Commit 76c6d96a authored by qlobbe's avatar qlobbe

add the dynamics and the labels

parent e2b8b663
...@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ data Config = ...@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ data Config =
, phyloProximity :: Proximity , phyloProximity :: Proximity
, timeUnit :: TimeUnit , timeUnit :: TimeUnit
, contextualUnit :: ContextualUnit , contextualUnit :: ContextualUnit
, exportLabel :: [Label]
, branchSize :: Int , branchSize :: Int
} deriving (Show,Generic,Eq) } deriving (Show,Generic,Eq)
...@@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ defaultConfig = ...@@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ defaultConfig =
, phyloProximity = WeightedLogJaccard 10 0 0.2 , phyloProximity = WeightedLogJaccard 10 0 0.2
, timeUnit = Year 3 1 5 , timeUnit = Year 3 1 5
, contextualUnit = Fis 2 4 , contextualUnit = Fis 2 4
, exportLabel = [BranchLabel MostInclusive 2, GroupLabel MostEmergentInclusive 2]
, branchSize = 3 , branchSize = 3
} }
...@@ -120,6 +122,10 @@ instance FromJSON TimeUnit ...@@ -120,6 +122,10 @@ instance FromJSON TimeUnit
instance ToJSON TimeUnit instance ToJSON TimeUnit
instance FromJSON ContextualUnit instance FromJSON ContextualUnit
instance ToJSON ContextualUnit instance ToJSON ContextualUnit
instance FromJSON Label
instance ToJSON Label
instance FromJSON Tagger
instance ToJSON Tagger
-- | Software parameters -- | Software parameters
...@@ -250,15 +256,16 @@ data PhyloGroup = ...@@ -250,15 +256,16 @@ data PhyloGroup =
PhyloGroup { _phylo_groupPeriod :: (Date,Date) PhyloGroup { _phylo_groupPeriod :: (Date,Date)
, _phylo_groupLevel :: Level , _phylo_groupLevel :: Level
, _phylo_groupIndex :: Int , _phylo_groupIndex :: Int
, _phylo_groupLabel :: Text
, _phylo_groupSupport :: Support , _phylo_groupSupport :: Support
, _phylo_groupNgrams :: [Int] , _phylo_groupNgrams :: [Int]
, _phylo_groupCooc :: !(Cooc) , _phylo_groupCooc :: !(Cooc)
, _phylo_groupBranchId :: PhyloBranchId , _phylo_groupBranchId :: PhyloBranchId
, _phylo_groupMeta :: Map Text [Double]
, _phylo_groupLevelParents :: [Pointer] , _phylo_groupLevelParents :: [Pointer]
, _phylo_groupLevelChilds :: [Pointer] , _phylo_groupLevelChilds :: [Pointer]
, _phylo_groupPeriodParents :: [Pointer] , _phylo_groupPeriodParents :: [Pointer]
, _phylo_groupPeriodChilds :: [Pointer] , _phylo_groupPeriodChilds :: [Pointer]
, _phylo_groupGhostPointers :: [Pointer]
} }
deriving (Generic, Show, Eq) deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
...@@ -268,8 +275,6 @@ type Weight = Double ...@@ -268,8 +275,6 @@ type Weight = Double
-- | Pointer : A weighted pointer to a given PhyloGroup -- | Pointer : A weighted pointer to a given PhyloGroup
type Pointer = (PhyloGroupId, Weight) type Pointer = (PhyloGroupId, Weight)
type Link = ((PhyloGroupId, PhyloGroupId), Weight)
data Filiation = ToParents | ToChilds deriving (Generic, Show) data Filiation = ToParents | ToChilds deriving (Generic, Show)
data PointerType = TemporalPointer | LevelPointer deriving (Generic, Show) data PointerType = TemporalPointer | LevelPointer deriving (Generic, Show)
...@@ -298,6 +303,29 @@ data PhyloFis = PhyloFis ...@@ -298,6 +303,29 @@ data PhyloFis = PhyloFis
type DotId = TextLazy.Text type DotId = TextLazy.Text
data Tagger = MostInclusive | MostEmergentInclusive deriving (Show,Generic,Eq)
data Label =
{ _branch_labelTagger :: Tagger
, _branch_labelSize :: Int }
| GroupLabel
{ _group_labelTagger :: Tagger
