Commit f5ebe987 authored by Quentin Lobbé's avatar Quentin Lobbé

Strating to add PhyloView and PhyloQuery

parent b577f0a1
......@@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ import Gargantext.Prelude
data PhyloExport =
PhyloExport { _phyloExport_param :: PhyloParam
, _phyloExport_data :: Phylo
} deriving (Generic)
} deriving (Generic, Show)
-- | .phylo parameters
data PhyloParam =
PhyloParam { _phyloParam_version :: Text -- Double ?
, _phyloParam_software :: Software
, _phyloParam_params :: Hash
} deriving (Generic)
} deriving (Generic, Show)
type Hash = Text
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ type Hash = Text
data Software =
Software { _software_name :: Text
, _software_version :: Text
} deriving (Generic)
} deriving (Generic, Show)
......@@ -172,12 +172,12 @@ data Document = Document
type Cluster = [PhyloGroup]
-- | A List of PhyloGroup in a PhyloGraph
type PhyloNodes = [PhyloGroup]
-- | A List of weighted links between some PhyloGroups in a PhyloGraph
type PhyloEdges = [((PhyloGroup,PhyloGroup),Weight)]
-- | A List of PhyloGroup in a Graph
type GroupNodes = [PhyloGroup]
-- | A List of weighted links between some PhyloGroups in a Graph
type GroupEdges = [((PhyloGroup,PhyloGroup),Weight)]
-- | The association as a Graph between a list of Nodes and a list of Edges
type PhyloGraph = (PhyloNodes,PhyloEdges)
type GroupGraph = (GroupNodes,GroupEdges)
data PhyloError = LevelDoesNotExist
......@@ -192,32 +192,103 @@ data Clustering = Louvain | RelatedComponents
data PairTo = Childs | Parents
-- | Views type
-- | To export a Phylo | --
-- | PhyloView | --
data EdgeType = Ascendant | Descendant | Complete deriving (Show)
data PhyloView = PhyloView
{ _phylo_viewParam :: PhyloParam
, _phylo_viewLabel :: Text
, _phylo_viewDescription :: Text
, _phylo_viewEdgeType :: EdgeType
, _phylo_viewMeta :: Map Text Double
, _phylo_viewBranches :: [PhyloBranch]
, _phylo_viewNodes :: [PhyloNode]
, _phylo_viewEdges :: [PhyloEdge]
} deriving (Show)
data PhyloBranch = PhyloBranch
{ _phylo_branchId :: PhyloBranchId
, _phylo_branchLabel :: Text
, _phylo_branchMeta :: Map Text Double
} deriving (Show)
data PhyloEdge = PhyloEdge
{ _phylo_edgeSource :: PhyloGroupId
, _phylo_edgeTarget :: PhyloGroupId
, _phylo_edgeWeight :: Weight
} deriving (Show)
data PhyloNode = PhyloNode
{ _phylo_nodeId :: PhyloGroupId
, _phylo_nodeLabel :: Text
, _phylo_nodeNgramsIdx :: [Int]
, _phylo_nodeNgrams :: Maybe [Ngrams]
, _phylo_nodeMeta :: Map Text Double
, _phylo_nodeParent :: Maybe PhyloGroupId
} deriving (Show)
-- | PhyloQuery | --
data Filter = LonelyBranchFilter
data Metric = BranchAge
data Tagger = BranchLabelFreq | GroupLabelCooc | GroupDynamics
data EdgeType = Directed | UnDirected
data ViewGraph = ViewGraph
{ _view_graphParam :: PhyloParam
, _view_graphLabel :: Text
, _view_graphEdgeType :: EdgeType
, _view_graphBranches :: [(PhyloBranchId,Text)]
, _view_graphNodes :: [ViewNode]
, _view_graphEdges :: [ViewEdge]
data Sort = ByBranchAge
data Order = Asc | Desc
data ViewEdge = ViewEdge
{ _view_edgeSource :: PhyloGroupId
, _view_edgeTarget :: PhyloGroupId
, _view_edgeWeight :: Weight
data QueryParam = Qp1 Int | Qp2 Text | Qp3 Bool deriving (Eq, Ord)
data DisplayMode = Flat | Nested
-- | A query filter seen as : prefix && ((filter params)(clause))
data QueryFilter = QueryFilter
{ _query_filter :: Filter
, _query_params :: [QueryParam]
, _query_clause :: (QueryParam -> Bool)
-- | A PhyloQuery is the structured representation of a user query to be applied to a Phylo
data PhyloQuery = PhyloQuery
{ _query_lvl :: Level
-- Does the PhyloGraph contain ascendant, descendant or both (filiation) edges ?
