Commit 0eb817bb authored by david Chavalarias's avatar david Chavalarias

graph added

parent 34709541
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ name<-"database_d_chavalarias_2020-05-15" # name of the csv to be loaded
AllData <-read.csv(paste("data/",name,".csv",sep=""),head=TRUE,sep="\t")
AllData$Inclusion.criteria <- NULL
AllData$Exclusion.criteria <- NULL
AllData <- filter(AllData,!$
#AllData <- filter(AllData,!$
x <- unique(AllData$Trial.registration.number)
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ library(stringr)
Prevention<- filter(AllData,grepl("Prevention",AllData$Study.aim)) # CTs taggés prevention
Treatments <- filter(AllData,grepl("Treatment",AllData$Study.aim)) # # CTs taggés Treaments
Posttreatment<- filter(AllData,grepl("Post treatment",AllData$Study.aim)) # CTs taggé Post-Treatment
print(paste(count(Prevention)," Prevention CTs,", count(Treatments)," Treatments CTs and ",count(Posttreatment)," Post-treatment CTs."))
print(paste(count(Prevention)," Prevention arms,", count(Treatments)," Treatments arms and ",count(Posttreatment)," Post-treatment arms."))
## Export of data and viz
Data are exported in several formats. The list of all treatments is also exported assuming that treatments are separated by a '+' signe in the column treatment of the original db.
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