Commit f5a41588 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

Merge branch 'dev-charts-update-economy' into dev

parents 21aed8c5 d86ab2a1
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ import Prelude (error)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Types (HasSettings)
-- import qualified Gargantext.API.Metrics as Metrics
import qualified Gargantext.API.Metrics as Metrics
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Types
import Gargantext.Core.Types (ListType(..), NodeId, ListId, DocId, Limit, Offset, HasInvalidError, TODO, assertValid)
import Gargantext.Core.Utils (something)
......@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.Error (HasNodeError)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node (NodeType(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (HasConnectionPool, HasConfig)
import qualified Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Ngrams as TableNgrams
-- import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node (getNode)
-- import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node (NodePoly(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node (getNode)
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node (node_id, node_parentId, node_userId)
-- TODO sequences of modifications (Patchs)
......@@ -344,11 +344,10 @@ tableNgramsPut tabType listId (Versioned p_version p_table)
ret <- commitStatePatch (Versioned p_version p)
<&> v_data %~ (view (_PatchMap . at ngramsType . _Just . _PatchMap . at listId . _Just))
node <- getNode listId
let nId = _node_id node
_uId = _node_userId node
mCId = _node_parentId node
let nId = node ^. node_id
_uId = node ^. node_userId
mCId = node ^. node_parentId
-- printDebug "[tableNgramsPut] updating graph with nId" nId
-- printDebug "[tableNgramsPut] updating graph with uId" uId
-- _ <- recomputeGraph uId nId Conditional
......@@ -392,7 +391,6 @@ tableNgramsPut tabType listId (Versioned p_version p_table)
printDebug "[tableNgramsPut] no update for tabType = " tabType
pure ()
pure ()
pure ret
......@@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ instance FromHttpApiData TabType
parseUrlPiece "Contacts" = pure Contacts
parseUrlPiece _ = Left "Unexpected value of TabType"
instance ToParamSchema TabType
instance ToJSON TabType
instance FromJSON TabType
......@@ -82,7 +81,6 @@ instance ToSchema TabType
instance Arbitrary TabType
arbitrary = elements [minBound .. maxBound]
instance FromJSONKey TabType where
fromJSONKey = genericFromJSONKey defaultJSONKeyOptions
instance ToJSONKey TabType where
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ module Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata.List
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Applicative
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Types (Histo(..))
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.NTree (MyTree)
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