Commit c63495f4 authored by Mael NICOLAS's avatar Mael NICOLAS

Text -> Maybe Text to backup pandoc errors

parent 54aa9ba5
......@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ import Data.Either
-- (since there is no abstract) will see if other datas are relevant.
data Page = Page
_title :: T.Text
, _text :: T.Text
_title :: Maybe T.Text
, _text :: Maybe T.Text
deriving (Show)
......@@ -74,12 +74,11 @@ parsePage :: MonadThrow m => ConduitT Event o m (Maybe Page)
parsePage =
tagNoAttr "{}page" $ do
title <-
force "title is missing" $
tagNoAttr "{}title" content
_ <-
consumeExcept "{}revision"
revision <-
force "revision is missing" $ parseRevision
many_ $ ignoreAnyTreeContent
return $ Page title revision
......@@ -94,10 +93,13 @@ mediawikiPageToPlain page = do
title <- mediaToPlain $ _title page
revision <- mediaToPlain $ _text page
return $ Page title revision
where mediaToPlain media = do
res <- runIO $ do
doc <- readMediaWiki def media
writePlain def doc
case res of
(Left _) -> return media
(Right r) -> return r
where mediaToPlain media =
case media of
(Nothing) -> return Nothing
(Just med) -> do
res <- runIO $ do
doc <- readMediaWiki def med
writePlain def doc
case res of
(Left _) -> return Nothing
(Right r) -> return $ Just r
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