Commit 62f57e5a authored by qlobbe's avatar qlobbe

add the reBranch

parent 815ab543
......@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ data Conf =
, timeGrain :: Int
, timeStep :: Int
, timeFrame :: Int
, timeFrameTh :: Double
, timeTh :: Double
, timeSens :: Double
, reBranchThr :: Double
......@@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ main = do
let mFis = DM.fromListWith (++) $ DL.sortOn (fst . fst) $ map (\f -> (getFisPeriod f,[f])) fis
let query = PhyloQueryBuild (phyloName conf) "" (timeGrain conf) (timeStep conf)
(Fis $ FisParams True (fisSupport conf) (fisClique conf)) [] [] (WeightedLogJaccard $ WLJParams (timeTh conf) (timeSens conf)) (timeFrame conf)
(Fis $ FisParams True (fisSupport conf) (fisClique conf)) [] [] (WeightedLogJaccard $ WLJParams (timeTh conf) (timeSens conf)) (timeFrame conf) (timeFrameTh conf)
(reBranchThr conf) (reBranchNth conf) (phyloLevel conf)
(RelatedComponents $ RCParams $ WeightedLogJaccard $ WLJParams (clusterTh conf) (clusterSens conf))
......@@ -352,6 +352,7 @@ data PhyloQueryBuild = PhyloQueryBuild
-- Inter-temporal matching method of the Phylo
, _q_interTemporalMatching :: Proximity
, _q_interTemporalMatchingFrame :: Int
, _q_interTemporalMatchingFrameTh :: Double
, _q_reBranchThr :: Double
, _q_reBranchNth :: Int
......@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ module Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.BranchMaker
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Control.Lens hiding (both, Level)
import Data.List (concat,nub,(++),tail,sortOn,take,reverse,sort,null,intersect,union)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.List (concat,nub,(++),tail,sortOn,take,reverse,sort,null,intersect,union,delete)
import Data.Map (Map,(!), fromListWith, elems)
import Data.Tuple (fst, snd)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo
......@@ -48,13 +48,6 @@ getGroupsNgrams :: [PhyloGroup] -> [Int]
getGroupsNgrams gs = (sort . nub . concat) $ map getGroupNgrams gs
-- | Get the Nth most coocurent Ngrams in a list of Groups
getGroupsPeaks :: [PhyloGroup] -> Int -> Phylo -> [Int]
getGroupsPeaks gs nth p = getNthMostOcc nth
$ getSubCooc (getGroupsNgrams gs)
$ getCooc (getGroupsPeriods gs) p
areDistant :: (Date,Date) -> (Date,Date) -> Int -> Bool
areDistant prd prd' thr = (((fst prd') - (snd prd)) > thr) || (((fst prd) - (snd prd')) > thr)
......@@ -65,61 +58,67 @@ areTwinPeaks thr ns ns' = ( ((fromIntegral . length) $ intersect ns ns')
/ ((fromIntegral . length) $ union ns ns')) >= thr
findSimBranches :: Int -> Double -> Int -> Phylo -> (PhyloBranchId,[PhyloGroup]) -> [(PhyloBranchId,[PhyloGroup])] -> [(PhyloBranchId,[PhyloGroup])]
findSimBranches frame thr nth p (id,gs) bs
= filter (\(_ ,gs') -> areTwinPeaks thr pks (getGroupsPeaks gs' nth p))
$ filter (\(_ ,gs') -> (not . null) $ intersect ns (getGroupsNgrams gs'))
$ filter (\(_ ,gs') -> areDistant prd (getFramedPeriod gs') frame)
$ filter (\(id',_ ) -> id /= id') bs
prd :: (Date,Date)
prd = getFramedPeriod gs
ns :: [Int]
ns = getGroupsNgrams gs
pks :: [Int]
pks = getGroupsPeaks gs nth p
findBestPointer :: Phylo -> Proximity -> [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup] -> [(PhyloGroupId,Pointer)]
findBestPointer p prox gs gs' =
let candidates = map (\g -> let pts = findBestCandidates' prox gs' g p
in map (\pt -> (getGroupId g,pt)) pts) gs
candidates' = candidates `using` parList rdeepseq
in take 1 $ reverse $ sortOn (snd . snd) $ concat candidates'
-- | Get the framing period of a branch ([[PhyloGroup]])
getBranchPeriod :: [PhyloGroup] -> (Date,Date)
getBranchPeriod gs =
let dates = sort $ foldl (\mem g -> mem ++ [fst $ getGroupPeriod g, snd $ getGroupPeriod g]) [] gs
in (head' "getBranchPeriod" dates, last' "getBranchPeriod" dates)
