Eleve: working on 2-grams

parent b9156ba3
......@@ -62,10 +62,16 @@ test n example = do
$ toTree (NonTerminal "") nt'
pure $ map unToken $ split info_entropy nt' ex
-- NP: here we use the entropy to split
-- instead we should use either:
-- info_norm_entropy or info_norm_entropy'
-- However they should first be fixed.
example' = T.words "New York and New York"
example'' = map (T.pack . pure) ("abcdefabcdegabcde" :: P.String)
example0 = T.words "New York is New York and New York"
example1 = T.words "to be or not to be"
example2 = T.words "to be or not to be or"
example3 = map (T.pack . pure) ("abcdefabcdegabcde" :: P.String)
data Token = NonTerminal Text
......@@ -188,16 +194,25 @@ split :: (Num e, Ord e, Show e) => Lens' i e -> Trie Token i -> [Token] -> [[Tok
split inE t0 = go t0 []
ne d t = fromMaybe d (nodeEntropy t ^? _Just . inE)
consRev [] xss = xss
consRev xs xss = reverse xs : xss
go _ pref [] = [reverse pref]
go t pref (x:xs) = case nodeChild x t of
Nothing -> reverse pref : go t0 [x] xs
Just a -> case nodeChild x t0 of
Nothing -> consRev pref $ go t0 [x] xs
Just xt -> case nodeChild x t0 of
Nothing -> panic "TODO"
Just xt0 ->
let et = ne (panic "t") t
ext0 = ne (panic "xt0") xt0
ea = ne (-42) a
in trace (show (et, ext0, ea)) $
case et + ext0 > ea of
True -> go a (x:pref) xs
False -> reverse pref : go xt0 [x] xs
ext = ne 0 xt
-- trace (show ((reverse pref, et, ext0), (reverse (x : pref), ext))) $
case et {-+ ext0-} < ext of
-- NP: here we must take ext0 in account howover currently it
-- makes it worse.
-- For instance it currently works well to 2-grams but not more.
-- PASS: test 4 example1
-- FAIL: test 4 example2
True -> go xt (x:pref) xs
False -> consRev pref $ go xt0 [x] xs
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