Commit 0b56cd5e authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[ILouvain] another type: MetaGraph (with Tree of Contexts)

parent 572d3764
......@@ -56,10 +56,17 @@ type HyperContext' a b c = Context (HyperGraph a b) c
type GraphContexts a b = Gr [Context () a] b
type GraphContexts' a b c = Gr [Context [Context () a] b] c
type MetaGraph a = Gr [TreeContext a] a
data TreeContext a = EmptyContext () | MetaContext [TreeContext a] a
type MetaContext a b = Context a b
-- TODO: EdgeGraph (StreamGraph)
-- type StreamGraph a b = Gr a (Gr () b)
class IsHyperGraph gr where
{-# MINIMAL mv_, toNodes_ #-}
......@@ -129,7 +136,25 @@ instance IsHyperGraph (GraphContexts a a) where
mv_ _ [_] [_] = panic "path too long"j
instance IsHyperGraph (GraphContexts' a a a) where
fromGraph_ = undefined
isFlat_ :: GraphContexts' a a a -> Bool
isFlat_ g = all null
$ concat
$ map (map thd4)
$ map snd (labNodes g)
hnodes_ :: GraphContexts' a a a -> Node -> [Node]
hnodes_ g n = case (match n g) of
(Nothing , _) -> []
(Just (_,n,cs,_), _) -> n : (map snd4 cs)
toNodes_ :: GraphContexts' a a a -> [[Node]]
toNodes_ g = map (hnodes_ g) (nodes g)
mv_ :: Show (GraphContexts' a a a)
=> GraphContexts' a a a
-> [Node] -> [Node]
......@@ -140,7 +165,7 @@ instance IsHyperGraph (GraphContexts' a a a) where
mv_ g [a] [b] = case match a g of
(Just (p,n,cs,s), g1) -> case match b g1 of
(Just (p',n',cs',s'), g2) -> (p',n', c:cs,s') & g2
(Just (p',n',cs',s'), g2) -> (p',n', c:cs',s') & g2
c = (p,n, concat $ map thd4 cs, s)
(Nothing, _) -> panic $ "mv: snd path does not exist: " <> show b
......@@ -148,8 +173,8 @@ instance IsHyperGraph (GraphContexts' a a a) where
mv_ g [a,b] [ ] = case match a g of
(Just (p,n,cs,s), g1) -> case match b (foldr (&) (empty :: GraphContexts a a) cs) of
(Just (p',n',cs',s'), g2) -> (p', n', map (\(p'',n'',c'',s'') -> (p'',n'',[(p'',n'',c'',s'')],s'')) cs', s') &
((p, n, gsel (const True) g2, s) & g1)
(Just (p',n',cs',s'), g2) -> up & ((p, n, gsel (const True) g2, s) & g1)
where up = (p', n', map (\(p'',n'',c'',s'') -> (p'',n'',[(p'',n'',c'',s'')],s'')) cs', s')
(Nothing, _) -> panic $ "mv: snd path does not exist: " <> show b
(Nothing, _) -> panic $ "mv: fst path does not exist: " <> show a
......@@ -171,6 +196,8 @@ spoonS' = mkGraph ns es
, (4, 5, 1.0)
spoonS :: GraphContexts Double Double
spoonS = mkGraph ns es
......@@ -512,10 +539,9 @@ test_mv_mv g = (g0 == g', toNodes_ g')
g' = foldl' (\g (n1,n2) -> trace (prettify g) $ mv_ g n1 n2) g0 ns
g0 = g
ns = [ ([2], [1])
, ([1,2], [])
, ([3], [1])
, ([1,3], [])
ns = [ ([2], [3])
, ([3], [4])
-- , ([4,3], [])
, ([], [])
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