Commit 4a5fa3a1 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[COSMETICS] minor change to readme.

parent d2b76e45
......@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
All major structural changes to Gargantext code base (Backend and
Frontend) go through an RFC, a request for comment, much like IETF
standards for the internet
standards for the internet.
These are actually stored as documents in a repo (in markdown iirc).
Adding a feature to Gargantext typically starts with filing an issue to
discuss it.
These are actually stored as documents in a repository (format to be
decided). Adding a feature to Gargantext typically starts with filing
an issue to discuss it.
If it's not decided it's a bad idea, the originator will typically
create a PR to add a formal specification for the feature to the repo
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