, _query_edgeType :: EdgeType
-- Does the PhyloGraph contain some levelChilds ? How deep must it go ?
, _query_childs :: Bool
, _query_childsDepth :: Level
-- Ordered lists of filters, taggers and metrics to be applied to the PhyloGraph
-- Firstly the metrics, then the filters and the taggers
, _query_metrics :: [Metric]
, _query_filters :: [QueryFilter]
, _query_taggers :: [Tagger]
-- An asc or desc sort to apply to the PhyloGraph
, _query_sort :: Maybe (Sort,Order)
-- A display mode to apply to the PhyloGraph, ie: [Node[Node,Edge],Edge] or [[Node,Node],[Edge,Edge]]
, _query_display :: DisplayMode
, _query_verbose :: Bool
data ViewNode = ViewNode
{ _view_nodeId :: PhyloGroupId
, _view_nodeLabel :: Text
, _view_nodeNgrams :: [Ngrams]
, _view_nodeMeta :: Map Text Double
, _view_nodeParent :: PhyloGroupId
-- | Lenses and Json | --
-- | Lenses
makeLenses ''Phylo
......@@ -227,10 +298,12 @@ makeLenses ''Software
makeLenses ''PhyloGroup
makeLenses ''PhyloLevel
makeLenses ''PhyloPeriod
makeLenses ''PhyloView
makeLenses ''PhyloQuery
-- | JSON instances
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_phylo_" ) ''Phylo )
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_phylo_period" ) 'PhyloPeriod )
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_phylo_period" ) ''PhyloPeriod )
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_phylo_level" ) ''PhyloLevel )
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_phylo_group" ) ''PhyloGroup )
......@@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- | To apply a Clustering method to a PhyloGraph
graphToClusters :: (Clustering,[Double]) -> PhyloGraph -> [[PhyloGroup]]
graphToClusters :: (Clustering,[Double]) -> GroupGraph -> [Cluster]
graphToClusters (clust,param) (nodes,edges) = case clust of
Louvain -> undefined -- louvain (nodes,edges)
RelatedComponents -> relatedComp 0 (head nodes) (tail nodes,edges) [] []
-- | To transform a Phylo into Clusters of PhyloGroups at a given level
phyloToClusters :: Level -> (Proximity,[Double]) -> (Clustering,[Double]) -> Phylo -> Map (Date,Date) [[PhyloGroup]]
phyloToClusters :: Level -> (Proximity,[Double]) -> (Clustering,[Double]) -> Phylo -> Map (Date,Date) [Cluster]
phyloToClusters lvl (prox,param) (clus,param') p = Map.fromList
$ zip (getPhyloPeriods p)
(map (\prd -> let graph = groupsToGraph (prox,param) (getGroupsWithFilters lvl prd p) p
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- | To transform a PhyloGraph into a list of PhyloBranches by using the relatedComp clustering
graphToBranches :: Level -> PhyloGraph -> Phylo -> [(Int,PhyloGroupId)]
graphToBranches :: Level -> GroupGraph -> Phylo -> [(Int,PhyloGroupId)]
graphToBranches lvl (nodes,edges) p = concat
$ map (\(idx,gs) -> map (\g -> (idx,getGroupId g)) gs)
$ zip [1..]
