Commit 791fe54c authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[Text][Parsers][Isidore] funcWith for contains.

parent 208ac140
......@@ -44,8 +44,9 @@ simpleSelect q = do
rdf <- prefix "rdf" (iriRef "")
dcterms <- prefix "dcterms" (iriRef "")
dc <- prefix "dc" (iriRef "")
ore <- prefix "ore" (iriRef "")
bif <- prefix "bif" (iriRef "bif:")
langFr <- prefix "langFr" (iriRef "")
--ore <- prefix "ore" (iriRef "")
--bif <- prefix "bif" (iriRef "bif:")
link <- var
title <- var
......@@ -55,30 +56,26 @@ simpleSelect q = do
source <- var
lang <- var
publisher <- var
agg <- var
indexT <- var
langFr <- var
--agg <- var
triple_ link (rdf .:. "type") (isidore .:. "BibliographicalResource")
triple_ link (dcterms .:. "title") title
triple_ link (dcterms .:. "date") date
triple_ link (dcterms .:. "creator") authors
triple_ link (dcterms .:. "language") lang
triple_ link (dcterms .:. "source") source
triple_ link (ore .:. "isAggregatedBy") agg
--triple_ link (ore .:. "isAggregatedBy") agg
--triple_ agg (dcterms .:. "title") title
optional $ triple_ link (dcterms .:. "source") source
optional $ triple_ link (dcterms .:. "publisher") publisher
optional $ triple_ link (dc .:. "description") abstract
--filterExpr $ (.||.) (contains title q) (contains abstract q)
--triple_ indexT (bif .:. "contains") title
--filterExpr_ (contains indexT q) -- (contains abstract q)
orderNextDesc date
--filterExpr $ (.||.) (contains title q) (contains title q)
filterExpr (containsWith title q) -- (contains abstract q)
--filterExpr $ langMatches title (str ("fra" :: Text))
--orderNextDesc date
limit_ 10
selectVars [link, date, authors, source, title, lang, publisher, abstract]
selectVars [link, date, lang, title]
--selectVars [link, date, authors, source, title, lang, publisher, abstract]
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