makeBranchLinks :: Phylo -> Proximity -> (PhyloBranchId,[PhyloGroup]) -> [(PhyloBranchId,[PhyloGroup])] -> [(PhyloGroupId,Pointer)] -> [(PhyloGroupId,Pointer)]
makeBranchLinks p prox (id,gs) bs pts
| null bs = pts
| otherwise = makeBranchLinks p prox (head' "makeLink" bs) (tail bs) (pts ++ pts')
pts' :: [(PhyloGroupId,Pointer)]
pts' = concat $ map (\(_id,gs') -> findBestPointer p prox gs gs') candidates
candidates :: [(PhyloBranchId,[PhyloGroup])]
candidates = findSimBranches (getPhyloMatchingFrame p) (getPhyloReBranchThr p) (getPhyloReBranchNth p) p (id,gs) bs
linkPhyloBranches :: Level -> Proximity -> Phylo -> Phylo
linkPhyloBranches lvl prox p = setPhyloBranches lvl
$ updateGroups Descendant lvl pointers p
pointers :: Map PhyloGroupId [Pointer]
pointers = Map.fromList $ map (\(_id,(_id',_w)) -> (_id,[(_id',100)]))
$ makeBranchLinks p prox (head' "makeLink" branches) (tail branches) []
branches :: [(PhyloBranchId,[PhyloGroup])]
branches = sortOn (\(_id,gs) -> fst $ getFramedPeriod gs) $ getGroupsByBranches p
-- | Get the Nth most coocurent Ngrams in a list of Groups
getGroupsPeaks :: [PhyloGroup] -> Int -> Phylo -> [Int]
getGroupsPeaks gs nth p = getNthMostOcc nth
$ getSubCooc (getGroupsNgrams gs)
$ getCooc (getGroupsPeriods gs) p
-- | Reduce a list of branches ([[Phylogroup]]) into possible candidates for rebranching
filterSimBranches :: [PhyloGroup] -> Phylo -> [[PhyloGroup]] -> [[PhyloGroup]]
filterSimBranches gs p branches = filter (\gs' -> (areTwinPeaks (getPhyloReBranchThr p)
(getGroupsPeaks gs (getPhyloReBranchNth p) p)
(getGroupsPeaks gs' (getPhyloReBranchNth p) p))
&& ((not . null) $ intersect (map getGroupNgrams gs') (map getGroupNgrams gs))
&& (areDistant (getBranchPeriod gs) (getBranchPeriod gs') (getPhyloMatchingFrame p))
) branches
-- | Try to connect a focused branch to other candidate branches by finding the best pointers
reBranch :: Phylo -> [PhyloGroup] -> [[PhyloGroup]] -> [(PhyloGroupId,Pointer)]
reBranch p branch candidates =
let newLinks = map (\branch' ->
let pointers = map (\g ->
-- define pairs of candidates groups
let pairs = listToPairs
$ filter (\g' -> (not . null) $ intersect (getGroupNgrams g') (getGroupNgrams g)) branch'
-- process the matching between the pairs and the current group
in foldl' (\mem (g2,g3) -> let s = 0.1 + matchWithPairs g (g2,g3) p
in if (g2 == g3)
then mem ++ [(getGroupId g,(getGroupId g2,s))]
else mem ++ [(getGroupId g,(getGroupId g2,s)),(getGroupId g,(getGroupId g3,s))]) [] pairs
) branch
pointers' = pointers `using` parList rdeepseq
-- keep the best pointer between the focused branch and the current candidates
in head' "reBranch" $ reverse $ sortOn (snd . snd)
$ filter (\(_,(_,s)) -> filterProximity s $ getPhyloProximity p) $ concat pointers'
) candidates
newLinks' = newLinks `using` parList rdeepseq
in newLinks'
reLinkPhyloBranches :: Level -> Phylo -> Phylo
reLinkPhyloBranches lvl p =
let pointers = Map.fromList $ map (\(_id,(_id',_s)) -> (_id,[(_id',100)])) $ fst
$ foldl' (\(pts,branches') gs -> (pts ++ (reBranch p gs (filterSimBranches gs p branches')), delete gs branches'))
([],branches) branches
in setPhyloBranches lvl $ updateGroups Descendant lvl pointers p
branches :: [[PhyloGroup]]
branches = elems
$ fromListWith (++)
$ foldl' (\mem g -> case getGroupBranchId g of
Nothing -> mem
Just i -> mem ++ [(i,[g])] )
[] $ getGroupsWithLevel lvl p
......@@ -128,22 +127,25 @@ linkPhyloBranches lvl prox p = setPhyloBranches lvl
-- | To transform a PhyloGraph into a list of PhyloBranches by using the relatedComp clustering
graphToBranches :: [PhyloGroup] -> Phylo -> [(Int,PhyloGroupId)]
graphToBranches groups p = concat
$ map (\(idx,gs) -> map (\g -> (idx,getGroupId g)) gs)
graphToBranches :: [PhyloGroup] -> Map PhyloGroupId Int
graphToBranches groups = Map.fromList
$ concat
$ map (\(idx,gIds) -> map (\id -> (id,idx)) gIds)
$ zip [1..]
