Commit 5c20ad2f authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FIX] typos

parent 4d89fa1b
......@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ isEmail = ((==) 2) . List.length . (splitOn "@")
data SendEmail = SendEmail Bool
type EmailAddress = Text
type Name = Text
type ServerAdress = Text
type EmailAddress = Text
type Name = Text
type ServerAddress = Text
data MailModel = Invitation { invitation_user :: NewUser GargPassword }
| PassUpdate { passUpdate_user :: NewUser GargPassword }
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ data MailModel = Invitation { invitation_user :: NewUser GargPassword }
mail :: ServerAdress -> MailModel -> IO ()
mail :: ServerAddress -> MailModel -> IO ()
mail server model = gargMail (GargMail m (Just u) subject body)
(m,u) = email_to model
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ mail server model = gargMail (GargMail m (Just u) subject body)
body = emailWith server model
emailWith :: ServerAdress -> MailModel -> Text
emailWith :: ServerAddress -> MailModel -> Text
emailWith server model =
unlines $ [ "Hello" ]
<> bodyWith server model
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ email_to' :: NewUser GargPassword -> (EmailAddress, Name)
email_to' (NewUser u m _) = (u,m)
bodyWith :: ServerAdress -> MailModel -> [Text]
bodyWith :: ServerAddress -> MailModel -> [Text]
bodyWith server (Invitation u) = [ "Congratulation, you have been granted a beta user account to test the"
, "new GarganText platform!"
] <> (email_credentials server u)
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ email_subject (PassUpdate _) = "[GarganText] Update"
email_subject (MailInfo _ _) = "[GarganText] Info"
email_credentials :: ServerAdress -> NewUser GargPassword -> [Text]
email_credentials :: ServerAddress -> NewUser GargPassword -> [Text]
email_credentials server (NewUser u _ (GargPassword p)) =
[ ""
, "You can log in to: " <> server
......@@ -258,7 +258,10 @@ insertMasterDocs c lang hs = do
-- this will enable global database monitoring
-- maps :: IO Map Ngrams (Map NgramsType (Map NodeId Int))
mapNgramsDocs <- mapNodeIdNgrams <$> documentIdWithNgrams (extractNgramsT $ withLang lang documentsWithId) documentsWithId
mapNgramsDocs <- mapNodeIdNgrams
<$> documentIdWithNgrams
(extractNgramsT $ withLang lang documentsWithId)
terms2id <- insertNgrams $ Map.keys mapNgramsDocs
-- to be removed
......@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ guessUserName n = case splitOn "@" n of
_ -> Nothing
newUser' :: HasNodeError err
=> ServerAdress -> NewUser GargPassword -> Cmd err Int64
=> ServerAddress -> NewUser GargPassword -> Cmd err Int64
newUser' address u = newUsers' address [u]
newUsers' :: HasNodeError err
=> ServerAdress -> [NewUser GargPassword] -> Cmd err Int64
=> ServerAddress -> [NewUser GargPassword] -> Cmd err Int64
newUsers' address us = do
us' <- liftBase $ mapM toUserHash us
r <- insertUsers $ map toUserWrite us'
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