, _group_labelSize :: Int }
deriving (Show,Generic,Eq)
data PhyloBranch =
{ _branch_id :: PhyloBranchId
, _branch_label :: Text
} deriving (Generic, Show)
data PhyloExport =
{ _export_groups :: [PhyloGroup]
, _export_branches :: [PhyloBranch]
} deriving (Generic, Show)
---------------- ----------------
-- | Lenses | -- -- | Lenses | --
---------------- ----------------
...@@ -305,6 +333,7 @@ type DotId = TextLazy.Text ...@@ -305,6 +333,7 @@ type DotId = TextLazy.Text
makeLenses ''Config makeLenses ''Config
makeLenses ''Proximity makeLenses ''Proximity
makeLenses ''ContextualUnit makeLenses ''ContextualUnit
makeLenses ''Label
makeLenses ''TimeUnit makeLenses ''TimeUnit
makeLenses ''PhyloFoundations makeLenses ''PhyloFoundations
makeLenses ''PhyloFis makeLenses ''PhyloFis
...@@ -313,6 +342,8 @@ makeLenses ''PhyloPeriod ...@@ -313,6 +342,8 @@ makeLenses ''PhyloPeriod
makeLenses ''PhyloLevel makeLenses ''PhyloLevel
makeLenses ''PhyloGroup makeLenses ''PhyloGroup
makeLenses ''PhyloParam makeLenses ''PhyloParam
makeLenses ''PhyloExport
makeLenses ''PhyloBranch
------------------------ ------------------------
-- | JSON instances | -- -- | JSON instances | --
...@@ -12,13 +12,21 @@ Portability : POSIX ...@@ -12,13 +12,21 @@ Portability : POSIX
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.PhyloExport where module Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.PhyloExport where
import Data.Map (Map, fromList, empty, fromListWith, insert, (!), elems, unionWith, findWithDefault)
import Data.List ((++), sort, nub, concat, sortOn, reverse, groupBy, union, (\\), (!!))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Gargantext.Prelude import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Viz.AdaptativePhylo import Gargantext.Viz.AdaptativePhylo
import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.PhyloTools import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.PhyloTools
import Control.Lens
import Data.GraphViz.Types.Generalised (DotGraph) import Data.GraphViz.Types.Generalised (DotGraph)
-------------------- --------------------
...@@ -26,32 +34,120 @@ import Data.GraphViz.Types.Generalised (DotGraph) ...@@ -26,32 +34,120 @@ import Data.GraphViz.Types.Generalised (DotGraph)
-------------------- --------------------
toDot :: [PhyloGroup] -> DotGraph DotId toDot :: PhyloExport -> DotGraph DotId
toDot branches = undefined toDot export = undefined
---------------------- -- | Metrics | --
-- | post process | -- -----------------
-- | Return the conditional probability of i knowing j
conditional :: Ord a => Map (a,a) Double -> a -> a -> Double
conditional m i j = (findWithDefault 0 (i,j) m)
/ (m ! (j,j))
-- | Return the inclusion score of a given ngram
inclusion :: Map (Int, Int) Double -> [Int] -> Int -> Double
inclusion m l i = ( (sum $ map (\j -> conditional m j i) l)
+ (sum $ map (\j -> conditional m i j) l)) / (fromIntegral $ (length l) + 1)
-- | Taggers | --
getNthMostMeta :: Int -> [Double] -> [Int] -> [Int]
getNthMostMeta nth meta ns = map (\(idx,_) -> (ns !! idx))
$ take nth
$ reverse
$ sortOn snd $ zip [0..] meta
mostInclusive :: Int -> Vector Ngrams -> PhyloExport -> PhyloExport
mostInclusive nth foundations export =
over ( export_branches
. traverse )
(\b ->
let groups = filter (\g -> g ^. phylo_groupBranchId == b ^. branch_id) $ export ^. export_groups
cooc = foldl (\acc g -> unionWith (+) acc (g ^. phylo_groupCooc)) empty groups
