[FLOW] indexing does not need typed ngrams

parent 93241ea1
......@@ -177,13 +177,21 @@ instance PGS.FromRow NgramIds where
fromRow = NgramIds <$> field <*> field
withMap :: Map NgramsTerms NgramsId -> NgramsTerms -> NgramsId
withMap m n = maybe (panic "withMap: should not happen") identity (lookup n m)
indexNgramsT :: Map NgramsTerms NgramsId -> NgramsT Ngrams -> NgramsT NgramsIndexed
indexNgramsT m ngrId = indexNgramsTWith f ngrId
f n = maybe (panic "indexNgramsT: should not happen") identity (lookup n m)
indexNgramsT = fmap . indexNgramsWith . withMap
indexNgrams :: Map NgramsTerms NgramsId -> Ngrams -> NgramsIndexed
indexNgrams = indexNgramsWith . withMap
-- NP: not sure we need it anymore
indexNgramsTWith :: (NgramsTerms -> NgramsId) -> NgramsT Ngrams -> NgramsT NgramsIndexed
indexNgramsTWith = fmap . indexNgramsWith
indexNgramsTWith :: (NgramsTerms -> NgramsId) -> NgramsT Ngrams-> NgramsT NgramsIndexed
indexNgramsTWith f (NgramsT t n) = NgramsT t (NgramsIndexed n ((f . _ngramsTerms) n))
indexNgramsWith :: (NgramsTerms -> NgramsId) -> Ngrams -> NgramsIndexed
indexNgramsWith f n = NgramsIndexed n (f $ _ngramsTerms n)
insertNgrams :: [Ngrams] -> Cmd err (Map NgramsTerms NgramsId)
insertNgrams ns = fromList <$> map (\(NgramIds i t) -> (t, i)) <$> (insertNgrams' ns)
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