$ relatedComp
$ map (\g -> nub $ [g] ++ (getGroupParents g p) ++ (getGroupChilds g p)) groups
$ map (\g -> [getGroupId g] ++ (getGroupPeriodParentsId g) ++ (getGroupPeriodChildsId g)) groups
-- | To set all the PhyloBranches for a given Level in a Phylo
setPhyloBranches :: Level -> Phylo -> Phylo
setPhyloBranches lvl p = alterGroupWithLevel (\g ->
let bIdx = (fst $ head' "branchMaker"
$ filter (\b -> snd b == getGroupId g) branches)
let bIdx = branches ! (getGroupId g)
in over (phylo_groupBranchId) (\_ -> Just (lvl,bIdx)) g) lvl p
branches :: [(Int,PhyloGroupId)]
branches = graphToBranches (getGroupsWithLevel lvl p) p
branches :: Map PhyloGroupId Int
branches = graphToBranches (getGroupsWithLevel lvl p)
-- trace' bs = trace bs
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ queryEx = "title=Cesar et Cleôpatre"
phyloQueryBuild :: PhyloQueryBuild
phyloQueryBuild = PhyloQueryBuild "Cesar et Cleôpatre" "An example of Phylomemy (french without accent)"
5 3 defaultFis [] [] (WeightedLogJaccard $ WLJParams 0.6 20) 5 0.5 4 2 (RelatedComponents $ RCParams $ WeightedLogJaccard $ WLJParams 0.4 0)
5 3 defaultFis [] [] (WeightedLogJaccard $ WLJParams 0.6 20) 5 0.8 0.5 4 2 (RelatedComponents $ RCParams $ WeightedLogJaccard $ WLJParams 0.4 0)
......@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ toNthLevel lvlMax prox clus p
| otherwise = toNthLevel lvlMax prox clus
$ traceBranches (lvl + 1)
$ setPhyloBranches (lvl + 1)
$ traceTranspose (lvl + 1)
$ transposePeriodLinks (lvl + 1)
$ tracePhyloN (lvl + 1)
$ setLevelLinks (lvl, lvl + 1)
......@@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ toNthLevel lvlMax prox clus p
toPhylo1 :: Cluster -> Proximity -> Map (Date, Date) [Document] -> Phylo -> Phylo
toPhylo1 clus prox d p = case clus of
Fis (FisParams k s t) -> traceReBranches 1
-- $ linkPhyloBranches 1 prox
-- $ reLinkPhyloBranches 1
$ traceBranches 1
$ setPhyloBranches 1
$ traceTempoMatching Descendant 1
......@@ -310,6 +311,12 @@ tracePhyloN lvl p = trace ("\n---------------\n--| Phylo " <> show (lvl) <> " |-
<> show (length $ getGroupsWithLevel lvl p) <> " groups created \n") p
traceTranspose :: Level -> Phylo -> Phylo
traceTranspose lvl p = trace ("----\nTranspose "
<> show (length $ getGroupsWithLevel lvl p) <> " groups in Phylo "
<> show (lvl) <> "\n") p
tracePhyloBase :: Phylo -> Phylo
tracePhyloBase p = trace ( "\n-------------\n--| Phylo |--\n-------------\n\n"
<> show (length $ _phylo_periods p) <> " periods from "
......@@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ filterProximity score prox = case prox of
_ -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.LinkMaker.filterProximity] Unknown proximity"
makePairs :: [(Date,Date)] -> PhyloGroup -> Phylo -> [(PhyloGroup,PhyloGroup)]
makePairs prds g p = filter (\pair -> ((last' "makePairs" prds) == (getGroupPeriod $ fst pair))
|| ((last' "makePairs" prds) == (getGroupPeriod $ snd pair)))
......@@ -111,47 +110,9 @@ makePairs prds g p = filter (\pair -> ((last' "makePairs" prds) == (getGroupPeri
$ filter (\g' -> (elem (getGroupPeriod g') prds)
&& ((not . null) $ intersect (getGroupNgrams g) (getGroupNgrams g'))
&& (((last' "makePairs" prds) == (getGroupPeriod g))
||((matchWithPairs g (g,g') p) >= (getThreshold $ getPhyloProximity p))))
||((matchWithPairs g (g,g') p) >= (getPhyloMatchingFrameTh p))))
$ getGroupsWithLevel (getGroupLevel g) p
