Commit 9e5a1b2f authored by qlobbe's avatar qlobbe

correct bugs when double pointers

parent 0eb25a50
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Portability : POSIX
module Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.TemporalMatching where
import Data.List (concat, splitAt, tail, sortOn, (++), intersect, null, inits, groupBy, scanl, nub, union, dropWhile, partition, or, sort, (!!))
import Data.List (concat, splitAt, tail, sortOn, (++), intersect, null, inits, groupBy, scanl, nub, nubBy, union, dropWhile, partition, or, sort, (!!))
import Data.Map (Map, fromList, elems, restrictKeys, unionWith, findWithDefault, keys, (!), (!?), filterWithKey, singleton, empty, mapKeys, adjust)
import Gargantext.Prelude
......@@ -139,18 +139,25 @@ makePairs' (egoId, egoNgrams) candidates periods oldPointers fil thr prox docs d
filterPointers :: Proximity -> Double -> [Pointer] -> [Pointer]
filterPointers proxi thr pts = filter (\(_,w) -> filterProximity proxi thr w) pts
filterPointers' :: Proximity -> Double -> [(Pointer,[Int])] -> [(Pointer,[Int])]
filterPointers' proxi thr pts = filter (\((_,w),_) -> filterProximity proxi thr w) pts
reduceDiagos :: Map Date Cooc -> Map Int Double
reduceDiagos diagos = mapKeys (\(k,_) -> k)
$ foldl (\acc diago -> unionWith (+) acc diago) empty (elems diagos)
filterPointersByPeriod :: [Pointer] -> [Pointer]
filterPointersByPeriod pts =
let pts' = sortOn (fst . fst . fst) pts
inf = (fst . fst . fst) $ head' "filterPointersByPeriod" pts'
sup = (fst . fst . fst) $ last' "filterPointersByPeriod" pts'
in nub
$ filter (\pt -> ((fst . fst . fst) pt == inf) || ((fst . fst . fst) pt == sup)) pts'
filterPointersByPeriod :: Filiation -> [(Pointer,[Int])] -> [Pointer]
filterPointersByPeriod fil pts =
let pts' = sortOn (fst . fst . fst . fst) pts
inf = (fst . fst . fst . fst) $ head' "filterPointersByPeriod" pts'
sup = (fst . fst . fst . fst) $ last' "filterPointersByPeriod" pts'
in map fst
$ nubBy (\pt pt' -> snd pt == snd pt')
$ filter (\pt -> ((fst . fst . fst . fst) pt == inf) || ((fst . fst . fst . fst) pt == sup))
$ case fil of
ToParents -> reverse pts'
ToChilds -> pts'
phyloGroupMatching :: [[(PhyloGroupId,[Int])]] -> Filiation -> Proximity -> Map Date Double -> Map Date Cooc
-> Double -> [Pointer] -> (PhyloGroupId,[Int]) -> [Pointer]
......@@ -159,15 +166,15 @@ phyloGroupMatching candidates fil proxi docs diagos thr oldPointers (id,ngrams)
-- | let's find new pointers
then if null nextPointers
then []
else filterPointersByPeriod
else filterPointersByPeriod fil
$ head' "phyloGroupMatching"
-- | Keep only the best set of pointers grouped by proximity
$ groupBy (\pt pt' -> snd pt == snd pt')
$ reverse $ sortOn snd $ head' "pointers" nextPointers
$ groupBy (\pt pt' -> (snd . fst) pt == (snd . fst) pt')
$ reverse $ sortOn (snd . fst) $ head' "pointers" nextPointers
-- | Find the first time frame where at leats one pointer satisfies the proximity threshold
else oldPointers
nextPointers :: [[Pointer]]
nextPointers :: [[(Pointer,[Int])]]
nextPointers = take 1
$ dropWhile (null)
-- | for each time frame, process the proximity on relevant pairs of targeted groups
......@@ -178,14 +185,14 @@ phyloGroupMatching candidates fil proxi docs diagos thr oldPointers (id,ngrams)
$ filterDiago diagos ([(fst . fst) id] ++ periods)
-- | important resize nbdocs et diago dans le make pairs
pairs = makePairs' (id,ngrams) (concat groups) periods oldPointers fil thr proxi docs diagos
in acc ++ ( filterPointers proxi thr
in acc ++ ( filterPointers' proxi thr
$ concat
$ map (\(c,c') ->
-- | process the proximity between the current group and a pair of candidates
let proximity = toProximity nbdocs diago proxi ngrams (snd c) (snd c')
in if (c == c')
then [(fst c,proximity)]
else [(fst c,proximity),(fst c',proximity)] ) pairs )) []
in if ((c == c') || (snd c == snd c'))
then [((fst c,proximity),snd c)]
else [((fst c,proximity),snd c),((fst c',proximity),snd c')] ) pairs )) []
$ inits candidates -- | groups from [[1900],[1900,1901],[1900,1901,1902],...]
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