Commit 37a36aba authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[refactoring] rewrite for better record syntax

parent bfc3b776
......@@ -22,9 +22,11 @@ default-extensions:
- FlexibleInstances
- GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
- MultiParamTypeClasses
- NamedFieldPuns
- NoImplicitPrelude
- OverloadedStrings
- RankNTypes
- RecordWildCards
source-dirs: src
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ import System.IO (FilePath)
data Mode = Dev | Mock | Prod
deriving (Show, Read, Generic)
deriving (Show, Read, Generic)
-- | startGargantext takes as parameters port number and Ini file.
startGargantext :: Mode -> PortNumber -> FilePath -> IO ()
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Gargantext.API.Node.Corpus.Searx where
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ Portability : POSIX
Count API part of Gargantext.
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
......@@ -33,73 +33,74 @@ data School = School { school_shortName :: Text
schools :: [School]
schools = [ School
("Mines Albi-Carmaux")
("Mines Albi-Carmaux - École nationale supérieure des Mines d'Albi‐Carmaux")
{ school_shortName = "Mines Albi-Carmaux"
, school_longName = "Mines Albi-Carmaux - École nationale supérieure des Mines d'Albi‐Carmaux"
, school_id = "469216" }
, School
("Mines Alès")
("EMA - École des Mines d'Alès")
{ school_shortName = "Mines Alès"
, school_longName = "EMA - École des Mines d'Alès"
, school_id = "6279" }
, School
("Mines Douai")
("Mines Douai EMD - École des Mines de Douai")
{ school_shortName = "Mines Douai"
, school_longName = "Mines Douai EMD - École des Mines de Douai"
, school_id = "224096" }
, School
("Mines Lille")
("Mines Lille - École des Mines de Lille")
{ school_shortName = "Mines Lille"
, school_longName = "Mines Lille - École des Mines de Lille"
, school_id = "144103" }
, School
("IMT Lille Douai")
("IMT Lille Douai")
{ school_shortName = "IMT Lille Douai"
, school_longName = "IMT Lille Douai"
, school_id = "497330" }
, School
("Mines Nantes")
("Mines Nantes - Mines Nantes")
{ school_shortName = "Mines Nantes"
, school_longName = "Mines Nantes - Mines Nantes"
, school_id = "84538" }
, School
("Télécom Bretagne")
("Télécom Bretagne")
{ school_shortName = "Télécom Bretagne"
, school_longName = "Télécom Bretagne"
, school_id = "301262" }
, School
("IMT Atlantique")
("IMT Atlantique - IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire")
{ school_shortName = "IMT Atlantique"
, school_longName = "IMT Atlantique - IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire"
, school_id = "481355" }
, School
("Mines Saint-Étienne")
("Mines Saint-Étienne MSE - École des Mines de Saint-Étienne")
{ school_shortName = "Mines Saint-Étienne"
, school_longName = "Mines Saint-Étienne MSE - École des Mines de Saint-Étienne"
, school_id = "29212" }
, School
("Télécom École de Management")
("TEM - Télécom Ecole de Management")
{ school_shortName = "Télécom École de Management"
, school_longName = "TEM - Télécom Ecole de Management"
, school_id = "301442" }
, School
("IMT Business School")
("IMT Business School")
{ school_shortName = "IMT Business School"
, school_longName = "IMT Business School"
, school_id = "542824" }
, School
("Télécom ParisTech")
("Télécom ParisTech")
{ school_shortName = "Télécom ParisTech"
, school_longName = "Télécom ParisTech"
, school_id = "300362" }
, School
("Télécom SudParis")
("TSP - Télécom SudParis")
{ school_shortName = "Télécom SudParis"
, school_longName = "TSP - Télécom SudParis"