-- | Find the best candidates to be time-linked with a group g1 (recursively until the limit of periods is reached)
-- | 1) find the next periods and get the mini cooc matrix of g1
-- | 2) build the pairs of candidates (single groups or tuples)
-- | 3) process the proximity mesure and select the best ones to create the pointers (ie: all the max)
findBestCandidates :: Filiation -> Int -> Int -> Proximity -> [(Date,Date)] -> PhyloGroup -> Phylo -> ([Pointer],[Double])
findBestCandidates filiation depth limit proximity periods g1 phylo
| depth > limit || null nextPeriods = ([],[])
| (not . null) pointers = (head' "findBestCandidates" $ groupBy (\x y -> snd x == snd y) pointers
,map snd similarities)
| otherwise = findBestCandidates filiation (depth + 1) limit proximity periods g1 phylo
pointers :: [(PhyloGroupId, Double)]
pointers = reverse $ sortOn snd $ filter (\(_,score) -> filterProximity score proximity) similarities
similarities :: [(PhyloGroupId, Double)]
similarities = concat $ map (\(g2,g3) ->
let nbDocs = periodsToNbDocs [(getGroupPeriod g1),(getGroupPeriod g2),(getGroupPeriod g3)] phylo
cooc' = if (g2 == g3)
then getGroupCooc g2
else unionWith (+) (getGroupCooc g2) (getGroupCooc g3)
ngrams' = if (g2 == g3)
then getGroupNgrams g2
else union (getGroupNgrams g2) (getGroupNgrams g3)
score = processProximity proximity nbDocs (getGroupCooc g1) cooc' (getGroupNgrams g1) ngrams'
in if (g2 == g3)
then [(getGroupId g2,score)]
else [(getGroupId g2,score),(getGroupId g3,score)] ) pairsOfCandidates
pairsOfCandidates :: [(PhyloGroup,PhyloGroup)]
pairsOfCandidates = makePairs nextPeriods g1 phylo
nextPeriods :: [(Date,Date)]
nextPeriods = take depth periods
matchWithPairs :: PhyloGroup -> (PhyloGroup,PhyloGroup) -> Phylo -> Double
matchWithPairs g1 (g2,g3) p =
let nbDocs = periodsToNbDocs [(getGroupPeriod g1),(getGroupPeriod g2),(getGroupPeriod g3)] p
......@@ -189,39 +150,7 @@ phyloGroupMatching periods g p = case pointers of
else [(getGroupId t,proxi),(getGroupId t',proxi)] ) pairs ) ) []
-- | [[1900],[1900,1901],[1900,1901,1902],...] | length max => + 5 years
$ inits periods
findBestCandidates' :: Proximity -> [PhyloGroup] -> PhyloGroup -> Phylo -> [Pointer]
findBestCandidates' proximity candidates g1 phylo = pointers
pointers :: [(PhyloGroupId, Double)]
pointers = reverse $ sortOn snd $ filter (\(_,score) -> case proximity of
WeightedLogJaccard (WLJParams thr _) -> score >= (thr - 0.1)
Hamming (HammingParams thr) -> score <= thr
_ -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.LinkMaker.findBestCandidates'] Unknown proximity"
) similarities
similarities :: [(PhyloGroupId, Double)]
similarities = concat $ map (\(g2,g3) -> let nbDocs = periodsToNbDocs [(getGroupPeriod g1),(getGroupPeriod g2),(getGroupPeriod g3)] phylo
cooc' = unionWith (+) (getGroupCooc g2) (getGroupCooc g3)
ngrams' = union (getGroupNgrams g2) (getGroupNgrams g3)
score = processProximity proximity nbDocs cooc cooc' ngrams ngrams'
in nub $ [(getGroupId g2,score),(getGroupId g3,score)]) pairsOfCandidates
pairsOfCandidates :: [(PhyloGroup,PhyloGroup)]
pairsOfCandidates = listToFullCombi candidates
cooc :: Map (Int,Int) Double
cooc = getGroupCooc g1
ngrams :: [Int]
ngrams = getGroupNgrams g1
-- | To add some Pointer to a PhyloGroup
......@@ -277,12 +206,6 @@ toBranches mem gs
