Commit a9247755 authored by Fabien Manière's avatar Fabien Manière

lib dev: add notes and commands

parent bec99432
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Disclaimer: since this project is still in development, this document remains in
git clone
cd haskell-gargantext
#### 1. Installation
### Installation
This project can be built with either Stack or Cabal. For historical reasons, we generate a `cabal.project` from the `stack.yaml`, and we do not commit the former to the repo, to have a single "source of truth".
However, it's always possible to generate a `cabal.project` thanks to [stack2cabal](
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ nix-shell
This will take a bit of time the first time.
#### Build: choose cabal (new) or stack (old)
### Build: choose cabal (new) or stack (old)
#### With Cabal (recommanded)
......@@ -172,6 +172,22 @@ From the Backend root folder (haskell-gargantext):
For frontend development and compilation, see the [Frontend](
### Working on libraries
When a devlopment is needed on libraries (for instance, the HAL crawler in
1. Ongoing devlopment (on local repo):
1. In `cabal.project`:
- add `../hal` to `packages:`
- turn off (temporarily) the `hal` in `source-repository-package`
2. When changes work and tests are OK, commit in repo `hal`
2. When changes are commited / merged:
1. Get the hash id, and edit `stack.yaml` with the **new commit id**
2. run `./bin/update-cabal-project`
- get an error that sha256 don't match, so update the `./bin/update-cabal-project` with new sha256 hash
- run again `./bin/update-cabal-project` (to make sure it's a fixed point now)
> Note: without `stack.yaml` we would have to only fix `cabal.project` -> `source-repository-package` commit id. Sha256 is there to make sure CI reruns the tests.
## Use Cases <a name="use-cases"></a>
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