Commit 8f521836 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[TSVector] added for full text queries.

parent 53e751d3
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ git clone ssh://
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd ..
~/.local/bin/stack docker pull
name: gargantext
version: ''
version: ''
synopsis: Search, map, share
description: Please see
category: Data
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import Gargantext.Database.NodeNgram
import Gargantext.Database.NodeNode
import Gargantext.Database.Queries
import Opaleye
import Opaleye.Internal.Join (NullMaker)
import Opaleye.Internal.Join (NullMaker(..))
import Prelude (Enum, Bounded, minBound, maxBound)
import Prelude hiding (null, id, map, sum, not, read)
import Servant.API
......@@ -193,8 +193,6 @@ queryAuthorsDoc = leftJoin5 queryNodeTable queryNodeNgramTable queryNgramsTable
cond45 (contact, (nodeNgram2, (_, (_,_)))) = _node_id contact .== nodeNgram_NodeNgramNodeId nodeNgram2
runViewDocuments :: CorpusId -> Trash -> Maybe Offset -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe OrderBy -> Cmd [FacetDoc]
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import Gargantext.Database.NodeNgram
toMaps :: Hyperdata a => (a -> Map (NgramsT Ngrams) Int) -> [Node a] -> Map (NgramsT Ngrams) (Map NodeId Int)
toMaps fun ns = mapNodeIdNgrams $ documentIdWithNgrams fun ns'
ns' = map (\(Node nId _ _ _ _ _ json) -> DocumentWithId nId json) ns
ns' = map (\(Node nId _ _ _ _ _ json _) -> DocumentWithId nId json) ns
mapNodeIdNgrams :: Hyperdata a => [DocumentIdWithNgrams a] -> Map (NgramsT Ngrams) (Map NodeId Int)
mapNodeIdNgrams ds = (DM.fromListWith (+)) $ DM.fromListWith (<>) xs
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ getChildren c pId _ maybeNodeType maybeOffset maybeLimit = runQuery c
selectChildren :: ParentId -> Maybe NodeType -> Query NodeRead
selectChildren parentId maybeNodeType = proc () -> do
row@(Node nId typeName _ parent_id _ _ _) <- queryNodeTable -< ()
row@(Node nId typeName _ parent_id _ _ _ _) <- queryNodeTable -< ()
(NodeNode n1id n2id _ _ _) <- queryNodeNodeTable -< ()
let nodeType = maybe 0 nodeTypeId maybeNodeType
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ type NodeWrite = NodePoly (Maybe (Column PGInt4 ))
(Column (PGText ))
(Maybe (Column PGTimestamptz))
(Column PGJsonb )
-- (Maybe (Column PGTSVector))
(Maybe (Column PGTSVector))
type NodeRead = NodePoly (Column PGInt4 )
(Column PGInt4 )
......@@ -46,8 +46,7 @@ type NodeRead = NodePoly (Column PGInt4 )
(Column (PGText ))
(Column PGTimestamptz )
(Column PGJsonb)
-- (Column PGTSVector)
(Column PGTSVector)
type NodeReadNull = NodePoly (Column (Nullable PGInt4 ))
......@@ -57,8 +56,7 @@ type NodeReadNull = NodePoly (Column (Nullable PGInt4 ))
(Column (Nullable PGText ))
(Column (Nullable PGTimestamptz ))
(Column (Nullable PGJsonb))
(Column (Nullable PGTSVector))
join3 :: Query columnsA -> Query columnsB -> Query columnsC
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Portability : POSIX
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
......@@ -26,13 +27,30 @@ import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToField
import Gargantext.Database.Config (nodeTypeId)
import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node (NodeType(..))
