Commit bee4a824 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FEAT] Social lists, connection (WIP)

parent df4f16a2
......@@ -89,6 +89,10 @@ buildNgramsOthersList user uCid groupIt (nt, MapListSize mapListSize) = do
<- flowSocialList' MySelfFirst user nt (Set.fromList $ Map.keys ngs')
-- PrivateFirst for first developments since Public NodeMode is not implemented yet
groupParams = GroupedTextParams groupIt (Set.size . snd) fst snd {-(size . fst)-}
grouped' = toGroupedText groupParams socialLists' ngs'
-- 8< 8< 8< 8< 8< 8< 8<
ngs :: Map Text (Set Text, Set NodeId) = groupNodesByNgramsWith groupIt ngs'
......@@ -96,8 +100,7 @@ buildNgramsOthersList user uCid groupIt (nt, MapListSize mapListSize) = do
-- >8 >8 >8 >8 >8 >8 >8
grouped = toGroupedText (GroupedTextParams groupIt (Set.size . snd) fst snd {-(size . fst)-} ) -- socialLists'
$ Map.toList
grouped = groupedTextWithStem (GroupedTextParams groupIt (Set.size . snd) fst snd {-(size . fst)-} ) -- socialLists'
$ Map.mapWithKey (\k (a,b) -> (Set.delete k a, b))
$ ngs
......@@ -136,27 +139,17 @@ buildNgramsTermsList :: ( HasNodeError err
buildNgramsTermsList user uCid mCid groupParams = do
-- Computing global speGen score
allTerms :: [(Text, Double)] <- Map.toList <$> getTficf uCid mCid NgramsTerms
allTerms :: Map Text Double <- getTficf uCid mCid NgramsTerms
-- printDebug "head candidates" (List.take 10 $ allTerms)
-- printDebug "tail candidates" (List.take 10 $ List.reverse $ allTerms)
-- First remove stops terms
socialLists <- flowSocialList user NgramsTerms (Set.fromList $ map fst allTerms)
socialLists <- flowSocialList user NgramsTerms (Set.fromList $ map fst $ Map.toList allTerms)
-- printDebug "\n * socialLists * \n" socialLists
_socialStop = fromMaybe Set.empty $ Map.lookup StopTerm socialLists
_socialMap = fromMaybe Set.empty $ Map.lookup MapTerm socialLists
_socialCand = fromMaybe Set.empty $ Map.lookup CandidateTerm socialLists
-- stopTerms ignored for now (need to be tagged already)
-- (stopTerms, candidateTerms) = List.partition ((\t -> Set.member t socialStop) . fst) allTerms
-- (mapTerms, candidateTerms) = List.partition ((\t -> Set.member t socialMap ) . fst) allTerms
-- printDebug "stopTerms" stopTerms
-- Grouping the ngrams and keeping the maximum score for label
let grouped = toGroupedText ( GroupedTextParams (ngramsGroup groupParams) identity (const Set.empty) (const Set.empty) {-(size . _gt_label)-} ) allTerms
let grouped = groupedTextWithStem ( GroupedTextParams (ngramsGroup groupParams) identity (const Set.empty) (const Set.empty) {-(size . _gt_label)-} ) allTerms
groupedWithList = map (addListType (invertForw socialLists)) grouped
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Portability : POSIX
module Gargantext.Core.Text.List.Group
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, set, (^.))
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Map (Map)
......@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node (NodeId)
-- import Gargantext.Core.Text.List.Learn (Model(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Text.List.Social.Scores (FlowListScores(..), flc_lists, flc_parents, keyWithMaxValue)
import Gargantext.Core.Text.Terms.Mono.Stem (stem)
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Ngrams (NgramsType(..))
