Commit fa76819d authored by Quentin Lobbé's avatar Quentin Lobbé

Add field groupQuality to the phylo & a nonempty filter by support

parent 0fc6ab34
......@@ -110,13 +110,15 @@ type PhyloLevelId = (PhyloPeriodId, Int)
-- | PhyloGroup : group of ngrams at each level and step
-- Label : maybe has a label as text
-- Ngrams: set of terms that build the group
-- Quality : map of measures (support, etc.) that depict some qualitative aspects of a phylo
-- Period Parents|Childs: weighted link to Parents|Childs (Temporal Period axis)
-- Level Parents|Childs: weighted link to Parents|Childs (Level Granularity axis)
-- Pointers are directed link from Self to any PhyloGroup (/= Self ?)
data PhyloGroup =
PhyloGroup { _phylo_groupId :: PhyloGroupId
, _phylo_groupLabel :: Text
PhyloGroup { _phylo_groupId :: PhyloGroupId
, _phylo_groupLabel :: Text
, _phylo_groupNgrams :: [Int]
, _phylo_groupQuality :: Map Text Double
, _phylo_groupPeriodParents :: [Pointer]
, _phylo_groupPeriodChilds :: [Pointer]
......@@ -125,10 +125,8 @@ lvl_1_0 = (LinkLvl Link_1_0 1 0)
phyloWithGroups1 :: Phylo
phyloWithGroups1 = updatePhyloByLevel Level_1 phyloLinked_m1_0
-- | Doit-on conserver le support dans les phylogroups ? Oui (faire un champ groups quality ...)
cliqueToGroup :: PhyloPeriodId -> Int -> Int -> Ngrams -> (Clique,Support) -> PhyloGroup
cliqueToGroup period lvl idx label fis = PhyloGroup ((period, lvl), idx) label (List.sort (map (\x -> findIdx x) (Set.toList $ Tuple.fst fis))) [] [] [] []
cliqueToGroup period lvl idx label fis = PhyloGroup ((period, lvl), idx) label (List.sort (map (\x -> findIdx x) (Set.toList $ Tuple.fst fis))) (Map.singleton "support" (fromIntegral $ Tuple.snd fis)) [] [] [] []
fisToPhyloLevel :: Map (Date, Date) Fis -> Phylo -> Phylo
fisToPhyloLevel m p = over (phylo_periods . traverse)
......@@ -142,13 +140,24 @@ fisToPhyloLevel m p = over (phylo_periods . traverse)
) period
) p
-- | Doit-on mettre une rêgle pour éviter que les filtres ne suppriment tous les Fis d'une période ? Oui : en fonction de ce qu'il reste après les nested on peut mettre une optrion (pas forcément par défaut) pour descendre le seuil de support jusqu'à trouver un ensemble non nul de Fis
-- | To preserve nonempty periods from filtering, please use : filterFisBySupport False ...
phyloFisFiltered :: Map (Date, Date) Fis
phyloFisFiltered = filterFisByNested $ filterFisBySupport 1 phyloFis
phyloFisFiltered = filterFisBySupport True 1 (filterFisByNested phyloFis)
filterFisBySupport :: Bool -> Int -> Map (Date, Date) Fis -> Map (Date, Date) Fis
filterFisBySupport empty min m = case empty of
True -> (\fis -> filterMinorFis min fis) m
False -> (\fis -> filterMinorFisNonEmpty min fis) m
filterFisBySupport :: Int -> Map (Date, Date) Fis -> Map (Date, Date) Fis
filterFisBySupport minSupport m = (\fis -> Map.filter (\s -> s > minSupport) fis) m
filterMinorFis :: Int -> Fis -> Fis
filterMinorFis min fis = Map.filter (\s -> s > min) fis
filterMinorFisNonEmpty :: Int -> Fis -> Fis
filterMinorFisNonEmpty min fis = if (Map.null fis') && (Bool.not $ Map.null fis)
then filterMinorFisNonEmpty (min - 1) fis
else fis'
fis' = filterMinorFis min fis
doesContains :: [Ngrams] -> [Ngrams] -> Bool
doesContains l l'
......@@ -281,8 +290,8 @@ lvl_0_m1 = (LinkLvl Link_0_m1 0 (-1))
setGroupIdLvl :: Int -> PhyloGroup -> PhyloGroup
setGroupIdLvl lvl (PhyloGroup ((period, lvl'), idx) gLabel gNgrams gPP gPC gLP gLC)
= PhyloGroup ((period, lvl), idx) gLabel gNgrams gPP gPC gLP gLC
setGroupIdLvl lvl (PhyloGroup ((period, lvl'), idx) gLabel gNgrams gQ gPP gPC gLP gLC)
= PhyloGroup ((period, lvl), idx) gLabel gNgrams gQ gPP gPC gLP gLC
setPhyloLevel :: Int -> PhyloLevel -> PhyloLevel
setPhyloLevel lvl (PhyloLevel (periodId, lvl') lvlGroups)
......@@ -310,7 +319,7 @@ findIdx n = case (Vector.elemIndex n (_phylo_ngrams phylo)) of
Just i -> i
ngramsToGroup :: [Ngrams] -> Text -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> PhyloGroup
ngramsToGroup terms label idx lvl from to = PhyloGroup (((from, to), lvl), idx) label (List.sort (map (\x -> findIdx x) terms)) [] [] [] []
ngramsToGroup terms label idx lvl from to = PhyloGroup (((from, to), lvl), idx) label (List.sort (map (\x -> findIdx x) terms)) (Map.empty) [] [] [] []
docsToLevel :: (Date, Date) -> Corpus -> PhyloLevel
docsToLevel k v = PhyloLevel (k,(-1)) (map (\x ->
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