Commit f4396192 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[graphql] implement UserInfo query & mutation

parent bfdb0f61
...@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ import Data.Text (Text) ...@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (decodeUtf8) import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Gargantext.API.GraphQL.User import qualified Gargantext.API.GraphQL.User as GQLUser
import qualified Gargantext.API.GraphQL.UserInfo as GQLUserInfo
import Gargantext.API.Prelude (GargServerT, GargM, GargError) import Gargantext.API.Prelude (GargServerT, GargM, GargError)
import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (Cmd, HasConnectionPool, HasConfig) import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (Cmd, HasConnectionPool, HasConfig)
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.User (UserPoly(..)) import Gargantext.Database.Schema.User (UserPoly(..))
...@@ -75,9 +76,15 @@ import Servant ...@@ -75,9 +76,15 @@ import Servant
-- | Represents possible GraphQL queries. -- | Represents possible GraphQL queries.
data Query m data Query m
= Query = Query
{ users :: UserArgs -> m [User m] { user_infos :: GQLUserInfo.UserInfoArgs -> m [GQLUserInfo.UserInfo]
, users :: GQLUser.UserArgs -> m [GQLUser.User m]
} deriving (Generic, GQLType) } deriving (Generic, GQLType)
data Mutation m
= Mutation
{ update_user_info :: GQLUserInfo.UserInfoMArgs -> m GQLUserInfo.UserInfo }
deriving (Generic, GQLType)
-- | Possible GraphQL Events, i.e. here we describe how we will -- | Possible GraphQL Events, i.e. here we describe how we will
-- manipulate the data. -- manipulate the data.
type EVENT m = Event Channel (Contet m) type EVENT m = Event Channel (Contet m)
...@@ -90,17 +97,19 @@ data Channel ...@@ -90,17 +97,19 @@ data Channel
-- | This type describes what data we will operate on. -- | This type describes what data we will operate on.
data Contet m data Contet m
= UserContet [User m] = UserContet [GQLUser.User m]
| UserInfoContet [GQLUserInfo.UserInfo]
-- | The main GraphQL resolver: how queries, mutations and -- | The main GraphQL resolver: how queries, mutations and
-- subscriptions are handled. -- subscriptions are handled.
rootResolver rootResolver
:: (HasConnectionPool env, HasConfig env) :: (HasConnectionPool env, HasConfig env)
=> RootResolver (GargM env GargError) e Query Undefined Undefined => RootResolver (GargM env GargError) e Query Mutation Undefined
rootResolver = rootResolver =
RootResolver RootResolver
{ queryResolver = Query { users = resolveUsers } { queryResolver = Query { user_infos = GQLUserInfo.resolveUserInfos
, mutationResolver = Undefined , users = GQLUser.resolveUsers }
, mutationResolver = Mutation { update_user_info = GQLUserInfo.updateUserInfo }
, subscriptionResolver = Undefined } , subscriptionResolver = Undefined }
-- | Main GraphQL "app". -- | Main GraphQL "app".
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
module Gargantext.API.GraphQL.UserInfo where
import Control.Lens
import Data.Morpheus.Types
( GQLType
, Resolver
, ResolverM
, lift
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Gargantext.API.Prelude (GargM, GargError)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata
( HyperdataUser(..)
, hc_source
, hc_title
, hu_shared)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata.Contact
( HyperdataContact
, ContactWho
, ContactWhere
, cw_city
, cw_country
, cw_firstName
, cw_lastName
, cw_labTeamDepts
, cw_office
, cw_organization
, cw_role
, cw_touch
, ct_mail
, ct_phone
, hc_who
, hc_where)
import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (HasConnectionPool, HasConfig)
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.User (getUsersWithHyperdata)
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.User (UserLight(..))
import Gargantext.Prelude
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
data UserInfo = UserInfo
{ ui_id :: Int
, ui_username :: Text
, ui_email :: Text
, ui_title :: Maybe Text
, ui_source :: Maybe Text
, ui_cwFirstName :: Maybe Text
, ui_cwLastName :: Maybe Text
, ui_cwCity :: Maybe Text
, ui_cwCountry :: Maybe Text
, ui_cwOrganization :: [Text]
, ui_cwLabTeamDepts :: [Text]
, ui_cwOffice :: Maybe Text
, ui_cwRole :: Maybe Text
, ui_cwTouchPhone :: Maybe Text
, ui_cwTouchMail :: Maybe Text }
deriving (Generic, GQLType, Show)
-- | Arguments to the "user info" query.
data UserInfoArgs
= UserInfoArgs
{ user_id :: Int
} deriving (Generic, GQLType)
-- | Arguments to the "user info" mutation,
data UserInfoMArgs
= UserInfoMArgs
{ ui_id :: Int
, ui_username :: Maybe Text
, ui_email :: Maybe Text
, ui_title :: Maybe Text
, ui_source :: Maybe Text
, ui_cwFirstName :: Maybe Text
, ui_cwLastName :: Maybe Text
, ui_cwCity :: Maybe Text
, ui_cwCountry :: Maybe Text
, ui_cwOrganization :: Maybe [Text]
, ui_cwLabTeamDepts :: Maybe [Text]
, ui_cwOffice :: Maybe Text
, ui_cwRole :: Maybe Text
, ui_cwTouchPhone :: Maybe Text
, ui_cwTouchMail :: Maybe Text
} deriving (Generic, GQLType)
type GqlM e env = Resolver QUERY e (GargM env GargError)
-- | Function to resolve user from a query.