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Database.Node
import Gargantext.Database.Queries
import Gargantext.Core.Types
import Control.Arrow (returnA)
import qualified Opaleye as O hiding (Order)
import Opaleye hiding (Query, Order)
newtype TSQuery = UnsafeTSQuery [Text]
searchQuery :: O.Query NodeRead
searchQuery = proc () -> do
row <- queryNodeTable -< ()
restrict -< (_node_search row) @@ (pgTSQuery "test")
returnA -< row
-- | TODO [""] -> panic "error"
toTSQuery :: [Text] -> TSQuery
toTSQuery txt = UnsafeTSQuery txt
instance IsString TSQuery
fromString = UnsafeTSQuery . words . cs
......@@ -48,9 +66,6 @@ instance ToField TSQuery
) xs
type ParentId = Int
type Limit = Int
type Offset = Int
data Order = Asc | Desc
instance ToField Order
......@@ -63,8 +63,6 @@ type UTCTime' = UTCTime
instance Arbitrary UTCTime' where
arbitrary = elements $ timesAfter 100 D (jour 2000 01 01)
data Status = Status { status_failed :: Int
, status_succeeded :: Int
......@@ -324,18 +322,15 @@ instance Hyperdata HyperdataNotebook
-- | NodePoly indicates that Node has a Polymorphism Type
type Node json = NodePoly NodeId NodeTypeId NodeUserId (Maybe NodeParentId) NodeName UTCTime json -- NodeVector
type Node json = NodePoly NodeId NodeTypeId NodeUserId (Maybe NodeParentId) NodeName UTCTime json (Maybe TSVector)
-- type Node json = NodePoly NodeId NodeTypeId UserId ParentId NodeName UTCTime json
type NodeTypeId = Int
type NodeParentId = Int
type NodeUserId = Int
type NodeName = Text
--type NodeVector = Vector
type TSVector = Text
--type NodeUser = Node HyperdataUser
type NodeAny = Node HyperdataAny
-- | Then a Node can be either a Folder or a Corpus or a Document
type NodeUser = Node HyperdataUser
......@@ -347,6 +342,9 @@ type NodeDocument = Node HyperdataDocument
type NodeAnnuaire = Node HyperdataAnnuaire
-- | Any others nodes
type NodeAny = Node HyperdataAny
---- | Then a Node can be either a Graph or a Phylo or a Notebook
type NodeList = Node HyperdataList
type NodeGraph = Node HyperdataGraph
......@@ -379,24 +377,30 @@ instance ToParamSchema NodeType
instance ToSchema NodeType
data NodePoly id typename userId parentId name date hyperdata = Node { _node_id :: id
, _node_typename :: typename
, _node_userId :: userId
data NodePoly id typename userId
parentId name date
hyperdata search = Node { _node_id :: id
, _node_typename :: typename
, _node_userId :: userId
-- , nodeUniqId :: hashId
, _node_parentId :: parentId
, _node_name :: name
, _node_date :: date
, _node_hyperdata :: hyperdata
} deriving (Show, Generic)
, _node_parentId :: parentId
, _node_name :: name
, _node_date :: date
, _node_hyperdata :: hyperdata
, _node_search :: search
} deriving (Show, Generic)
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_node_") ''NodePoly)
$(makeLenses ''NodePoly)
instance Arbitrary hyperdata => Arbitrary (NodePoly NodeId NodeTypeId (Maybe NodeUserId) NodeParentId NodeName UTCTime hyperdata) where
arbitrary = Node 1 1 (Just 1) 1 "name" (jour 2018 01 01) <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary hyperdata => Arbitrary (NodePoly NodeId NodeTypeId NodeUserId (Maybe NodeParentId) NodeName UTCTime hyperdata) where
arbitrary = Node 1 1 1 (Just 1) "name" (jour 2018 01 01) <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary hyperdata => Arbitrary (NodePoly NodeId NodeTypeId
(Maybe NodeUserId) NodeParentId NodeName
UTCTime hyperdata (Maybe TSVector)) where
--arbitrary = Node 1 1 (Just 1) 1 "name" (jour 2018 01 01) (arbitrary) (Just "")
arbitrary = Node <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
hyperdataDocument :: HyperdataDocument
hyperdataDocument = case decode docExample of
......@@ -438,18 +442,17 @@ instance ToSchema hyperdata =>
ToSchema (NodePoly NodeId NodeTypeId
(Maybe NodeUserId)
NodeParentId NodeName
UTCTime hyperdata
UTCTime hyperdata TSVector
instance ToSchema hyperdata =>
ToSchema (NodePoly NodeId NodeTypeId
(Maybe NodeParentId) NodeName
UTCTime hyperdata
UTCTime hyperdata TSVector
instance ToSchema Status
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ packages:
- 'deps/clustering-louvain'
- 'deps/patches-map'
- 'deps/patches-class'
- 'deps/haskell-opaleye'
allow-newer: true
......@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ extra-deps:
- git:
commit: ba5347e7d8a13ce5275af8470c15b2305fbb23af
- accelerate-
- opaleye-0.6.7002.0
#- opaleye-0.6.7002.0
- aeson-lens-
- duckling-
- full-text-search-
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