Commit 827e9bdd authored by mzheng's avatar mzheng

fixed typos

parent 0a565696
......@@ -58,14 +58,13 @@ opts = info (params <**> helper)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let a = T.pack "ok" <> T.pack "ok"
res <- getMetadataWith [generateRequestByStructID "camera" imt] (Just 0) (Just 55) (Just EN)
case res of
(Left err) -> print err
(Right val) -> mapM_ (print . cleanShow) $ _docs val
cleanShow :: Corpus -> Text
cleanShow corp = T.append "\n" $ cleanAuthorsAffiliations corp
cleanShow corp = cleanAuthorsAffiliations corp
cleanAuthorsAffiliations :: Corpus -> Text
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