Commit e9693985 authored by qlobbe's avatar qlobbe

horizon & ancestor ok

parent 3d505e99
......@@ -354,6 +354,16 @@ data PhyloClique = PhyloClique
} deriving (Generic,NFData,Show,Eq)
-- | Phylo Ancestor | --
data PhyloAncestor = PhyloAncestor
{ _phyloAncestor_id :: Int
, _phyloAncestor_ngrams :: [Int]
, _phyloAncestor_groups :: [PhyloGroupId]
} deriving (Generic,NFData,Show,Eq)
-- | Export | --
......@@ -394,8 +404,9 @@ data PhyloBranch =
data PhyloExport =
{ _export_groups :: [PhyloGroup]
, _export_branches :: [PhyloBranch]
{ _export_groups :: [PhyloGroup]
, _export_branches :: [PhyloBranch]
, _export_ancestors :: [PhyloAncestor]
} deriving (Generic, Show)
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Prelude (writeFile)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Viz.AdaptativePhylo
import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.PhyloTools
import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.PhyloTools
import Control.Lens
import Data.GraphViz hiding (DotGraph, Order)
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import Data.Text.Lazy (fromStrict, pack, unpack)
import System.FilePath
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy
......@@ -476,6 +477,27 @@ processDynamics groups =
$ (g ^. phylo_groupNgrams))) [] groups
-- | horizon | --
horizonToAncestors :: Double -> Phylo -> [PhyloAncestor]
horizonToAncestors delta phylo =
let horizon = Map.toList $ Map.filter (\v -> v > delta) $ phylo ^. phylo_horizon
ct0 = fromList $ map (\g -> (getGroupId g, g)) $ getGroupsFromLevelPeriods 1 (take 1 (getPeriodIds phylo)) phylo
aDelta = toRelatedComponents
(elems ct0)
(map (\((g,g'),v) -> ((ct0 ! g,ct0 ! g'),v)) horizon)
in map (\(id,groups) -> toAncestor id groups) $ zip [1..] aDelta
-- | note : possible bug if we sync clus more than once
-- | horizon is calculated at level 1, ancestors have to be related to the last level
toAncestor :: Int -> [PhyloGroup] -> PhyloAncestor
toAncestor id groups = PhyloAncestor id
(foldl' (\acc g -> union acc (g ^. phylo_groupNgrams)) [] groups)
(concat $ map (\g -> map fst (g ^. phylo_groupLevelParents)) groups)
-- | phyloExport | --
......@@ -488,7 +510,7 @@ toPhyloExport phylo = exportToDot phylo
$ processMetrics export
export :: PhyloExport
export = PhyloExport groups branches
export = PhyloExport groups branches (horizonToAncestors 0 phylo)
branches :: [PhyloBranch]
branches = map (\g ->
......@@ -398,6 +398,12 @@ relatedComponents graph = foldl' (\acc groups ->
let acc' = partition (\groups' -> disjoint (Set.fromList groups') (Set.fromList groups)) acc
in (fst acc') ++ [nub $ concat $ (snd acc') ++ [groups]]) [] graph
toRelatedComponents :: [PhyloGroup] -> [((PhyloGroup,PhyloGroup),Double)] -> [[PhyloGroup]]
toRelatedComponents nodes edges =
let ref = fromList $ map (\g -> (getGroupId g, g)) nodes
clusters = relatedComponents $ ((map (\((g,g'),_) -> [getGroupId g, getGroupId g']) edges) ++ (map (\g -> [getGroupId g]) nodes))
in map (\cluster -> map (\gId -> ref ! gId) cluster) clusters
traceSynchronyEnd :: Phylo -> Phylo
traceSynchronyEnd phylo =
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.TemporalMatching (weightedLogJaccard', filterDiago,
import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.PhyloExport (processDynamics)
import Data.List ((++), null, intersect, nub, concat, sort, sortOn, all, groupBy, group, maximum)
import Data.Map (Map, fromList, fromListWith, foldlWithKey, (!), insert, empty, restrictKeys, elems, mapWithKey, member,keys)
import Data.Map (Map, fromList, fromListWith, foldlWithKey, (!), insert, empty, restrictKeys, elems, mapWithKey, member)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Lens hiding (Level)
......@@ -177,14 +177,6 @@ groupsToEdges prox sync nbDocs diago groups =
(g ^. phylo_groupNgrams) (g' ^. phylo_groupNgrams))) edges
_ -> undefined
toRelatedComponents :: [PhyloGroup] -> [((PhyloGroup,PhyloGroup),Double)] -> [[PhyloGroup]]
toRelatedComponents nodes edges =
let ref = fromList $ map (\g -> (getGroupId g, g)) nodes
clusters = relatedComponents $ ((map (\((g,g'),_) -> [getGroupId g, getGroupId g']) edges) ++ (map (\g -> [getGroupId g]) nodes))
in map (\cluster -> map (\gId -> ref ! gId) cluster) clusters
toParentId :: PhyloGroup -> PhyloGroupId
toParentId child = ((child ^. phylo_groupPeriod, child ^. phylo_groupLevel + 1), child ^. phylo_groupIndex)
......@@ -234,20 +226,6 @@ synchronicClustering phylo =
in toNextLevel' phylo $ concat newBranches'
-- | horizon | --
horizonToAncestors :: Double -> Phylo -> Map [PhyloGroupId] [Int]
horizonToAncestors thr phylo =
let horizon = Map.filter (\v -> v >= thr) $ phylo ^. phylo_horizon
groups = fromList $ map (\g -> (getGroupId g, g)) $ getGroupsFromLevelPeriods 1 (take 1 (getPeriodIds phylo)) phylo
graph = toRelatedComponents
(elems groups)
(map (\((k,k'),v) -> ((groups ! k, groups ! k'),v)) $ Map.toList horizon)
-- in fromList $ map (\ancestors -> (map getGroupId ancestors, unionWith (++) $ map _phylo_groupNgrams ancestors)) graph
in undefined
-- synchronicDistance :: Phylo -> Level -> String
-- synchronicDistance phylo lvl =
-- foldl' (\acc branch ->
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