Commit f536ff7e authored by delanoe's avatar delanoe

Louvain ok (verified with karate club and igraph example:...

Louvain ok (verified with karate club and igraph example:
parent 6fa712b5
module Data.Louvain where
import Data.List (maximumBy,nub)
import Data.List (minimum, maximumBy,nub, intersect, foldl', reverse)
import Data.Graph.Inductive
import Data.Example
type Modularity = Double
type Community = [Node]
-- | group nodes and produce a new graph
inducedGraph :: (Eq b, Ord b, DynGraph gr) => gr a b -> (Node, [Node]) -> gr a b
inducedGraph gr (a,b) = delNodes b (insEdges newEdges gr')
gr' = undir gr
newEdges = (\(n,l) -> (a,n,l)) ( nub $ concat $ (lsuc gr') b )
startcom :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [[Node]]
startcom gr = (\x -> [] ++ [x]) ( nodes gr )
-- | TODO exducedGraph (inverse for tests with quickCheck)
inducedGraph' :: (Ord b, DynGraph gr) => gr a b -> [(Node, [Node])] -> gr a b
inducedGraph' gr ns = Prelude.foldl (\gr' n -> inducedGraph gr' n) gr ns
stepscom :: DynGraph gr => gr a1 b -> Int -> [[Node]]
stepscom gr n = foldl' (\xs n' -> stepcom gr (smallCom xs) xs) (startcom gr) [1..n]
smallCom xs = head $ filter (\x -> length x == minimum ( length xs)) (reverse xs)
neighbors'' :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [Node] -> [Node]
neighbors'' gr ns = nub $ concat ( (neighbors gr) ns)
stepcom gr n ns = bestModularities gr $ [ns] ++ (\x -> x ++ neighout) (addcom n neighin)
ns' = filter (/= n) ns
neighin = filter (\c -> (intersect (neighcom gr n) c) /= [] ) ns'
neighout = filter (\c -> (intersect (neighcom gr n) c) == [] ) ns'
neighcom :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> Node -> [[Node]]
neighcom gr n = scanl (\x y -> take 1 x ++ [y]) [n] (neighbors gr n)
addcom :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [[[a]]]
addcom com coms = (\n -> addcom' com (rotate n coms)) ns
ns = [0.. fromIntegral (length coms) ]
addcom' com coms = [com'] ++ coms''
com' = concat $ [com] ++ (take 1 coms)
coms'' = drop 1 coms
neighcom' :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [Node] -> [[Node]]
neighcom' gr ns = scanl (\x y -> take 1 x ++ [y]) ns (neighbors'' gr ns)
neighcom :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [Node] -> [Node]
neighcom gr ns = ( nub . filter (not . (`elem` ns)) . concat ) ns'
where ns' = (neighbors gr) ns
rotate :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
rotate _ [] = []
rotate n xs = zipWith const (drop n (cycle xs)) xs
takeDrop :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
takeDrop n xs = [ (take n xs), drop n xs]
separate :: [a] -> [[[a]]]
separate [] = [[]]
separate (x:xs) = let recur = separate xs
split = do
partition <- recur
return $ [x] : partition
noSplit = do
(y:ys) <- recur
return $ (x:y):ys
in split ++ noSplit
separate' :: forall a. [a] -> [[[a]]]
separate' xs = [ takeDrop t (rotate r xs)
| t <- [1.. fromIntegral (length xs) - 1 ]
, r <- [0.. fromIntegral (length xs) ]
gpartition :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [[[Node]]]
gpartition gr = separate (nodes gr)
modularities :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [[Node]] -> Double
modularities gr xs = sum $ (\y -> modularity gr y) xs
......@@ -64,8 +47,9 @@ compareModularities gr xs ys
| modularities gr xs > modularities gr ys = GT
| otherwise = EQ
bestPartition :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [[Node]]
bestPartition gr = maximumBy (compareModularities gr) $ gpartition gr
bestModularities :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [[[Node]]] -> [[Node]]
bestModularities gr ns = maximumBy (compareModularities gr) ns
modularity :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [Node] -> Double
modularity gr ns = coverage - edgeDensity
......@@ -88,3 +72,44 @@ modularity gr ns = coverage - edgeDensity
links :: Double
links = fromIntegral (2 * (size gr))
main = do
k <- karate
print $ stepscom k 35
-- | Discover what NP complete means:
takeDrop :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
takeDrop n xs = [ (take n xs), drop n xs]
separate :: [a] -> [[[a]]]
separate [] = [[]]
separate (x:xs) = let recur = separate xs
split = do
partition <- recur
return $ [x] : partition
noSplit = do
(y:ys) <- recur
return $ (x:y):ys
in split ++ noSplit
separate' :: forall a. [a] -> [[[a]]]
separate' xs = [ takeDrop t (rotate r xs)
| t <- [1.. fromIntegral (length xs) - 1 ]
, r <- [0.. fromIntegral (length xs) ]
gpartition :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [[[Node]]]
gpartition gr = separate (nodes gr)
bestPartition :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [[Node]]
bestPartition gr = maximumBy (compareModularities gr) $ gpartition gr
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