ngrams = sort $ foldl (\acc g -> union acc (g ^. phylo_groupNgrams)) [] groups
inc = map (\n -> inclusion cooc (ngrams \\ [n]) n) ngrams
lbl = ngramsToLabel foundations $ getNthMostMeta nth inc ngrams
in b & branch_label .~ lbl ) export
mostEmergentInclusive :: Int -> Vector Ngrams -> PhyloExport -> PhyloExport
mostEmergentInclusive nth foundations export =
over ( export_groups
. traverse )
(\g ->
let lbl = ngramsToLabel foundations
$ take nth
$ map (\(_,(_,idx)) -> idx)
$ concat
$ map (\groups -> sortOn (fst . snd) groups)
$ groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $ reverse $ sortOn fst
$ zip ((g ^. phylo_groupMeta) ! "inclusion")
$ zip ((g ^. phylo_groupMeta) ! "dynamics") (g ^. phylo_groupNgrams)
in g & phylo_groupLabel .~ lbl ) export
processLabels :: [Label] -> Vector Ngrams -> PhyloExport -> PhyloExport
processLabels labels foundations export =
foldl (\export' label ->
case label of
GroupLabel tagger nth ->
case tagger of
MostEmergentInclusive -> mostEmergentInclusive nth foundations export'
_ -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.PhyloExport] unknown tagger"
BranchLabel tagger nth ->
case tagger of
MostInclusive -> undefined
_ -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.PhyloExport] unknown tagger" ) export labels
-- | Dynamics | --
toDynamics :: Int -> [PhyloGroup] -> PhyloGroup -> Map Int (Date,Date) -> Double
toDynamics n parents group m =
let prd = group ^. phylo_groupPeriod
bid = group ^. phylo_groupBranchId
end = last' "dynamics" (sort $ map snd $ elems m)
in if (((snd prd) == (snd $ m ! n)) && (snd prd /= end))
-- | decrease
then 2
else if ((fst prd) == (fst $ m ! n))
-- | recombination
then 0
else if isNew
-- | emergence
then 1
else 3
isNew :: Bool
isNew = not $ elem n $ concat $ map _phylo_groupNgrams parents
processFilters :: [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup]
processFilters branches = branches
processSort :: [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup]
processSort branches = branches
processMetrics :: [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup]
processMetrics branches = branches
processDynamics :: [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup] processDynamics :: [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup]
processDynamics branches = branches processDynamics groups =
map (\g ->
processLabels :: [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup] let parents = filter (\g' -> (g ^. phylo_groupBranchId == g' ^. phylo_groupBranchId)
processLabels branches = branches && ((fst $ g ^. phylo_groupPeriod) > (fst $ g' ^. phylo_groupPeriod))) groups
in g & phylo_groupMeta %~ insert "dynamics" (map (\n -> toDynamics n parents g mapNgrams) $ g ^. phylo_groupNgrams) ) groups
phyloPostProcess :: [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup] where
phyloPostProcess branches = branches --------------------------------------
mapNgrams :: Map Int (Date,Date)
mapNgrams = map (\dates ->
let dates' = sort dates
in (head' "dynamics" dates', last' "dynamics" dates'))
$ fromListWith (++)
$ foldl (\acc g -> acc ++ ( map (\n -> (n,[fst $ g ^. phylo_groupPeriod, snd $ g ^. phylo_groupPeriod]))
$ (g ^. phylo_groupNgrams))) [] groups
--------------------- ---------------------
...@@ -60,8 +156,15 @@ phyloPostProcess branches = branches ...@@ -60,8 +156,15 @@ phyloPostProcess branches = branches
toPhyloExport :: Phylo -> DotGraph DotId toPhyloExport :: Phylo -> DotGraph DotId
