Commit feb86a9a authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FIX] Init, first folders name

parent 6e9b90bf
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ main = do
mkRoots :: Cmd GargError [(UserId, RootId)]
mkRoots = mapM getOrMkRoot $ map UserName ["gargantua", "user1", "user2"]
mkRoots = mapM getOrMkRoot $ map UserName ["gargantua", "user1", "user2", "user3"]
-- TODO create all users roots
......@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ mkRoot user = do
rs <- mkNodeWithParent NodeUser Nothing uid una
_ <- case rs of
[r] -> do
_ <- mkNodeWithParent NodeFolderPrivate (Just r) uid una
_ <- mkNodeWithParent NodeFolderShared (Just r) uid una
_ <- mkNodeWithParent NodeFolderPublic (Just r) uid una
_ <- insertNode NodeFolderPrivate Nothing Nothing r uid
_ <- insertNode NodeFolderShared Nothing Nothing r uid
_ <- insertNode NodeFolderPublic Nothing Nothing r uid
pure rs
_ -> pure rs
pure rs
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