Commit 3be142c7 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[TREE] Realistic tree.

parent 3b5bca7c
......@@ -56,18 +56,27 @@ gargNode = [userTree]
-- | User Tree simplified
userTree :: Tree NodeTree
userTree = NodeT (NodeTree "user A" NodeUser 1) [projectTree]
userTree = TreeN (NodeTree "user name" NodeUser 1) $
[leafT $ NodeTree "MyPage" UserPage 0] <>
[annuaireTree, projectTree]
-- | Project Tree
projectTree :: Tree NodeTree
projectTree = NodeT (NodeTree "Project A" Project 2) [corpusTree]
projectTree = TreeN (NodeTree "Project CNRS/IMT" Project 2) [corpusTree 10 "A", corpusTree 20 "B"]
type Individu = Document
-- | Corpus Tree
corpusTree :: Tree NodeTree
corpusTree = NodeT (NodeTree "Corpus A" NodeCorpus 3) ( [ leafT $ NodeTree "Doc" Document 4]
<> [ leafT (NodeTree "List A" Lists 5) ]
<> [ leafT (NodeTree "Metrics A" Metrics 6) ]
<> [ leafT (NodeTree "Class A" Classification 7)]
annuaireTree :: Tree NodeTree
annuaireTree = TreeN (NodeTree "Annuaire" Annuaire 41) ( [leafT $ NodeTree "IMT" Individu 42]
<> [leafT $ NodeTree "CNRS" Individu 43]
corpusTree :: NodeId -> Text -> Tree NodeTree
corpusTree nId t = TreeN (NodeTree ("Corpus " <> t) NodeCorpus nId) ( [ leafT $ NodeTree "Documents" Document (nId +1)]
-- <> [ leafT $ NodeTree "My lists" Lists 5]
-- <> [ leafT (NodeTree "Metrics A" Metrics 6) ]
-- <> [ leafT (NodeTree "Class A" Classification 7)]
-- TODO make instances of Nodes
......@@ -88,7 +97,6 @@ data Lists = StopList | MainList | MapList | GroupList
-- | Community Manager Use Case
type Annuaire = NodeCorpus
type Individu = Document
-- | Favorites Node enable Node categorization
type Favorites = Node HyperdataFavorites
......@@ -134,11 +142,11 @@ type Offset = Int
-- All the Database is structred like a hierarchical Tree
data Tree a = NodeT a [Tree a]
data Tree a = TreeN a [Tree a]
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Generic)
instance ToJSON (Tree NodeTree) where
toJSON (NodeT node nodes) =
toJSON (TreeN node nodes) =
object ["node" A..= toJSON node, "children" A..= toJSON nodes]
instance FromJSON (Tree NodeTree)
......@@ -151,4 +159,4 @@ instance Arbitrary (Tree NodeTree) where
-- data Tree a = NodeT a [Tree a]
-- same as Data.Tree
leafT :: a -> Tree a
leafT x = NodeT x []
leafT x = TreeN x []
......@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ type NodeCorpus = Node HyperdataCorpus
type Document = Node HyperdataDocument
data NodeType = NodeUser | Project | Folder | NodeCorpus | Annuaire | Document | UserPage | DocumentCopy | Favorites
data NodeType = NodeUser | Project | Folder | NodeCorpus | Annuaire | Document | Individu | UserPage | DocumentCopy | Favorites
| Classification
| Lists
| Metrics | Occurrences
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