, school_id = "352124" }
, School
{ school_shortName = "ARMINES"
, school_longName = "ARMINES"
, school_id = "300362" }
, School
{ school_shortName = "Eurecom"
, school_longName = "Eurecom"
, school_id = "421532" }
, School
("Mines ParisTech")
("MINES ParisTech - École nationale supérieure des mines de Paris")
{ school_shortName = "Mines ParisTech"
, school_longName = "MINES ParisTech - École nationale supérieure des mines de Paris"
, school_id = "301492" }
mapIdSchool :: Map Text Text
mapIdSchool = M.fromList $ (\(School n _ i) -> (i,n)) schools
mapIdSchool = M.fromList $
(\(School { school_shortName, school_id }) -> (school_id, school_shortName)) schools
hal_data :: IO (Either Prelude.String (DV.Vector CsvHal))
hal_data = do
......@@ -75,37 +75,39 @@ data IMTUser = IMTUser
-- | CSV instance
instance FromNamedRecord IMTUser where
parseNamedRecord r = IMTUser <$> r .: "id"
<*> r .: "entite"
<*> r .: "mail"
<*> r .: "nom"
<*> r .: "prenom"
<*> r .: "fonction"
<*> r .: "fonction2"
<*> r .: "tel"
<*> r .: "fax"
<*> r .: "service"
<*> r .: "groupe"
<*> r .: "entite2"
<*> r .: "service2"
<*> r .: "groupe2"
<*> r .: "bureau"
<*> r .: "url"
<*> r .: "pservice"
<*> r .: "pfonction"
<*> r .: "afonction"
<*> r .: "afonction2"
<*> r .: "grprech"
<*> r .: "appellation"
<*> r .: "lieu"
<*> r .: "aprecision"
<*> r .: "atel"
<*> r .: "sexe"
<*> r .: "statut"
<*> r .: "idutilentite"
<*> r .: "actif"
<*> r .: "idutilsiecoles"
<*> r .: "date_modification"
parseNamedRecord r = do
id <- r .: "id"
entite <- r .: "entite"
mail <- r .: "mail"
nom <- r .: "nom"
prenom <- r .: "prenom"
fonction <- r .: "fonction"
fonction2 <- r .: "fonction2"
tel <- r .: "tel"
fax <- r .: "fax"
service <- r .: "service"
groupe <- r .: "groupe"
entite2 <- r .: "entite2"
service2 <- r .: "service2"
groupe2 <- r .: "groupe2"
bureau <- r .: "bureau"
url <- r .: "url"
pservice <- r .: "pservice"
pfonction <- r .: "pfonction"
afonction <- r .: "afonction"
afonction2 <- r .: "afonction2"
grprech <- r .: "grprech"
appellation <- r .: "appellation"
lieu <- r .: "lieu"
aprecision <- r .: "aprecision"
atel <- r .: "atel"
sexe <- r .: "sexe"
statut <- r .: "statut"
idutilentite <- r .: "idutilentite"
actif <- r .: "actif"
idutilsiecoles <- r .: "idutilsiecoles"
date_modification <- r .: "date_modification"
pure $ IMTUser {..}
headerCSVannuaire :: Header
headerCSVannuaire =
......@@ -136,15 +138,54 @@ deserialiseFromFile' filepath = deserialise <$> BL.readFile filepath
imtUser2gargContact :: IMTUser -> HyperdataContact
imtUser2gargContact (IMTUser id' entite' mail' nom' prenom' fonction' _fonction2' tel' _fax'
service' _groupe' _entite2 _service2 _group2 bureau' url' _pservice' _pfonction' _afonction' _afonction2'
_grprech' _appellation' lieu' _aprecision' _atel' _sexe' _statut' _idutilentite'
_actif' _idutilsiecoles' date_modification')
= HyperdataContact (Just "IMT Annuaire") (Just qui) [ou] ((<>) <$> (fmap (\p -> p <> " ") prenom') <*> nom') entite' date_modification' Nothing Nothing
qui = ContactWho id' prenom' nom' (catMaybes [service']) []
ou = ContactWhere (toList entite') (toList service') fonction' bureau' (Just "France") lieu' contact Nothing Nothing
contact = Just $ ContactTouch mail' tel' url'
-- meta = ContactMetaData (Just "IMT annuaire") date_modification'
toList Nothing = []
toList (Just x) = [x]
--imtUser2gargContact (IMTUser id' entite' mail' nom' prenom' fonction' _fonction2' tel' _fax'
-- service' _groupe' _entite2 _service2 _group2 bureau' url' _pservice' _pfonction' _afonction' _afonction2'