:: (HasConnectionPool env, HasConfig env)
=> UserInfoArgs -> GqlM e env [UserInfo]
resolveUserInfos UserInfoArgs { user_id } = dbUsers user_id
-- | Mutation for user info
:: (HasConnectionPool env, HasConfig env)
=> UserInfoMArgs -> ResolverM e (GargM env GargError) UserInfo
updateUserInfo (UserInfoMArgs { ui_id, .. }) = do
lift $ printDebug "[updateUserInfo] ui_id" ui_id
users <- lift (getUsersWithHyperdata ui_id)
case users of
[] -> panic $ "[updateUserInfo] User with id " <> (T.pack $ show ui_id) <> " doesn't exist."
((u, u_hyperdata):_) -> do
lift $ printDebug "[updateUserInfo] u" u
let u_hyperdata' = uh ui_titleL ui_title $
uh ui_sourceL ui_source $
uh ui_cwFirstNameL ui_cwFirstName $
uh ui_cwLastNameL ui_cwLastName $
uh ui_cwCityL ui_cwCity $
uh ui_cwCountryL ui_cwCountry $
uh' ui_cwLabTeamDeptsL ui_cwLabTeamDepts $
uh' ui_cwOrganizationL ui_cwOrganization $
uh ui_cwOfficeL ui_cwOffice $
uh ui_cwRoleL ui_cwRole $
uh ui_cwTouchMailL ui_cwTouchMail $
uh ui_cwTouchPhoneL ui_cwTouchPhone $
lift $ printDebug "[updateUserInfo] with firstName" u_hyperdata'
pure $ toUser (u, u_hyperdata')
uh _ Nothing u_hyperdata = u_hyperdata
uh lens' (Just val) u_hyperdata = u_hyperdata & lens' .~ Just val
uh' _ Nothing u_hyperdata = u_hyperdata
uh' lens' (Just val) u_hyperdata = u_hyperdata & lens' .~ val
-- | Inner function to fetch the user from DB.
:: (HasConnectionPool env, HasConfig env)
=> Int -> GqlM e env [UserInfo]
dbUsers user_id = do
-- user <- getUsersWithId user_id
-- hyperdata <- getUserHyperdata user_id
-- lift (map toUser <$> zip user hyperdata)
lift (map toUser <$> (getUsersWithHyperdata user_id))
toUser :: (UserLight, HyperdataUser) -> UserInfo
toUser (UserLight { .. }, u_hyperdata) =
UserInfo { ui_id = userLight_id
, ui_username = userLight_username
, ui_email = userLight_email
, ui_title = u_hyperdata ^. ui_titleL
, ui_source = u_hyperdata ^. ui_sourceL
, ui_cwFirstName = u_hyperdata ^. ui_cwFirstNameL
, ui_cwLastName = u_hyperdata ^. ui_cwLastNameL
, ui_cwCity = u_hyperdata ^. ui_cwCityL
, ui_cwCountry = u_hyperdata ^. ui_cwCountryL
, ui_cwLabTeamDepts = u_hyperdata ^. ui_cwLabTeamDeptsL
, ui_cwOrganization = u_hyperdata ^. ui_cwOrganizationL
, ui_cwOffice = u_hyperdata ^. ui_cwOfficeL
, ui_cwRole = u_hyperdata ^. ui_cwRoleL
, ui_cwTouchMail = u_hyperdata ^. ui_cwTouchMailL
, ui_cwTouchPhone = u_hyperdata ^. ui_cwTouchPhoneL }
sharedL :: Traversal' HyperdataUser HyperdataContact
sharedL = hu_shared . _Just
ui_titleL :: Traversal' HyperdataUser (Maybe Text)
ui_titleL = sharedL . hc_title
ui_sourceL :: Traversal' HyperdataUser (Maybe Text)
ui_sourceL = sharedL . hc_source
contactWhoL :: Traversal' HyperdataUser ContactWho
contactWhoL = sharedL . hc_who . _Just
ui_cwFirstNameL :: Traversal' HyperdataUser (Maybe Text)
ui_cwFirstNameL = contactWhoL . cw_firstName
ui_cwLastNameL :: Traversal' HyperdataUser (Maybe Text)
ui_cwLastNameL = contactWhoL . cw_lastName
contactWhereL :: Traversal' HyperdataUser ContactWhere
contactWhereL = sharedL . hc_where . (ix 0)
ui_cwCityL :: Traversal' HyperdataUser (Maybe Text)
ui_cwCityL = contactWhereL . cw_city
ui_cwCountryL :: Traversal' HyperdataUser (Maybe Text)
ui_cwCountryL = contactWhereL . cw_country
ui_cwLabTeamDeptsL :: Traversal' HyperdataUser [Text]
ui_cwLabTeamDeptsL = hu_shared . _Just . (hc_where . (ix 0) . cw_labTeamDepts)
ui_cwOrganizationL :: Traversal' HyperdataUser [Text]
ui_cwOrganizationL = hu_shared . _Just . (hc_where . (ix 0) . cw_organization)
ui_cwOfficeL :: Traversal' HyperdataUser (Maybe Text)
ui_cwOfficeL = contactWhereL . cw_office
ui_cwRoleL :: Traversal' HyperdataUser (Maybe Text)
ui_cwRoleL = contactWhereL . cw_role
ui_cwTouchMailL :: Traversal' HyperdataUser (Maybe Text)
ui_cwTouchMailL = contactWhereL . cw_touch . _Just . ct_mail
ui_cwTouchPhoneL :: Traversal' HyperdataUser (Maybe Text)
ui_cwTouchPhoneL = contactWhereL . cw_touch . _Just . ct_phone
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