......@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ graphToBranches lvl (nodes,edges) p = concat
-- | To transform a list of PhyloGroups into a PhyloGraph by using a given Proximity mesure
groupsToGraph :: (Proximity,[Double]) -> [PhyloGroup] -> Phylo -> PhyloGraph
groupsToGraph :: (Proximity,[Double]) -> [PhyloGroup] -> Phylo -> GroupGraph
groupsToGraph (prox,param) groups p = (groups,edges)
edges :: PhyloEdges
edges :: GroupEdges
edges = case prox of
FromPairs -> (nub . concat) $ map (\g -> (map (\g' -> ((g',g),1)) $ getGroupParents g p)
......@@ -71,6 +71,6 @@ setPhyloBranches lvl p = alterGroupWithLevel (\g -> let bIdx = (fst . head) $ fi
bs :: [(Int,PhyloGroupId)]
bs = graphToBranches lvl graph p
graph :: PhyloGraph
graph :: GroupGraph
graph = groupsToGraph (FromPairs,[]) (getGroupsWithLevel lvl p) p
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import Control.Lens hiding (makeLenses, both, Level)
import Data.Bool (Bool, not)
import Data.List (notElem, concat, union, intersect, tails, tail, head, last, null, zip, sort, length, any, (++), (!!), nub, sortOn, reverse, splitAt, take, delete, init, groupBy)
import Data.Map (Map, elems, member, adjust, singleton, empty, (!), keys, restrictKeys, mapWithKey, filterWithKey, mapKeys, intersectionWith, unionWith)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Text (Text, unwords, toLower, words)
......@@ -124,18 +125,126 @@ freqToLabel thr l ngs = ngramsToLabel ngs $ mostFreqNgrams thr l
-- && notElem ((head . getBranchPeriods) b) (take nbPsup $ reverse periods)
-- --------------------------------------
-- alterBranchLabel f b p = over (phylo_branchLabel) (\lbl -> f 2 (getGroupsFromIds (getBranchGroupIds b) p) (getVector Ngrams p)) b
-- toPhyloView1 :: Level -> Phylo -> [PhyloBranch]
-- toPhyloView1 lvl p = bs
-- where
-- bs = map (\b -> alterBranchLabel freqToLabel b p)
-- $ filterLoneBranches 1 1 1 (getPhyloPeriods p)
-- $ getPhyloBranches p
filterLonelyBranch :: PhyloView -> PhyloView
filterLonelyBranch graph = graph
filterHandler :: QueryFilter -> PhyloView -> PhyloView
filterHandler fq graph = case _query_filter fq of
LonelyBranchFilter -> filterLonelyBranch graph
getBranchIdsWith :: Level -> Phylo -> [PhyloBranchId]
getBranchIdsWith lvl p = sortOn snd
$ mapMaybe getGroupBranchId
$ getGroupsWithLevel lvl p
phyloParams :: PhyloParam
phyloParams = PhyloParam "v0.1" (Software "Gargantext" "v4") ""
getPhyloParams :: Phylo -> PhyloParam
getPhyloParams p = phyloParams
initPhyloBranch :: PhyloBranchId -> Text -> PhyloBranch
initPhyloBranch id lbl = PhyloBranch id lbl empty
addPhyloNodes :: Bool -> Bool -> Vector Ngrams -> [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloNode]
addPhyloNodes isR isV ns gs = map (\g -> let idxs = getGroupNgrams g
in PhyloNode
(getGroupId g) "" idxs
(if isV
then Just (ngramsToText ns idxs)
else Nothing)
(if isR
then Just (head $ getGroupLevelParentsId g)
else Nothing)
) $ gs
initPhyloEdge :: PhyloGroup -> [Pointer] -> [PhyloEdge]
initPhyloEdge g pts = map (\pt -> PhyloEdge (getGroupId g) (fst pt) (snd pt)) pts
