[refactor] too many 'return' were changed to 'pure' too fast

This fixes commit 5d5300cd which
automatically changed all 'return' to 'pure' in our code, resulting in
broken SQL etc.
parent febb6db8
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ instance Arbitrary ShareNodeParams where
-- TODO permission
-- TODO refactor userId which is used twice
-- TODO change pure type for better warning/info/success/error handling on the front
-- TODO change return type for better warning/info/success/error handling on the front
api :: (HasNodeError err, HasNLPServer env, CmdRandom env err m)
=> User
-> NodeId
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ def fast_maximal_cliques(g):
def rec_maximal_cliques(g, subv):
mc = []
if subv == []: # stop condition
pure [[]]
return [[]]
else :
for i in range(len(subv)):
newsubv = [j for j in subv[i+1:len(subv)]
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ def fast_maximal_cliques(g):
for x in mci:
pure mc
return mc
def purge(clust):
clustset = [set(x) for x in clust]
......@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ def fast_maximal_cliques(g):
ok = False
if ok and (not (clustset[i] in new_clust)):
pure [list(x) for x in new_clust]
return [list(x) for x in new_clust]
# to optimize : rank the vertices on the degrees
subv = [(v.index, v.degree()) for v in g.vs()]
subv.sort(key = lambda z:z[1])
subv = [x for (x, y) in subv]
pure purge(rec_maximal_cliques(g, subv))
return purge(rec_maximal_cliques(g, subv))
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ randomString num = do
pure $ pack str
-- | Given a list of items of type 'a', pure list with unique items
-- | Given a list of items of type 'a', return list with unique items
-- (like List.nub) but tuple-d with their counts in the original list
groupWithCounts :: (Ord a, Eq a) => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
groupWithCounts = map f
......@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ instance DefaultFromField SqlJsonb HyperdataGraph
defaultFromField = fromPGSFromField
-- This type is used to pure graph via API
-- This type is used to return graph via API
-- hyperdataGraphAPI field is not a Maybe anymore – graph is always computed
data HyperdataGraphAPI =
HyperdataGraphAPI { _hyperdataAPIGraph :: Graph
......@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ separateBranches fdt similarity lambda frequency minBranch thr rise timescale do
((map (\e -> (e,True)) (fst branches')) ++ (map (\e -> (e,False)) (snd branches'))))
else [currentBranch])
-- 6) if there is no more branch to separate tne pure [done'] else continue with [rest]
-- 6) if there is no more branch to separate tne return [done'] else continue with [rest]
if null rest
then done'
else separateBranches fdt similarity lambda frequency minBranch thr rise timescale docs coocs roots periods
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ searchInCorpusWithNgrams _cId _lId _t _ngt _q _o _l _order = undefined
-- | Compute TF-IDF for all 'ngramIds' in given 'CorpusId'. In this
-- case only the "TF" part makes sense and so we only compute the
-- ratio of "number of times our terms appear in given document" and
-- "number of all terms in document" and pure a sorted list of
-- "number of all terms in document" and return a sorted list of
-- document ids
_tfidfAll :: (HasDBid NodeType, HasNodeError err) => CorpusId -> [Int] -> DBCmd err [Int]
_tfidfAll cId ngramIds = do
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ triggerSearchUpdate = execPGSQuery query ( toDBid NodeDocument
new.search := to_tsvector( 'english' , new.hyperdata::jsonb );
pure new;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ runOpaQuery q = mkCmd $ \c -> runSelect c q
runCountOpaQuery :: Select a -> DBCmd err Int
runCountOpaQuery q = do
counts <- mkCmd $ \c -> runSelect c $ countRows q
-- countRows is guaranteed to pure a list with exactly one row so DL.head is safe here
-- countRows is guaranteed to return a list with exactly one row so DL.head is safe here
pure $ fromInt64ToInt $ DL.head counts
formatPGSQuery :: PGS.ToRow a => PGS.Query -> a -> Cmd err DB.ByteString
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ inputSqlTypes :: [Text]
inputSqlTypes = ["int4","int4","int4","int4"]
-- | SQL query to add documents
-- TODO pure id of added documents only
-- TODO return id of added documents only
queryAdd :: Query
queryAdd = [sql|
WITH input_rows(node_id,context_id,score,category) AS (?)
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ queryInsert = [sql|
, ins AS (
INSERT INTO contexts (hash_id, typename,user_id,parent_id,name,date,hyperdata)
SELECT * FROM input_rows
ON CONFLICT (hash_id) DO NOTHING -- on unique index -- this does not pure the ids
ON CONFLICT (hash_id) DO NOTHING -- on unique index -- this does not return the ids
RETURNING id,hash_id
......@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ queryInsert = [sql|
-- | When documents are inserted
-- ReturnType after insertion
data ReturnId = ReturnId { reInserted :: Bool -- if the document is inserted (True: is new, False: is not new)
, reId :: NodeId -- always pure the id of the document (even new or not new)
, reId :: NodeId -- always return the id of the document (even new or not new)
-- this is the uniq id in the database
, reUniqId :: Text -- Hash Id with concatenation of sha parameters
} deriving (Show, Generic)
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ getContextsForNgramsTerms cId ngramsTerms = do
-- | Query the `context_node_ngrams` table and pure ngrams for given
-- | Query the `context_node_ngrams` table and return ngrams for given
-- `context_id` and `list_id`.
-- WARNING: `context_node_ngrams` can be outdated. This is because it
-- is expensive to keep all ngrams matching a given context and if
......@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ getContextNgrams contextId listId = do
AND node_id = ? |]
-- | Query the `contexts` table and pure ngrams for given context_id
-- | Query the `contexts` table and return ngrams for given context_id
-- and list_id that match the search tsvector.
-- NOTE This is poor man's tokenization that is used as a hint for the
-- frontend highlighter.
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Maintainer : team@gargantext.org
Stability : experimental
Portability : POSIX
Let a Root Node, pure the Tree of the Node as a directed acyclic graph
Let a Root Node, return the Tree of the Node as a directed acyclic graph
-- TODO delete node, if not owned, then suppress the link only
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ pollJob limit offset jid je = do
me = either (Just . T.pack . show) (const Nothing) r
in pure (ls, st, me)
-- /NOTE/: We need to be careful with the ordering of the logs here:
-- we want to pure the logs ordered from the newest to the oldest,
-- we want to return the logs ordered from the newest to the oldest,
-- because the API will use 'limit' to show only the newest ones,
-- taking 'limit' of them from the front of the list.
......@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ runJ (QueuedJob a f) = do
let readLogs = readTVarIO logs
pure (RunningJob act readLogs)
-- | Wait for a running job to pure (blocking).
-- | Wait for a running job to return (blocking).
waitJ :: RunningJob w a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
waitJ (RunningJob act _) = waitCatch act
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