Commit 809b749b authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[FLouvain] fixed point + first step iteration with cond

parent 9b4b5bcb
......@@ -47,6 +47,13 @@ runIterations n gr = do
putStrLn $ show $ modularity fgr iterNextCgr fgrWeight
return iterNextCgr
runLouvainFirstStepIterate :: Int -> Gr () Double -> (Modularity, CGr)
runLouvainFirstStepIterate n gr = (modularity fgr cgr m, cgr)
fgr = exampleRemap gr
cgr = louvainFirstStepIterate n fgr
m = graphWeight fgr
karate :: Gr () Double
-- karate = mkGraph' <$> importGraphFromGexf "src/Data/karate.gexf"
karate = mkGraph [(1,()),(2,()),(3,()),(4,()),(5,()),(6,()),(7,()),(8,()),(9,()),(10,()),(11,()),(12,()),(13,()),(14,()),(15,()),(16,()),(17,()),(18,()),(19,()),(20,()),(21,()),(22,()),(23,()),(24,()),(25,()),(26,()),(27,()),(28,()),(29,()),(30,()),(31,()),(32,()),(33,()),(34,())] [(1,2,1.0),(1,3,1.0),(1,4,1.0),(1,5,1.0),(1,6,1.0),(1,7,1.0),(1,8,1.0),(1,9,1.0),(1,11,1.0),(1,12,1.0),(1,13,1.0),(1,14,1.0),(1,18,1.0),(1,20,1.0),(1,22,1.0),(1,32,1.0),(2,3,1.0),(2,4,1.0),(2,8,1.0),(2,14,1.0),(2,18,1.0),(2,20,1.0),(2,22,1.0),(2,31,1.0),(3,4,1.0),(3,8,1.0),(3,9,1.0),(3,10,1.0),(3,14,1.0),(3,28,1.0),(3,29,1.0),(3,33,1.0),(4,8,1.0),(4,13,1.0),(4,14,1.0),(5,7,1.0),(5,11,1.0),(6,7,1.0),(6,11,1.0),(6,17,1.0),(7,17,1.0),(9,31,1.0),(9,33,1.0),(9,34,1.0),(10,34,1.0),(14,34,1.0),(15,33,1.0),(15,34,1.0),(16,33,1.0),(16,34,1.0),(19,33,1.0),(19,34,1.0),(20,34,1.0),(21,33,1.0),(21,34,1.0),(23,33,1.0),(23,34,1.0),(24,26,1.0),(24,28,1.0),(24,30,1.0),(24,33,1.0),(24,34,1.0),(25,26,1.0),(25,28,1.0),(25,32,1.0),(26,32,1.0),(27,30,1.0),(27,34,1.0),(28,34,1.0),(29,32,1.0),(29,34,1.0),(30,33,1.0),(30,34,1.0),(31,33,1.0),(31,34,1.0),(32,33,1.0),(32,34,1.0),(33,34,1.0)]
......@@ -49,6 +49,26 @@ import qualified Data.List as DL
data ClusteringMethod = Glue | Klue
deriving (Eq)
-- | Fixed point with at most n iterations
-- 'Int' argument is the maximal number of iterations to make
-- 'a -> a' is the iterator function
-- 'a -> Bool' is the condition checking function ('True' continues looping, 'False' breaks it)
-- 'a' is the initial value
fixPt :: Int -> (a -> a) -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> a
fixPt 0 iterator _ init = iterator init
fixPt n iterator cond init = if cond next then fixPt (n - 1) iterator cond init else next
next = iterator init
-- | Main Louvain first step iteration function
louvainFirstStepIterate :: Int -> FGraph a b -> CGr
louvainFirstStepIterate n gr = fixPt n iterator cond initCGr
initCGr = initialCGr gr
grWeight = graphWeight gr
iterator cgr = iteration gr cgr
cond cgr = (unModularity $ modularity gr cgr grWeight) < 0.1
-- | Specific FGL needed functions
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