addPhyloEdgesLevel :: EdgeType -> [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloEdge]
addPhyloEdgesLevel e gs = concat
$ map (\g -> case e of
Ascendant -> initPhyloEdge g (_phylo_groupLevelParents g)
Descendant -> initPhyloEdge g (_phylo_groupLevelChilds g)) gs
addPhyloEdgesPeriod :: EdgeType -> [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloEdge]
addPhyloEdgesPeriod e gs = concat
$ map (\g -> case e of
Ascendant -> initPhyloEdge g (_phylo_groupPeriodParents g)
Descendant -> initPhyloEdge g (_phylo_groupPeriodChilds g)) gs
addBranches :: Level -> Phylo -> [PhyloBranch]
addBranches lvl p = map (\id -> initPhyloBranch id "")
$ getBranchIdsWith lvl p
initPhyloView :: Level -> Text -> Text -> EdgeType -> Bool -> Phylo -> PhyloView
initPhyloView lvl lbl dsc e vb p = PhyloView (getPhyloParams p) lbl dsc e empty
([] ++ (addBranches lvl p))
([] ++ (addPhyloNodes True vb (getFoundations p) groups))
(case e of
Complete -> [] ++ (addPhyloEdgesPeriod Ascendant groups) ++ (addPhyloEdgesPeriod Descendant groups)
_ -> [] ++ (addPhyloEdgesPeriod e groups))
groups :: [PhyloGroup]
groups = getGroupsWithLevel lvl p
addChildNodes :: Bool -> Level -> Level -> Bool -> EdgeType -> Phylo -> PhyloView -> PhyloView
addChildNodes ok lvl lvl' vb e p v
| not ok = v
| lvl == lvl' = v
| otherwise = addChildNodes ok lvl (lvl' - 1) vb e p
$ v & over (phylo_viewBranches) (++ (addBranches (lvl' - 1) p))
& over (phylo_viewNodes) (++ (addPhyloNodes False vb (getFoundations p) groups'))
& over (phylo_viewEdges) (case e of
Complete -> (++ ((addPhyloEdgesPeriod Ascendant groups') ++ (addPhyloEdgesPeriod Descendant groups')))
_ -> (++ (addPhyloEdgesPeriod e groups)))
& over (phylo_viewEdges) (++ (addPhyloEdgesLevel Descendant groups))
& over (phylo_viewEdges) (++ (addPhyloEdgesLevel Ascendant groups'))
groups :: [PhyloGroup]
groups = getGroupsWithLevel lvl' p
groups' :: [PhyloGroup]
groups' = getGroupsWithLevel (lvl' - 1) p
queryToView :: PhyloQuery -> Phylo -> PhyloView
queryToView q p = addChildNodes (_query_childs q) (_query_lvl q) (_query_childsDepth q) (_query_verbose q) (_query_edgeType q) p
$ initPhyloView (_query_lvl q) "Phylo2000" "This is a Phylo" (_query_edgeType q) (_query_verbose q) p
defaultQuery :: PhyloQuery
defaultQuery = PhyloQuery 3 Descendant False 0 [] [] [] Nothing Flat True
textQuery :: Text
textQuery = "level=3&childs=false&filter=LonelyBranchFilter(2,2,1):true&metric=BranchAge&tagger=BranchLabelFreq&tagger=GroupLabelCooc"
-- | To do : add a queryParser from an URL and then update the defaultQuery
urlToQuery :: Text -> PhyloQuery
urlToQuery url = defaultQuery
& query_lvl .~ 3
& query_childs .~ False
& over (query_metrics) (++ [BranchAge])
& over (query_filters) (++ [QueryFilter LonelyBranchFilter [Qp1 2,Qp1 2,Qp1 1] (== Qp3 True)])
& over (query_taggers) (++ [BranchLabelFreq,GroupLabelCooc])
toPhyloView :: Text -> Phylo -> PhyloView
toPhyloView url p = queryToView (urlToQuery url) p
-- | STEP 11 | -- Incrementaly cluster the PhyloGroups n times, link them through the Periods and build level n of the Phylo