-- _grprech' _appellation' lieu' _aprecision' _atel' _sexe' _statut' _idutilentite'
-- _actif' _idutilsiecoles' date_modification')
-- = HyperdataContact (Just "IMT Annuaire") (Just qui) [ou] ((<>) <$> (fmap (\p -> p <> " ") prenom') <*> nom') entite' date_modification' Nothing Nothing
imtUser2gargContact (IMTUser { id
, entite
, mail
, nom
, prenom
, fonction
, tel
, service
, bureau
, url
, lieu
, date_modification }) =
HyperdataContact { _hc_bdd = Just "IMT Annuaire"
, _hc_who = Just qui
, _hc_where = [ou]
, _hc_title = title
, _hc_source = entite
, _hc_lastValidation = date_modification
, _hc_uniqIdBdd = Nothing
, _hc_uniqId = Nothing }
title = (<>) <$> (fmap (\p -> p <> " ") prenom) <*> nom
qui = ContactWho { _cw_id = id
, _cw_firstName = prenom
, _cw_lastName = nom
, _cw_keywords = catMaybes [service]
, _cw_freetags = [] }
ou = ContactWhere { _cw_organization = toList entite
, _cw_labTeamDepts = toList service
, _cw_role = fonction
, _cw_office = bureau
, _cw_country = Just "France"
, _cw_city = lieu
, _cw_touch = contact
, _cw_entry = Nothing
, _cw_exit = Nothing }
contact = Just $ ContactTouch { _ct_mail = mail
, _ct_phone = tel
, _ct_url = url }
-- meta = ContactMetaData (Just "IMT annuaire") date_modification'
toList Nothing = []
toList (Just x) = [x]
......@@ -50,3 +50,6 @@ instance Arbitrary GraphMetric where
arbitrary = elements [ minBound .. maxBound ]
......@@ -82,7 +82,9 @@ readNodeStoryEnv :: NodeStoryDir -> IO NodeStoryEnv
readNodeStoryEnv nsd = do
mvar <- nodeStoryVar nsd Nothing [0]
saver <- mkNodeStorySaver nsd mvar
pure $ NodeStoryEnv mvar saver (nodeStoryVar nsd (Just mvar))
pure $ NodeStoryEnv { _nse_var = mvar
, _nse_saver = saver
, _nse_getter = nodeStoryVar nsd (Just mvar) }
mkNodeStorySaver :: NodeStoryDir -> MVar NodeListStory -> IO (IO ())
......@@ -212,7 +214,9 @@ repoToNodeListStory (Repo _v s h) = NodeStory $ Map.fromList ns
h' = ngramsStatePatch_migration h
ns = (\(n,ns')
-> (n, let hs = fromMaybe [] (Map.lookup n h') in
Archive (List.length hs) ns' hs
Archive { _a_version = List.length hs
, _a_state = ns'
, _a_history = hs }
) $ Map.toList s'
......@@ -276,10 +280,17 @@ instance Serialise NgramsStatePatch'
-- TODO Semigroup instance for unions
-- TODO check this
instance (Semigroup s, Semigroup p) => Semigroup (Archive s p) where
(<>) (Archive _v _s p) (Archive v' s' p') = Archive v' s' (p' <> p)
(<>) (Archive { _a_history = p }) (Archive { _a_version = v'
, _a_state = s'
, _a_history = p'}) =
Archive { _a_version = v'
, _a_state = s'
, _a_history = p' <> p }
instance Monoid (Archive NgramsState' NgramsStatePatch') where
mempty = Archive 0 mempty []
mempty = Archive { _a_version = 0
, _a_state = mempty
, _a_history = [] }
instance (FromJSON s, FromJSON p) => FromJSON (Archive s p) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ unPrefix "_a_"
......@@ -293,13 +304,17 @@ initNodeStory :: Monoid s => NodeId -> NodeStory s p
initNodeStory ni = NodeStory $ Map.singleton ni initArchive
initArchive :: Monoid s => Archive s p
initArchive = Archive 0 mempty []
initArchive = Archive { _a_version = 0
, _a_state = mempty
, _a_history = [] }
initNodeListStoryMock :: NodeListStory
initNodeListStoryMock = NodeStory $ Map.singleton nodeListId archive
nodeListId = 0
archive = Archive 0 ngramsTableMap []
archive = Archive { _a_version = 0
, _a_state = ngramsTableMap
, _a_history = [] }
ngramsTableMap = Map.singleton TableNgrams.NgramsTerms
$ Map.fromList
[ (n ^. ne_ngrams, ngramsElementToRepo n)
......@@ -70,9 +70,11 @@ Children are not modified in this specific case.
