Unverified Commit 865df8c7 authored by Vaibhav Sagar's avatar Vaibhav Sagar Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #1329 from msakai/patch-1

Fix typo in README.md: --extra-lib-dir -> --extra-lib-dirs
parents fd9f9fac b041360b
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ stack install --fast
ihaskell install --stack
If you have Homebrew installed to a location that `stack` does not expect (e.g. `/opt/homebrew`), you'd need to specify `--extra-include-dirs ${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/include --extra-lib-dir ${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib` to the `stack` command.
If you have Homebrew installed to a location that `stack` does not expect (e.g. `/opt/homebrew`), you'd need to specify `--extra-include-dirs ${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/include --extra-lib-dirs ${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib` to the `stack` command.
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