Commit 6999a68e authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FEAT] Public screenshot to public home

parent d0101d87
# API url for server
URL = http://localhost:8008/api/v1.0
# Needed to instantiate the first users and first data
MASTER_USER = gargantua
......@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ import Data.Version (showVersion)
import GHC.Base (Applicative)
import GHC.Generics (D1, Meta (..), Rep, Generic)
import GHC.TypeLits (AppendSymbol, Symbol)
import Gargantext.Prelude.Config (gc_url)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth (AuthContext, auth)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.FrontEnd (frontEndServer)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Settings
......@@ -86,7 +87,10 @@ startGargantext :: Mode -> PortNumber -> FilePath -> IO ()
startGargantext mode port file = do
env <- newEnv port file
portRouteInfo port
app <- makeApp env
let baseUrl = env ^. env_gargConfig . gc_url
app <- makeApp env baseUrl
mid <- makeDevMiddleware mode
run port (mid app) `finally` stopGargantext env
......@@ -214,36 +218,37 @@ makeDevMiddleware mode = do
-- | API Global
-- | Server declarations
server :: forall env. EnvC env => env -> IO (Server API)
server env = do
server :: forall env. EnvC env => env -> Text -> IO (Server API)
server env baseUrl = do
-- orchestrator <- scrapyOrchestrator env
pure $ schemaUiServer swaggerDoc
:<|> hoistServerWithContext
(Proxy :: Proxy GargAPI)
(Proxy :: Proxy AuthContext)
(serverGargAPI baseUrl)
:<|> frontEndServer
transform :: forall a. GargServerM env GargError a -> Handler a
transform = Handler . withExceptT showAsServantErr . (`runReaderT` env)
showAsServantErr :: GargError -> ServerError
showAsServantErr (GargServerError err) = err
showAsServantErr a = err500 { errBody = BL8.pack $ show a }
serverGargAPI :: GargServerT env err (GargServerM env err) GargAPI
serverGargAPI -- orchestrator
serverGargAPI :: Text -> GargServerT env err (GargServerM env err) GargAPI
serverGargAPI baseUrl -- orchestrator
= auth
:<|> gargVersion
:<|> serverPrivateGargAPI
:<|> Public.api
:<|> (Public.api baseUrl)
-- :<|> orchestrator
gargVersion :: GargServer GargVersion
gargVersion = pure (cs $ showVersion PG.version)
......@@ -265,8 +270,8 @@ serverGargAdminAPI = roots
--gargMock :: Server GargAPI
--gargMock = mock apiGarg Proxy
makeApp :: EnvC env => env -> IO Application
makeApp env = serveWithContext api cfg <$> server env
makeApp :: EnvC env => env -> Text -> IO Application
makeApp env baseUrl = serveWithContext api cfg <$> server env baseUrl
cfg :: Servant.Context AuthContext
cfg = env ^. settings . jwtSettings
......@@ -41,8 +41,11 @@ type API = Summary " Public API"
:> Get '[JSON] [PublicData]
api :: HasNodeError err
=> Cmd err [PublicData]
api = catMaybes <$> map toPublicData <$> filterPublicDatas <$> selectPublic
=> Text -> Cmd err [PublicData]
api base = catMaybes
<$> map (toPublicData base)
<$> filterPublicDatas
<$> selectPublic
selectPublic :: HasNodeError err
......@@ -52,20 +55,24 @@ selectPublic = selectPublicNodes
-- For tests only
-- pure $ replicate 6 defaultPublicData
filterPublicDatas :: [( Node HyperdataFolder, Maybe Int)] -> [(Node HyperdataFolder, [NodeId])]
filterPublicDatas datas = map (\(n,mi) -> let mi' = NodeId <$> mi in
( _node_id n, (n, maybe [] (:[]) mi' ))
) datas
& Map.fromListWith (\(n1,i1) (_n2,i2) -> (n1, i1 <> i2))
& Map.filter (not . null . snd)
& Map.elems
toPublicData :: (Node HyperdataFolder, [NodeId]) -> Maybe PublicData
toPublicData (n , _mn) = PublicData <$> (hd ^? (_Just . hf_data . cf_title))
<*> (hd ^? (_Just . hf_data . cf_desc))
<*> Just "images/Gargantextuel-212x300.jpg"
<*> Just "https://.."
filterPublicDatas :: [(Node HyperdataFolder, Maybe Int)]
-> [(Node HyperdataFolder, [NodeId])]
filterPublicDatas datas =
map (\(n,mi) ->
let mi' = NodeId <$> mi in
( _node_id n, (n, maybe [] (:[]) mi' ))
) datas
& Map.fromListWith (\(n1,i1) (_n2,i2) -> (n1, i1 <> i2))
& Map.filter (not . null . snd)
& Map.elems
-- http://localhost:8008/api/v1.0/node/23543/file/download<Paste>
-- http://localhost:8000/images/Gargantextuel-212x300.jpg
toPublicData :: Text -> (Node HyperdataFolder, [NodeId]) -> Maybe PublicData
toPublicData base (n , mn) = PublicData <$> (hd ^? (_Just . hf_data . cf_title))
<*> (hd ^? (_Just . hf_data . cf_desc ))
<*> (Just $ url' mn) -- "images/Gargantextuel-212x300.jpg"
<*> (Just $ url' mn)
<*> Just (cs $ show $ utc2year (n^.node_date))
<*> (hd ^? (_Just . hf_data . cf_query))
<*> (hd ^? (_Just . hf_data . cf_authors))
......@@ -73,6 +80,11 @@ toPublicData (n , _mn) = PublicData <$> (hd ^? (_Just . hf_data . cf_title))
hd = head
$ filter (\(HyperdataField cd _ _) -> cd == JSON)
$ n^. (node_hyperdata . hc_fields)
url' :: [NodeId] -> Text
url' mn' = base
<> "/node/"
<> (cs $ show $ (maybe 0 unNodeId $ head mn'))
<> "/file/download"
data PublicData = PublicData
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import Gargantext.Prelude
-- | TODO move in Config of Gargantext
publicNodeTypes :: [NodeType]
publicNodeTypes = [NodeDashboard, NodeGraph, NodePhylo]
publicNodeTypes = [NodeDashboard, NodeGraph, NodePhylo, NodeFile]
......@@ -124,6 +124,9 @@ pgNodeId = O.pgInt4 . id2int
newtype NodeId = NodeId Int
deriving (Show, Read, Generic, Num, Eq, Ord, Enum, ToJSONKey, FromJSONKey, ToJSON, FromJSON)
unNodeId :: NodeId -> Int
unNodeId (NodeId n) = n
instance Serialise NodeId
instance ToField NodeId where
......@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.Lens (makeLenses)
data GargConfig = GargConfig { _gc_masteruser :: !Text
data GargConfig = GargConfig { _gc_url :: !Text
, _gc_masteruser :: !Text
, _gc_secretkey :: !Text
, _gc_datafilepath :: !FilePath
......@@ -52,7 +54,8 @@ readConfig fp = do
Left _ -> panic (pack $ "ERROR: add " <> x <> " to your gargantext.ini")
Right p' -> p'
pure $ GargConfig (val "MASTER_USER")
pure $ GargConfig (val "URL")
(val "SECRET_KEY")
(cs $ val "DATA_FILEPATH")
(cs $ val "REPO_FILEPATH")
......@@ -63,7 +66,8 @@ readConfig fp = do
(read $ cs $ val "MAX_DOCS_SCRAPERS")
defaultConfig :: GargConfig
defaultConfig = GargConfig "gargantua"
defaultConfig = GargConfig ""
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