Commit 6af8ff7b authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[Ngrams] cosmetics.

parent 8b76e18c
......@@ -25,19 +25,19 @@ example = map terminal
$ chunkAlong 3 1
$ words "New York and New York is a big apple"
data Terminal = Debut | Terminal Text | Fin
data Terminal = Terminal Text | Fin
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
isDebutFin :: Terminal -> Bool
isDebutFin x = case x of
Debut -> True
isFin :: Terminal -> Bool
isFin x = case x of
Fin -> True
_ -> False
terminal :: [Text] -> [Terminal]
--terminal xs = [Debut] <> (map Terminal xs) <> [Fin]
terminal xs = (map Terminal xs) <> [Fin]
data Arbre k e = Noeud { _noeud_count :: Double
, _noeud_entropy :: e
, _noeud_fils :: Map k (Arbre k e)
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ entropyArbre :: Arbre Terminal () -> Arbre Terminal Double
entropyArbre (Feuille c) = Feuille c
entropyArbre (Noeud c _e fils) = (Noeud c e (map entropyArbre fils))
e = sum $ map (\(k, f) -> case isDebutFin k of
e = sum $ map (\(k, f) -> case isFin k of
True -> (_noeud_count f) / c * log c
False -> - c' * log c'
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ entropyArbre (Noeud c _e fils) = (Noeud c e (map entropyArbre fils))
normalizeArbre :: Arbre Terminal Double -> Arbre Terminal Double
normalizeArbre (Feuille c) = Feuille c
normalizeArbre (Noeud c e f) = Noeud c e ( (\n -> normalizeLevel n $ Map.elems f) f)
normalizeArbre (Noeud c e f) = Noeud c e ( (\a -> normalizeLevel a $ Map.elems f) f)
normalizeLevel :: Arbre Terminal Double -> [Arbre Terminal Double] -> Arbre Terminal Double
normalizeLevel (Feuille c) _ = Feuille c
......@@ -95,3 +95,4 @@ buildArbre = normalizeArbre . entropyArbre . insertArbres
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