientM (JobStatus 'Safe JobLog)
......@@ -394,6 +395,7 @@ killNewCorpusWithQueryAsyncJob :: Token -> NodeId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> Maybe Limi
pollNewCorpusWithQueryAsyncJob :: Token -> NodeId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe Offset -> ClientM (JobStatus 'Safe JobLog)
waitNewCorpusWithQueryAsyncJob :: Token -> NodeId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> ClientM (JobOutput JobLog)
-- * list API
getList :: Token -> NodeId -> ClientM (Headers '[Header "Content-Disposition" Text] (Map NgramsType (Versioned NgramsTableMap)))
postListJsonUpdateAsync :: Token -> NodeId -> ClientM (JobStatus 'Safe JobLog)
postListJsonUpdateAsyncJob :: Token -> NodeId -> JobInput Maybe WithFile -> ClientM (JobStatus 'Safe JobLog)
......@@ -407,11 +409,14 @@ killListCsvUpdateAsyncJob :: Token -> NodeId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> Maybe Limit ->
pollListCsvUpdateAsyncJob :: Token -> NodeId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe Offset -> ClientM (JobStatus 'Safe JobLog)
waitListCsvUpdateAsyncJob :: Token -> NodeId -> JobID 'Unsafe -> ClientM (JobOutput JobLog)
-- * public API
getPublicData :: ClientM [PublicData]
getPublicNodeFile :: NodeId -> ClientM (Headers '[Header "Content-Type" Text] BSResponse)
-- ekg api
-- * ekg api
-- | get a sample of all metrics
getMetricsSample :: ClientM Sample
-- | open @<backend:port\/ekg\/index.html@ to see a list of metrics
getMetricSample :: [Text] -> ClientM Value
-- * unpacking of client functions to derive all the individual clients
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ extra-deps:
- git:
commit: 8cb8aaf2962ad44d319fcea48442e4397b3c49e8
- git:
commit: c7bde4851a7cd41b3f3debf0c57f11bbcb11d698
commit: fd7e5d7325939103cd87d0dc592faf644160341c
# Databases libs
- git:
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