[search] remove SearchResultErr/SearchQueryErr

parent c2a50fcf
......@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ api nId (SearchQuery q SearchContact) o l order = do
<$> SearchResultContact
<$> map (toRow aId)
<$> searchInCorpusWithContacts nId aId q o l order
api _ _ _ _ _ = panic "[G.A.Search.api] undefined"
......@@ -74,15 +73,12 @@ api _ _ _ _ _ = panic "[G.A.Search.api] undefined"
data SearchType = SearchDoc | SearchContact
deriving (Generic)
instance FromJSON SearchType
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (defaultOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField })
instance ToJSON SearchType
toJSON = genericToJSON (defaultOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField })
instance ToSchema SearchType
instance Arbitrary SearchType where
arbitrary = elements [SearchDoc, SearchContact]
......@@ -92,17 +88,13 @@ data SearchQuery =
SearchQuery { query :: ![Text]
, expected :: !SearchType
| SearchQueryErr !Text
deriving (Generic)
instance FromJSON SearchQuery
parseJSON = genericParseJSON (defaultOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField })
instance ToJSON SearchQuery
toJSON = genericToJSON (defaultOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField })
instance ToSchema SearchQuery
......@@ -115,7 +107,6 @@ instance Arbitrary SearchQuery where
data SearchResult =
SearchResult { result :: !SearchResultTypes}
| SearchResultErr !Text
deriving (Generic)
instance FromJSON SearchResult
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