Commit 27c08f8f authored by Nicolas Pouillard's avatar Nicolas Pouillard

getTableNgrams more timing infos

parent 35d2b25a
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as InsOrdHashMap
import Data.Swagger hiding (version, patch)
import Data.Text (Text, isInfixOf, count)
import Data.Validity
import Formatting (hprint, (%))
import Formatting (hprint, int, (%))
import Formatting.Clock (timeSpecs)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefix, unPrefixSwagger)
......@@ -997,15 +997,20 @@ getTableNgrams _nType nId tabType listId limit_ offset
setScores False table = pure table
setScores True table = do
let ngrams_terms = (table ^.. each . ne_ngrams)
t1 <- getTime'
occurrences <- getOccByNgramsOnlyFast nId
t2 <- getTime'
liftIO $ hprint stderr
("getTableNgrams/setScores #ngrams=" % int % " time=" % timeSpecs % "\n")
(length ngrams_terms) t1 t2
occurrences <- getOccByNgramsOnlySlow nType nId
(lIds <> [listId])
setOcc ne = ne & ne_occurrences .~ sumOf (at (ne ^. ne_ngrams) . _Just) occurrences
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