Eleve: mean noNaNs

parent ab1b7497
......@@ -154,6 +154,9 @@ toTree k (Node c e cs) = Tree.Node (k, c, Just e) (map (uncurry toTree) $ Map.t
nan :: Floating e => e
nan = 0 / 0
noNaNs :: P.RealFloat e => [e] -> [e]
noNaNs = filter (not . P.isNaN)
updateIfDefined :: P.RealFloat e => e -> e -> e
updateIfDefined e0 e | P.isNaN e = e0
| otherwise = e
......@@ -170,7 +173,7 @@ entropyTrie pred (Node c () children) = Node c e (map (entropyTrie pred) childre
normalizeLevel :: Entropy e => [e] -> e -> e
normalizeLevel = checkDiff (go . filter (not . P.isNaN))
normalizeLevel = checkDiff (go . noNaNs)
-- checkDiff f es e = let e' = f es e in if e == e' then e' else trace ("normalizeLevel: diff " <> show e <> " " <> show e') e'
......@@ -199,7 +202,7 @@ nodeChildren (Leaf _) = Map.empty
class IsTrie trie where
buildTrie :: Floating e => [[Token]] -> trie Token e
nodeEntropy :: Floating e => Getting e i e -> trie k i -> e
nodeEntropy :: Entropy e => Getting e i e -> trie k i -> e
nodeChild :: Ord k => k -> trie k e -> trie k e
findTrie :: Ord k => [k] -> trie k e -> trie k e
normalizeEntropy :: Entropy e
......@@ -255,7 +258,7 @@ levels = L.takeWhile (not . L.null) . L.iterate (L.concatMap subForest) . pure
subForest (Node _ _ children) = Map.elems children
entropyLevels :: Entropy e => Getting e i e -> Trie k i -> [[e]]
entropyLevels inE = fmap (filter (not . P.isNaN) . map (nodeEntropy inE)) . levels
entropyLevels inE = fmap (noNaNs . map (nodeEntropy inE)) . levels
......@@ -269,7 +272,8 @@ instance IsTrie Tries where
, _bwd = buildTrie (reverse <$> tts)
nodeEntropy inE (Tries fwd bwd) = mean [nodeEntropy inE fwd, nodeEntropy inE bwd]
nodeEntropy inE (Tries fwd bwd) =
mean $ noNaNs [nodeEntropy inE fwd, nodeEntropy inE bwd]
findTrie ks (Tries fwd bwd) = Tries (findTrie ks fwd) (findTrie (reverse ks) bwd)
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