Commit b97763c7 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

Merge branch 'flouvain' of ssh:// into flouvain

parents 4cc94395 9027ce27
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ cabal-version: 1.12
-- see:
-- hash: 0eb2bbc80a3d9343540c4d5c0c2ff6adee085a9a75364b8f5344890891c5b781
-- hash: 9d2b00c4d3d099b31d6b9db84cd1172e0464481bc132080e2694e02b5587b29b
name: clustering-louvain
......@@ -42,5 +42,6 @@ library
default-language: Haskell2010
......@@ -111,6 +111,10 @@ newtype DeltaQ = DeltaQ { unDeltaQ :: Double }
newtype Community = Community { unCommunity :: ([Node], InWeightSum, TotWeightSum) }
comNodes :: Community -> [Node]
comNodes (Community (ns, _, _)) = ns
comInWeightSum :: Community -> InWeightSum
comInWeightSum (Community (_, inWeightSum, _)) = inWeightSum
comTotWeightSum :: Community -> TotWeightSum
comTotWeightSum (Community (_, _, totWeightSum)) = totWeightSum
type CGrNode = Node
type CGrEdge = (InWeightSum, TotWeightSum)
......@@ -129,10 +133,20 @@ graphWeight gr = GraphWeightSum $ ufold weight' 0 gr
modularity :: Gr a b -> CGr -> Double
modularity gr cgr = 0.0
type Delta a b = Community -> NodeWeightSum -> NodeComWeightSum -> GraphWeightSum -> DeltaQ
type Delta = Community -> NodeWeightSum -> NodeComWeightSum -> GraphWeightSum -> DeltaQ
-- | Delta Q function from Louvain paper (2).
delta :: Delta a b
delta com nws ncws gws = DeltaQ 0.0
delta :: Delta
delta com ki kin m = DeltaQ $ acc - dec
inWeightSum = comInWeightSum com
totWeightSum = comTotWeightSum com
acc = accL - accR*accR
accL = 0.5 * (unInWeightSum inWeightSum + 2.0 * (unNodeComWeightSum kin)) / (unGraphWeightSum m)
accR = 0.5 * (unTotWeightSum totWeightSum + unNodeWeightSum ki) / (unGraphWeightSum m)
dec = decL - decM * decM - decR * decR
decL = 0.5 * (unInWeightSum inWeightSum) / (unGraphWeightSum m)
decM = 0.5 * (unTotWeightSum totWeightSum) / (unGraphWeightSum m)
decR = 0.5 * (unNodeWeightSum ki) / (unGraphWeightSum m)
-- | One iteration step takes the graph and existing communities as a graph and
-- computes new community graph
......@@ -165,7 +179,7 @@ step gw (p, v, l, s) cgr = cgr
moves = case mNc of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just nc -> Just ( makeMove OutOf nc
, makeMove Into <$> ncs )
, map (makeMove Into) ncs )
makeMove :: Direction -> LNode Community -> LNode Community
makeMove direction (cn, c) = (cn, moveNodeWithNeighbours (p <> s) v direction c)
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ modularity gr ns = coverage - edgeDensity
coverage = sizeSubGraph / sizeAllGraph
sizeSubGraph :: Double
sizeSubGraph = fromIntegral ( G.size $ subgraph ns gr )
sizeSubGraph = fromIntegral ( G.size $ subgraph' ns gr )
sizeAllGraph :: Double
sizeAllGraph = fromIntegral (G.size gr)
......@@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ modularity gr ns = coverage - edgeDensity
links :: Double
links = fromIntegral (2 * (G.size gr))
subgraph :: DynGraph gr => Set Node -> gr a b -> gr a b
subgraph ns = G.subgraph (Set.toList ns)
subgraph' :: DynGraph gr => Set Node -> gr a b -> gr a b
subgraph' ns = G.subgraph (Set.toList ns)
exclusion :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
exclusion a b = (Set.\\) b a
Module : Data.Graph.Clustering.ILouvain
Description : Purely functional (Inductive) Louvain clustering
Copyright : (c) Alexandre Delanoë, CNRS, 2020-Present
License : AGPL + CECILL v3
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : POSIX
ILouvain: really inductive Graph
{-# LANGUAGE ConstrainedClassMethods #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Data.Graph.Clustering.ILouvain
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.List (zip, cycle)
import Protolude hiding (empty, (&))
import Data.Graph.Inductive
-- HyperGraph Definition
type HyperGraph a b = Gr (Gr () a) b
type HyperContext a b = Context (Gr () a) b
-- TODO Later (hypothesis still)
-- type StreamGraph a b = Gr a (Gr () b)
-- Spoon Graph
-- 1
-- / \
-- 2 3
-- \ /
-- 4
-- |
-- 5
spoon :: HyperGraph Double Double
spoon = mkGraph ns es
ns :: [LNode (Gr () Double)]
ns = zip [1..6] (cycle [empty])
es :: [LEdge Double]
es = [ (1, 2, 1.0)
, (1, 3, 1.0)
, (2, 4, 1.0)
, (3, 4, 1.0)
, (4, 5, 1.0)
-- | Needed functions (WIP)
-- mv: a Node elsewhere in the HyperGraph
-- Move Properties:
-- mv Node into another Node and remove it again should be equal to
-- identity
-- property test:
-- mv (mv g [a] [b]) [b,a] [] = identity
-- mv g [a] [] == g
-- mv g [a,b] [] /= g
-- mv (mv spoon [1] [4]) [4,1] [] = identity
-- Move target type
mv' :: HyperGraph a a
-> [Node] -> [Node]
-> HyperGraph a a
mv' g [] [] = g
mv' g [_] [] = g
mv' g (x:xs) [] = undefined
-- | Start simple (without path)
mv :: HyperGraph a a
-> Node -> Node
-> HyperGraph a a
mv g n1 n2 = delNode n1 g
-- buildGr $ catMaybes [c1, c2]
(c1, g1) = match n1 g
insertContext :: HyperContext a b
-> HyperContext a b
-> HyperContext a b
insertContext (a1,n,l,a2) (a1',n',l',a2') = (a1,n,l&l',a2)
-- | Recursive Node of Graph
rnodes :: RGraph -> [Node]
rnodes Empty = []
rnodes g = concat $ map (\(x1, x2) -> [x1] <> rnodes x2) $ labNodes g
rlabNodes :: Graph' a b -> [LNode a]
rlabNodes Empty' = []
rlabNodes g = labNodes g
-- Paths in the Graph to be tested
-- Directed graph strategy
path_dir :: Graph gr => gr a b -> [[Node]]
path_dir g = map (\xs -> dfs xs g ) (components g)
-- UnDirected graph strategy
path :: (DynGraph gr, Eq b) => gr a b -> [[Node]]
path g' = map sortNodes cs
sortNodes ns = case head $ sortOn (Down . (deg g)) ns of
Nothing -> []
Just n -> dfs [n] g -- dfs for glustering, bfs for klustering
cs = components g
g = undir g'
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
# resolver: ./custom-snapshot.yaml
# resolver:
resolver: lts-11.10
resolver: lts-14.27
# User packages to be built.
# Various formats can be used as shown in the example below.
......@@ -62,4 +62,4 @@ packages:
# extra-lib-dirs: [/path/to/dir]
# Allow a newer minor version of GHC than the snapshot specifies
# compiler-check: newer-minor
\ No newline at end of file
# compiler-check: newer-minor
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