Commit 3edc87d8 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[john-snow] implement pos/lemma language

parent 39f51130
Pipeline #2426 canceled with stage
......@@ -32,16 +32,24 @@ import Gargantext.Core.Text.Terms.Multi.PosTagging.Types
import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefix)
data JSSpell = JSPOS | JSLemma
data JSSpell = JSPOS Lang | JSLemma Lang
deriving (Show)
instance ToJSON JSSpell where
toJSON JSPOS = "pos"
toJSON JSLemma = "lemma"
toJSON (JSPOS EN) = "en.pos"
toJSON (JSPOS FR) = "fr.pos"
toJSON (JSPOS All) = "pos"
toJSON (JSLemma EN) = "en.lemma"
toJSON (JSLemma FR) = "fr.lemma"
toJSON (JSLemma All) = "lemma"
instance FromJSON JSSpell where
parseJSON (String "pos") = pure JSPOS
parseJSON (String "lemma") = pure JSLemma
parseJSON (String "en.pos") = pure $ JSPOS EN
parseJSON (String "fr.pos") = pure $ JSPOS FR
parseJSON (String "pos") = pure $ JSPOS All
parseJSON (String "en.lemma") = pure $ JSLemma EN
parseJSON (String "fr.lemma") = pure $ JSLemma FR
parseJSON (String "lemma") = pure $ JSLemma All
parseJSON s =
prependFailure "parsing spell failed, "
(typeMismatch "Spell" s)
......@@ -172,9 +180,9 @@ waitForJsTask jsTask = wait' 0
wait' $ counter + 1
getPosTagAndLems :: Lang -> Text -> IO PosSentences
getPosTagAndLems _l t = do
jsPosTask <- jsRequest t JSPOS
jsLemmaTask <- jsRequest t JSLemma
getPosTagAndLems l t = do
jsPosTask <- jsRequest t (JSPOS l)
jsLemmaTask <- jsRequest t (JSLemma l)
-- wait for both tasks
jsPos <- waitForJsTask jsPosTask
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