import Gargantext.Prelude
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
......@@ -89,35 +91,33 @@ data GroupedTextParams a b =
makeLenses 'GroupedTextParams
toGroupedText :: Ord b
groupedTextWithStem :: Ord b
=> GroupedTextParams a b
-> [(Text,a)]
-> Map Text a
-> Map Stem (GroupedText b)
toGroupedText gparams from =
Map.fromListWith union $ map group from
groupedTextWithStem gparams from =
Map.fromListWith union $ map (group gparams) $ Map.toList from
group (t,d) = let t' = (gparams ^. gt_fun_stem) t
group gparams' (t,d) = let t' = (gparams' ^. gt_fun_stem) t
in (t', GroupedText
((gparams ^. gt_fun_score) d)
((gparams ^. gt_fun_texts) d)
((gparams' ^. gt_fun_score) d)
((gparams' ^. gt_fun_texts) d)
(size t)
((gparams ^. gt_fun_nodeIds) d)
((gparams' ^. gt_fun_nodeIds) d)
toGroupedText' :: ( FlowList a b
, Ord b
=> GroupedTextParams a b
-> Map Text FlowListScores
-> Map Text a
-> Map Stem (GroupedText b)
toGroupedText' groupParams scores =
toGroupedText :: ( FlowList a b
, Ord b
=> GroupedTextParams a b
-> Map Text FlowListScores
-> Map Text c
-> Map Stem (GroupedText b)
toGroupedText groupParams scores =
(groupWithStem groupParams) . (groupWithScores scores)
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ groupWithStem :: ( FlowList a b
=> GroupedTextParams a b
-> ([a], Map Text (GroupedText b))
-> Map Stem (GroupedText b)
groupWithStem _ = snd -- TODO
groupWithStem _ = snd -- TODO (just for tests on Others Ngrams which do not need stem)
groupWithScores :: (FlowList a b, Ord b)
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ groupWithScores :: (FlowList a b, Ord b)
groupWithScores scores ms' = foldl' fun_group start ms
start = ([], Map.empty)
ms = map selfParent (Map.toList ms')
ms = map selfParent $ Map.toList ms'
fun_group (left, grouped) current =
case Map.lookup (hasNgrams current) scores of
......@@ -147,23 +147,29 @@ groupWithScores scores ms' = foldl' fun_group start ms
Just parent -> fun_group (left, grouped) (withParent ms' parent current)
Nothing -> (current : left, grouped)
updateWith scores current Nothing = Just $ createGroupWith scores current
updateWith scores current (Just x) = Just $ updateGroupWith scores current x
updateWith scores current Nothing = Just $ createGroupWithScores scores current
updateWith scores current (Just x) = Just $ updateGroupWithScores scores current x
type FlowList a b = (HasNgrams a, HasGroup a b, WithParent a)
type FlowList a b = (HasNgrams a, HasGroupWithScores a b, WithParent a)
class HasNgrams a where
hasNgrams :: a -> Text
class HasGroup a b | a -> b where
createGroupWith :: FlowListScores -> a -> GroupedText b
updateGroupWith :: FlowListScores -> a -> GroupedText b -> GroupedText b
hasGroup :: a -> GroupedText b
class HasGroupWithStem a b where
hasGroupWithStem :: GroupedTextParams a b -> Map Text a -> Map Stem (GroupedText b)
class HasGroupWithScores a b | a -> b where
createGroupWithScores :: FlowListScores -> a -> GroupedText b
updateGroupWithScores :: FlowListScores -> a -> GroupedText b -> GroupedText b
class WithParent a where
selfParent :: (Text, c) -> a
withParent :: Map Text c -> Text -> a -> a
union :: a -> a -> a
union :: a -> a -> a
instance Ord a => WithParent (GroupedText a) where
......@@ -176,26 +182,27 @@ instance Ord a => WithParent (GroupedText a) where
gr = Set.union group1 group2
nodes = Set.union nodes1 nodes2
selfParent (t,d) = let t' = (gparams ^. gt_fun_stem) t
in (t', GroupedText
((gparams ^. gt_fun_score) d)
((gparams ^. gt_fun_texts) d)
(size t)
((gparams ^. gt_fun_nodeIds) d)
data GroupedTextOrigin a =
GroupedTextOrigin { _gto_lable :: !Text
, _gto_ngramsType :: !NgramsType
, _gto_score :: !a
, _gto_listType :: !(Maybe ListType)
, _gto_children :: !(Set Text)
, _gto_nodes :: !(Set NodeId)
data GroupedTextStem a =
GroupedTextStem { _gts_origin :: !(GroupedTextOrigin a)
, _gts_stem :: !Stem
type Stem = Text
type Label = Text
data GroupedText score =
GroupedText { _gt_listType :: !(Maybe ListType)
, _gt_label :: !Label
, _gt_label :: !Text
, _gt_score :: !score
, _gt_children :: !(Set Text)
, _gt_size :: !Int
......@@ -218,12 +225,25 @@ instance (Eq a, Ord a) => Ord (GroupedText a) where
-- | Lenses Instances
makeLenses 'GroupedText
-- to remove
-- | These instances seeems useless, just for debug purpose
instance HasNgrams (Set Text, Set NodeId) where
hasNgrams = fromMaybe "Nothing" . head . Set.elems . fst
instance HasGroupWithScores (Set Text, Set NodeId) Int where
createGroupWithScores = undefined
updateGroupWithScores = undefined
instance WithParent (Set Text, Set NodeId) where
union = undefined
instance HasNgrams (Text, Set NodeId) where
hasNgrams (t, _) = t
instance HasGroup (Text, Set NodeId) Int where
createGroupWith fs (t, ns) = GroupedText (keyWithMaxValue $ fs ^. flc_lists)
instance HasGroupWithScores (Text, Set NodeId) Int where
createGroupWithScores fs (t, ns) = GroupedText (keyWithMaxValue $ fs ^. flc_lists)
(Set.size ns)
......@@ -235,7 +255,7 @@ instance HasGroup (Text, Set NodeId) Int where
Nothing -> (t, Set.empty)
Just t' -> (t', Set.singleton t)
updateGroupWith fs (t, ns) g = set gt_listType (keyWithMaxValue $ fs ^. flc_lists)
updateGroupWithScores fs (t, ns) g = set gt_listType (keyWithMaxValue $ fs ^. flc_lists)
$ set gt_nodes (Set.union ns $ g ^. gt_nodes) g
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