interTempoMatching :: Filiation -> Level -> Proximity -> Phylo -> Phylo
interTempoMatching fil lvl _ p = updateGroups fil lvl (Map.fromList pointers) p
-- debug :: [Pointers]
-- debug = concat $ map (snd) pointers
-- pointersMap :: Map PhyloGroupId [Pointer]
-- pointersMap = Map.fromList $ map (\(id,x) -> (id,fst x)) pointers
pointers :: [(PhyloGroupId,[Pointer])]
pointers =
......@@ -299,33 +222,41 @@ interTempoMatching fil lvl _ p = updateGroups fil lvl (Map.fromList pointers) p
-- | Make links from Period to Period after level 1
toLevelUp :: [Pointer] -> Phylo -> [Pointer]
toLevelUp lst p = Map.toList
$ map (\ws -> maximum ws)
$ fromListWith (++) [(id, [w]) | (id, w) <-
let pointers = map (\(id,v) -> (getGroupLevelParentId $ getGroupFromId id p, v)) lst
pointers' = pointers `using` parList rdeepseq
in pointers' ]
-- | Transpose the parent/child pointers from one level to another
transposePeriodLinks :: Level -> Phylo -> Phylo
transposePeriodLinks lvl p = alterGroupWithLevel
(\g ->
transposePeriodLinks lvl p = alterPhyloGroups
(\gs -> if ((not . null) gs) && (elem lvl $ map getGroupLevel gs)
let groups = map (\g -> g & phylo_groupPeriodParents .~ (trackPointers (reduceGroups g lvlGroups)
$ g ^. phylo_groupPeriodParents)
& phylo_groupPeriodChilds .~ (trackPointers (reduceGroups g lvlGroups)
$ g ^. phylo_groupPeriodChilds )) gs
groups' = groups `using` parList rdeepseq
in groups'
else gs
) p
let ascLink = toLevelUp (getGroupPeriodParents g) p
desLink = toLevelUp (getGroupPeriodChilds g) p
-- | find an other way to find the group from the id
trackPointers :: Map PhyloGroupId PhyloGroup -> [Pointer] -> [Pointer]
trackPointers m pts = Map.toList
$ fromListWith (\w w' -> max w w')
$ map (\(id,_w) -> (getGroupLevelParentId $ m ! id,_w)) pts
reduceGroups :: PhyloGroup -> [PhyloGroup] -> Map PhyloGroupId PhyloGroup
reduceGroups g gs = Map.fromList
$ map (\g' -> (getGroupId g',g'))
$ filter (\g' -> ((not . null) $ intersect (getGroupNgrams g) (getGroupNgrams g'))) gs
in g & phylo_groupPeriodParents .~ ascLink
& phylo_groupPeriodChilds .~ desLink
lvlGroups :: [PhyloGroup]
lvlGroups = getGroupsWithLevel (lvl - 1) p
) lvl p
-- | Tracer | --
traceMatching :: Filiation -> Level -> Double -> [Double] -> Phylo -> Phylo
traceMatching fil lvl thr lst p = trace ( "----\n" <> show (fil) <> " unfiltered temporal Matching in Phylo" <> show (lvl) <> " :\n"
<> "count : " <> show (length lst) <> " potential pointers (" <> show (length $ filter (>= thr) lst) <> " >= " <> show (thr) <> ")\n"
......@@ -22,8 +22,11 @@ import Data.List (concat,null,nub,(++),elemIndex,groupBy,(!!), (\\), unio
import Data.Map (fromList,mapKeys)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo
-- import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.Tools
relatedComp :: [[PhyloGroup]] -> [[PhyloGroup]]
-- import Debug.Trace (trace)
relatedComp :: Eq a => [[a]] -> [[a]]
relatedComp graphs = foldl' (\mem groups ->
if (null mem)
then mem ++ [groups]
......@@ -202,6 +202,9 @@ getPhyloDescription p = _q_phyloTitle $ _phyloParam_query $ getPhyloParams p
getPhyloMatchingFrame :: Phylo -> Int
getPhyloMatchingFrame p = _q_interTemporalMatchingFrame $ _phyloParam_query $ getPhyloParams p
getPhyloMatchingFrameTh :: Phylo -> Double
getPhyloMatchingFrameTh p = _q_interTemporalMatchingFrameTh $ _phyloParam_query $ getPhyloParams p
getPhyloProximity :: Phylo -> Proximity