-- | Old list get -1 score
-- New list get +1 score
-- Hence others lists lay around 0 score
addScorePatch fl (t, (NgramsPatch children' (Patch.Replace old_list new_list))) =
addScorePatch fl (t, (NgramsPatch { _patch_children
, _patch_list = Patch.Replace old_list new_list })) =
-- Adding new 'Children' score
addScorePatch fl' (t, NgramsPatch children' Patch.Keep)
addScorePatch fl' (t, NgramsPatch { _patch_children
, _patch_list = Patch.Keep })
-- | Adding new 'ListType' score
fl' = fl & flc_scores . at t %~ (score fls_listType old_list (-1))
......@@ -80,8 +82,9 @@ addScorePatch fl (t, (NgramsPatch children' (Patch.Replace old_list new_list)))
& flc_cont %~ (HashMap.delete t)
-- | Patching existing Ngrams with children
addScorePatch fl (p, NgramsPatch children' Patch.Keep) =
foldl' addChild fl $ patchMSet_toList children'
addScorePatch fl (p, NgramsPatch { _patch_children
, _patch_list = Patch.Keep }) =
foldl' addChild fl $ patchMSet_toList _patch_children
-- | Adding a child
addChild fl' (t, Patch.Replace Nothing (Just _)) = doLink ( 1) p t fl'
......@@ -92,20 +95,24 @@ addScorePatch fl (p, NgramsPatch children' Patch.Keep) =
addChild fl' _ = fl'
-- | Inserting a new Ngrams
addScorePatch fl (t, NgramsReplace Nothing (Just nre)) =
addScorePatch fl (t, NgramsReplace { _patch_old = Nothing
, _patch_new = Just nre }) =
childrenScore 1 t (nre ^. nre_children)
$ fl & flc_scores . at t %~ (score fls_listType $ nre ^. nre_list) 1
& flc_cont %~ (HashMap.delete t)
addScorePatch fl (t, NgramsReplace (Just old_nre) maybe_new_nre) =
addScorePatch fl (t, NgramsReplace { _patch_old = Just old_nre
, _patch_new = maybe_new_nre }) =
let fl' = childrenScore (-1) t (old_nre ^. nre_children)
$ fl & flc_scores . at t %~ (score fls_listType $ old_nre ^. nre_list) (-1)
& flc_cont %~ (HashMap.delete t)
in case maybe_new_nre of
Nothing -> fl'
Just new_nre -> addScorePatch fl' (t, NgramsReplace Nothing (Just new_nre))
Just new_nre -> addScorePatch fl' (t, NgramsReplace { _patch_old = Nothing
, _patch_new = Just new_nre })
addScorePatch fl (_, NgramsReplace Nothing Nothing) = fl
addScorePatch fl (_, NgramsReplace { _patch_old = Nothing
, _patch_new = Nothing }) = fl
-- | Utils
......@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ Starting from this model, a specific Gargantext engine will be made
(using more metrics scores/features).
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Gargantext.Core.Text.Search where
import Data.SearchEngine
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