Commit c27b2c5d authored by David's avatar David

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

parents bbb9a88f 174b369d
......@@ -177,7 +177,13 @@ px]{images/tinaweb.png}\\ \end{figure}
\item English
\item French
\item ...
\item Spanish
\item Italian
\item German
\item Dutch
\item Portugesh
\item Polish
\item Persan
......@@ -270,36 +276,15 @@ px]{images/tinaweb.png}\\ \end{figure}
\begin{frame}{About Gargantext}
\only<1>{\small \item \textbf{Gargantext} is a software for the
production, the exploration and annotation of projects maps. It includes
text-mining and natural language processing technologies, reconstruction
methods of thematic landscape and visualisation tools. }
\only<2>{\small \item \textbf{Explorer } is a stand alone interface for the
exploration of projects maps created by Gargantext. It can be ran on a personal
computer or online.}
\only<1>{ \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=180
px]{images/desktop.png}\\ \end{figure} }
\only<2>{ \begin{figure} \centering
\includegraphics[width=180px]{images/gargantext.png}\\ \end{figure} }
Parsers and taggers implemented in Gargantext:
\only<1>{ \begin{figure} \centering
\includegraphics[width=350px]{images/annotations.png}\\ \end{figure} }
Parsers and taggers implemented in Gargantext:
\item TreeTagger (Perl)
\item NLTK (Python)
......@@ -308,6 +293,8 @@ px]{images/desktop.png}\\ \end{figure} }
%\begin{frame}{Some basic operators}
This is the repo of Gargantext's beamer source code.
Some documents to add here :
- activists texts
- legal texts
- ...
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