getPhyloProximity p = _q_interTemporalMatching $ _phyloParam_query $ getPhyloParams p
......@@ -392,13 +395,19 @@ getGroups = view ( phylo_periods
-- | To get all PhyloGroups matching a list of PhyloGroupIds in a Phylo
getGroupsFromIds :: [PhyloGroupId] -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup]
getGroupsFromIds ids p = filter (\g -> elem (getGroupId g) ids) $ getGroups p
-- | To get all PhyloGroups matching a list of PhyloGoupIds in a Phylo
-- getGroupsFromIds :: [PhyloGroupId] -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup]
-- getGroupsFromIds ids p = filter (\g -> elem (getGroupId g) ids) $ getGroups p
-- | To get a PhyloGroup matching a PhyloGroupId in a Phylo
getGroupFromId :: PhyloGroupId -> Phylo -> PhyloGroup
getGroupFromId id p = (head' "getGroupFromId") $ getGroupsFromIds [id] p
getGroupFromId id p =
let groups = Map.fromList $ map (\g -> (getGroupId g, g)) $ getGroups p
in groups ! id
getGroupsFromIds :: [PhyloGroupId] -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup]
getGroupsFromIds ids p =
let groups = Map.fromList $ map (\g -> (getGroupId g, g)) $ getGroups p
in elems $ restrictKeys groups (Set.fromList ids)
-- | To get the corresponding list of PhyloGroups from a list of PhyloNodes
......@@ -810,10 +819,10 @@ initWeightedLogJaccard (def 0 -> thr) (def 0.01 -> sens) = WLJParams thr sens
-- | To initialize a PhyloQueryBuild from given and default parameters
initPhyloQueryBuild :: Text -> Text -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Cluster -> Maybe [Metric] -> Maybe [Filter] -> Maybe Proximity -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Double -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Level -> Maybe Cluster -> PhyloQueryBuild
initPhyloQueryBuild :: Text -> Text -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Cluster -> Maybe [Metric] -> Maybe [Filter] -> Maybe Proximity -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Double -> Maybe Double -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Level -> Maybe Cluster -> PhyloQueryBuild
initPhyloQueryBuild name desc (def 5 -> grain) (def 3 -> steps) (def defaultFis -> cluster) (def [] -> metrics) (def [] -> filters)
(def defaultWeightedLogJaccard -> matching') (def 5 -> frame) (def 0.5 -> reBranchThr) (def 4 -> reBranchNth) (def 2 -> nthLevel) (def defaultRelatedComponents -> nthCluster) =
PhyloQueryBuild name desc grain steps cluster metrics filters matching' frame reBranchThr reBranchNth nthLevel nthCluster
(def defaultWeightedLogJaccard -> matching') (def 5 -> frame) (def 0.8 -> frameThr) (def 0.5 -> reBranchThr) (def 4 -> reBranchNth) (def 2 -> nthLevel) (def defaultRelatedComponents -> nthCluster) =
PhyloQueryBuild name desc grain steps cluster metrics filters matching' frame frameThr reBranchThr reBranchNth nthLevel nthCluster
-- | To initialize a PhyloQueryView default parameters
......@@ -866,7 +875,7 @@ defaultWeightedLogJaccard = WeightedLogJaccard (initWeightedLogJaccard Nothing N
defaultQueryBuild :: PhyloQueryBuild
defaultQueryBuild = initPhyloQueryBuild "Cesar et Cleôpatre" "An example of Phylomemy (french without accent)"
Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
defaultQueryView :: PhyloQueryView
defaultQueryView = initPhyloQueryView Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
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