Commit 3803107e authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[ci] remove nix in stack.yaml

parent 43efa783
Pipeline #2266 canceled with stage
in 25 minutes and 51 seconds
......@@ -42,33 +42,3 @@ test:
- stack test --no-terminal --fast
# stage: test
# script:
# - make test-unit
# stage: test
# script:
# - make test-int
# stage: test
# script:
# - make test-e2e
# If you find yourself with a non-sensical build error when you know your project should be building just fine, this fragment should help:
# stage: build
# script:
# # Clear out cache files
# - rm -rf .stack
# - rm -rf .stack-work
# - stack setup --system-ghc
# - stack install --local-bin-path target --system-ghc
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ docker:
skip-ghc-check: true
enable: true
enable: false
add-gc-roots: true
shell-file: nix/stack-shell.nix
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