Commit c673924b authored by Grégoire Locqueville's avatar Grégoire Locqueville

[FIX]: Align with OpenAlex API breakage

Fixes haskell-gargantext#379 issue: gargantext/haskell-gargantext#379
* `raw_affiliation_string` could be empty: added `Maybe` to the type
* Added the "diamond" (`OADiamond` constructor) option to the OA status (`OAStatus` type)
parent ceb8f2ce
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ type ISSNL = Text
type Language = Text -- TODO:
type Level = Int
-- |
data OAStatus = OAGold | OAGreen | OAHybrid | OABronze | OAClosed
data OAStatus = OAGold | OAGreen | OAHybrid | OABronze | OAClosed | OADiamond
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance FromJSON OAStatus where
parseJSON (String "gold") = pure OAGold
......@@ -66,7 +66,9 @@ instance FromJSON OAStatus where
parseJSON (String "hybrid") = pure OAHybrid
parseJSON (String "bronze") = pure OABronze
parseJSON (String "closed") = pure OAClosed
parseJSON _ = fail "Don't know how to parse this oa status"
parseJSON (String "diamond") = pure OADiamond
parseJSON (String str) = fail $ "Don't know how to parse this oa status: " <> str
parseJSON _ = fail "OAStatus should be a string"
type OpenAlexID = Text
type URL = Text
type Year = Int
......@@ -366,7 +368,7 @@ data Authorship = Authorship
, author_position :: Text
, institutions :: [DehydratedInstitution]
, is_corresponding :: Maybe Bool
, raw_affiliation_string :: Text
, raw_affiliation_string :: Maybe Text
} deriving (Generic, Show, FromJSON)
authorshipAuthorName :: Authorship -> Maybe Text
authorshipAuthorName (Authorship { author = DehydratedAuthor { display_name } }) = display_name
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