
parent 006ef5b9
......@@ -200,14 +200,8 @@ entropyTrie pred (Node c () children) = Node c e (map (entropyTrie pred) childre
chc = fromIntegral (_node_count child) / fromIntegral c
normalizeLevel :: Entropy e => e -> [e] -> e -> e
normalizeLevel prev = go . noNaNs
go es = \e -> ((e - prev) - m) / v
m = mean es
v = deviation es
normalizeLevel :: Entropy e => e -> e -> e -> e -> e
normalizeLevel prev m v e = ((e - prev) - m) / v
{- Unused
......@@ -242,12 +236,12 @@ instance IsTrie Trie where
findTrie ks t = L.foldl (flip nodeChild) t ks
normalizeEntropy inE modE t = go (modE identity) (entropyLevels inE t) t
normalizeEntropy inE modE t = go (modE identity) (normalizationLevels inE t) t
go _ [] _ = panic "normalizeEntropy' empty levels"
go _ _ (Leaf c) = Leaf c
go f (es : ess) (Node c i children)
= Node c (f i) $ go (modE $ normalizeLevel (i ^. inE) es) ess <$> children
go _ [] _ = panic "normalizeEntropy' empty levels"
go _ _ (Leaf c) = Leaf c
go f ((m, v, _) : ess) (Node c i children)
= Node c (f i) $ go (modE $ normalizeLevel (i ^. inE) m v) ess <$> children
......@@ -277,6 +271,11 @@ levels = L.takeWhile (not . L.null) . L.iterate (L.concatMap subForest) . pure
entropyLevels :: Entropy e => Getting e i e -> Trie k i -> [[e]]
entropyLevels inE = fmap (noNaNs . map (nodeEntropy inE)) . levels
normalizationLevels :: Entropy e => Getting e i e -> Trie k i -> [(e, e, Int)]
normalizationLevels inE = fmap f . entropyLevels inE
f es = (mean es, deviation es, length es)
data Tries k e = Tries
......@@ -431,7 +430,7 @@ testEleve debug n output checks = do
printTrie (_bwd nt)
P.putStrLn ""
P.putStrLn "Levels:"
forM_ (entropyLevels identity t'') $ \level ->
forM_ (normalizationLevels identity t'') $ \level ->
P.putStrLn $ " " <> show level
P.putStrLn ""
P.putStrLn "Entropy Var:"
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