toPhyloExport phylo = toDot toPhyloExport phylo = toDot
$ phyloPostProcess groups $ processLabels (exportLabel $ getConfig phylo) (getRoots phylo) export
where where
export :: PhyloExport
export = PhyloExport groups branches
branches :: [PhyloBranch]
branches = map (\bId -> PhyloBranch bId "") $ nub $ map _phylo_groupBranchId groups
groups :: [PhyloGroup] groups :: [PhyloGroup]
groups = getGroupsFromLevel (phyloLevel $ getConfig phylo) phylo groups = processDynamics
\ No newline at end of file $ getGroupsFromLevel (phyloLevel $ getConfig phylo) phylo
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -83,12 +83,13 @@ appendGroups f lvl m phylo = trace ("\n" <> "-- | Append " <> show (length $ co ...@@ -83,12 +83,13 @@ appendGroups f lvl m phylo = trace ("\n" <> "-- | Append " <> show (length $ co
fisToGroup :: PhyloFis -> PhyloPeriodId -> Level -> Int -> Vector Ngrams -> [Cooc] -> PhyloGroup fisToGroup :: PhyloFis -> PhyloPeriodId -> Level -> Int -> Vector Ngrams -> [Cooc] -> PhyloGroup
fisToGroup fis pId lvl idx fdt coocs = fisToGroup fis pId lvl idx fdt coocs =
let ngrams = ngramsToIdx (Set.toList $ fis ^. phyloFis_clique) fdt let ngrams = ngramsToIdx (Set.toList $ fis ^. phyloFis_clique) fdt
in PhyloGroup pId lvl idx in PhyloGroup pId lvl idx ""
(fis ^. phyloFis_support) (fis ^. phyloFis_support)
ngrams ngrams
(ngramsToCooc ngrams coocs) (ngramsToCooc ngrams coocs)
(1,[0]) (1,[0])
[] [] [] [] [] empty
[] [] [] []
toPhylo1 :: [Document] -> Phylo -> Phylo toPhylo1 :: [Document] -> Phylo -> Phylo
...@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Data.List (sort, concat, null, union, (++), tails, sortOn, nub, init) ...@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Data.List (sort, concat, null, union, (++), tails, sortOn, nub, init)
import Data.Set (Set, size) import Data.Set (Set, size)
import Data.Map (Map, elems, fromList, unionWith, keys, member, (!), filterWithKey) import Data.Map (Map, elems, fromList, unionWith, keys, member, (!), filterWithKey)
import Data.String (String) import Data.String (String)
import Data.Text (Text, unwords)
import Gargantext.Prelude import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Viz.AdaptativePhylo import Gargantext.Viz.AdaptativePhylo
...@@ -60,6 +61,15 @@ isRoots n ns = Vector.elem n ns ...@@ -60,6 +61,15 @@ isRoots n ns = Vector.elem n ns
ngramsToIdx :: [Ngrams] -> Vector Ngrams -> [Int] ngramsToIdx :: [Ngrams] -> Vector Ngrams -> [Int]
ngramsToIdx ns fdt = map (\n -> fromJust $ elemIndex n fdt) ns ngramsToIdx ns fdt = map (\n -> fromJust $ elemIndex n fdt) ns
-- | To transform a list of Ngrams Indexes into a Label
ngramsToLabel :: Vector Ngrams -> [Int] -> Text
ngramsToLabel ngrams l = unwords $ tail' "ngramsToLabel" $ concat $ map (\n -> ["|",n]) $ ngramsToText ngrams l
-- | To transform a list of Ngrams Indexes into a list of Text
ngramsToText :: Vector Ngrams -> [Int] -> [Text]
ngramsToText ngrams l = map (\idx -> ngrams Vector.! idx) l
-------------- --------------
-- | Time | -- -- | Time | --
...@@ -250,15 +260,6 @@ updatePhyloGroups lvl m phylo = ...@@ -250,15 +260,6 @@ updatePhyloGroups lvl m phylo =
else group ) phylo else group ) phylo
-- | Pointers | --
pointersToLinks :: PhyloGroupId -> [Pointer] -> [Link]
pointersToLinks id pointers = map (\p -> ((id,fst p),snd p)) pointers
------------------- -------------------
-- | Proximity | -- -- | Proximity | --
------------------- -------------------
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