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- (nodes,edges) = the initial PhyloGraph minus the current PhyloGroup
-- next = the next PhyloGroups to be added in the cluster
-- memo = the memory of the allready created clusters
relatedComp :: Int -> PhyloGroup -> PhyloGraph -> [PhyloGroup] -> [[PhyloGroup]] -> [[PhyloGroup]]
relatedComp :: Int -> PhyloGroup -> GroupGraph -> [PhyloGroup] -> [[PhyloGroup]] -> [[PhyloGroup]]
relatedComp idx curr (nodes,edges) next memo
| null nodes' && null next' = memo'
| (not . null) next' = relatedComp idx (head next') (nodes',edges) (tail next') memo'
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ relatedComp idx curr (nodes,edges) next memo
louvain :: (PhyloNodes,PhyloEdges) -> IO [[PhyloGroup]]
louvain :: (GroupNodes,GroupEdges) -> IO [[PhyloGroup]]
louvain (nodes,edges) = map (\community -> map (\node -> nodes !! (l_node_id node)) community)
<$> groupBy (\a b -> (l_community_id a) == (l_community_id b))
<$> (cLouvain $ mapKeys (\(x,y) -> (idx x, idx y)) $ fromList edges)
......@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ filterNestedSets h l l'
| otherwise = filterNestedSets (head l) (tail l) (h : l')
-- | To filter some PhyloEdges with a given threshold
filterPhyloEdges :: Double -> PhyloEdges -> PhyloEdges
filterPhyloEdges thr edges = filter (\((s,t),w) -> w > thr) edges
-- | To filter some GroupEdges with a given threshold
filterGroupEdges :: Double -> GroupEdges -> GroupEdges
filterGroupEdges thr edges = filter (\((s,t),w) -> w > thr) edges
-- | To get the foundations of a Phylo
......@@ -133,6 +133,11 @@ getIdxInFoundations n p = case (elemIndex n (getFoundations p)) of
Just idx -> idx
-- | To maybe get the PhyloBranchId of a PhyloGroup
getGroupBranchId :: PhyloGroup -> Maybe PhyloBranchId
getGroupBranchId = _phylo_groupBranchId
-- | To get the PhyloGroups Childs of a PhyloGroup
getGroupChilds :: PhyloGroup -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup]
getGroupChilds g p = getGroupsFromIds (map fst $ _phylo_groupPeriodChilds g) p
......@@ -158,6 +163,11 @@ getGroupLevelChildsId :: PhyloGroup -> [PhyloGroupId]
getGroupLevelChildsId g = map fst $ _phylo_groupLevelChilds g
-- | To get the PhyloGroups Level Parents Ids of a PhyloGroup
getGroupLevelParentsId :: PhyloGroup -> [PhyloGroupId]
getGroupLevelParentsId g = map fst $ _phylo_groupLevelParents g
-- | To get the Ngrams of a PhyloGroup
getGroupNgrams :: PhyloGroup -> [Int]
getGroupNgrams = _phylo_groupNgrams
......@@ -234,8 +244,8 @@ getLastLevel p = (last . sort)
. phylo_periodLevels ) p
-- | To get the neighbours (directed/undirected) of a PhyloGroup from a list of PhyloEdges
getNeighbours :: Bool -> PhyloGroup -> PhyloEdges -> [PhyloGroup]
-- | To get the neighbours (directed/undirected) of a PhyloGroup from a list of GroupEdges
getNeighbours :: Bool -> PhyloGroup -> GroupEdges -> [PhyloGroup]
getNeighbours directed g e = case directed of
True -> map (\((s,t),w) -> t)
$ filter (\((s,t),w) -> s == g) e
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