More tests, refactorings

parent ffa0f57f
Pipeline #6509 failed with stages
in 22 minutes and 9 seconds
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Async.Worker.Types (State(..), PerformAction, getJob, formatStr, TimeoutS
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (Exception, throwIO)
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..), object, (.=), (.:), withObject, withText)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple qualified as PSQL
......@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
let connInfo = PSQL.defaultConnectInfo { PSQL.connectUser = "postgres"
, PSQL.connectDatabase = "postgres" }
let brokerInitParams = PGMQBrokerInitParams connInfo :: BrokerInitParams PGMQBroker (Job Message)
let brokerInitParams = PGMQBrokerInitParams connInfo 10 :: BrokerInitParams PGMQBroker (Job Message)
let queue = "simple_worker"
......@@ -108,17 +109,17 @@ main = do
let mkJob msg = mkDefaultSendJob' broker queue msg
mapM_ (\idx -> do
sendJob' $ mkJob $ Ping
sendJob' $ mkJob $ Wait 1
sendJob' $ mkJob $ Echo $ "hello " <> show idx
sendJob' $ mkJob $ Error $ "error " <> show idx
void $ sendJob' $ mkJob $ Ping
void $ sendJob' $ mkJob $ Wait 1
void $ sendJob' $ mkJob $ Echo $ "hello " <> show idx
void $ sendJob' $ mkJob $ Error $ "error " <> show idx
) tasksLst
-- a job that will timeout
let timedOut =
(mkDefaultSendJob broker queue (Wait 5) 1)
{ toStrat = TSRepeatNElseArchive 3 }
sendJob' timedOut
void $ sendJob' timedOut
threadDelay (10*second)
......@@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ packages:
type: git
tag: 268398735f61008af099918a24b3fb57f9533ba3
tag: fcb7d4fb811e5b7239078b48268c469c8d28fdf9
tests: true
......@@ -83,9 +83,11 @@ library
, haskell-pgmq >= && < 0.2
, hedis >= 0.15.2 && < 0.16
, mtl >= 2.2 && < 2.4
, postgresql-libpq >= 0.10 && < 0.11
, postgresql-simple >= 0.6 && < 0.8
, safe >= 0.3 && < 0.4
, safe-exceptions >= 0.1.7 && < 0.2
, stm >= 2.5.3 && < 3
, text >= 1.2 && < 2.2
, time >= 1.10 && < 1.15
, units >= 2.4 && < 2.5
......@@ -204,4 +206,4 @@ test-suite test-integration
ghc-options: -threaded
ghc-options: -threaded -fprof-auto
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -19,7 +19,11 @@ module Async.Worker.Broker.PGMQ
import Async.Worker.Broker.Types (HasBroker(..), SerializableMessage)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (withMVar)
import Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ qualified as LibPQ
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple qualified as PSQL
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Internal qualified as PSQLInternal
import Database.PGMQ.Simple qualified as PGMQ
import Database.PGMQ.Types qualified as PGMQ
......@@ -30,22 +34,30 @@ instance (SerializableMessage a, Show a) => HasBroker PGMQBroker a where
data Broker PGMQBroker a =
PGMQBroker' {
conn :: PSQL.Connection
, defaultVt :: PGMQ.VisibilityTimeout
data BrokerMessage PGMQBroker a = PGMQBM (PGMQ.Message a)
deriving (Show)
data Message PGMQBroker a = PGMQM a
data MessageId PGMQBroker = PGMQMid Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
data BrokerInitParams PGMQBroker a = PGMQBrokerInitParams PSQL.ConnectInfo
data BrokerInitParams PGMQBroker a = PGMQBrokerInitParams PSQL.ConnectInfo PGMQ.VisibilityTimeout
messageId (PGMQBM (PGMQ.Message { msgId })) = PGMQMid msgId
getMessage (PGMQBM (PGMQ.Message { message })) = PGMQM message
toMessage message = PGMQM message
toA (PGMQM message) = message
initBroker (PGMQBrokerInitParams connInfo) = do
initBroker (PGMQBrokerInitParams connInfo defaultVt) = do
conn <- PSQL.connect connInfo
-- PGMQ is quite verbose because of initialization. We can disable
-- notices
withMVar (PSQLInternal.connectionHandle conn) $ \c -> do
LibPQ.disableNoticeReporting c
PGMQ.initialize conn
pure $ PGMQBroker' { conn }
pure $ PGMQBroker' { conn, defaultVt }
deinitBroker (PGMQBroker' { conn }) = PSQL.close conn
createQueue (PGMQBroker' { conn }) queue = do
......@@ -54,17 +66,45 @@ instance (SerializableMessage a, Show a) => HasBroker PGMQBroker a where
dropQueue (PGMQBroker' { conn }) queue = do
PGMQ.dropQueue conn queue
readMessageWaiting q@(PGMQBroker' { conn }) queue = loop
readMessageWaiting q@(PGMQBroker' { conn, defaultVt }) queue = loop
-- loop :: PGMQ.SerializableMessage a => IO (BrokerMessage PGMQBroker' a)
loop = do
mMsg <- PGMQ.readMessageWithPoll conn queue 10 5 100
-- NOTE readMessageWithPoll is not thread-safe, i.e. the
-- blocking is outside of GHC (in PostgreSQL itself) and we
-- can't reliably use it in a highly concurrent situation.
-- mMsg <- PGMQ.readMessageWithPoll conn queue 10 5 100
mMsg <- PGMQ.readMessage conn queue defaultVt
case mMsg of
Nothing -> readMessageWaiting q queue
Just msg -> return $ PGMQBM msg
Nothing -> do
-- wait a bit, then retry
threadDelay (50 * 1000)
readMessageWaiting q queue
Just msg -> do
-- TODO! we want to set message visibility timeout so that other workers don't start this job
return $ PGMQBM msg
popMessageWaiting q@(PGMQBroker' { conn }) queue = loop
-- loop :: PGMQ.SerializableMessage a => IO (BrokerMessage PGMQBroker' a)
loop = do
-- mMsg <- PGMQ.readMessageWithPoll conn queue 10 5 100
mMsg <- PGMQ.popMessage conn queue
case mMsg of
Nothing -> do
-- wait a bit, then retry
threadDelay (50 * 1000)
popMessageWaiting q queue
Just msg -> do
-- TODO! we want to set message visibility timeout so that other workers don't start this job
return $ PGMQBM msg
setMessageTimeout (PGMQBroker' { conn }) queue (PGMQMid msgId) timeoutS =
PGMQ.setMessageVt conn queue msgId timeoutS
sendMessage (PGMQBroker' { conn }) queue (PGMQM message) =
PGMQ.sendMessage conn queue message 0
PGMQMid <$> PGMQ.sendMessage conn queue message 0
deleteMessage (PGMQBroker' { conn }) queue (PGMQMid msgId) = do
PGMQ.deleteMessage conn queue msgId
......@@ -73,10 +113,14 @@ instance (SerializableMessage a, Show a) => HasBroker PGMQBroker a where
PGMQ.archiveMessage conn queue msgId
getQueueSize (PGMQBroker' { conn }) queue = do
mMetrics <- PGMQ.getMetrics conn queue
case mMetrics of
Nothing -> return 0
Just (PGMQ.Metrics { queueLength }) -> return queueLength
-- NOTE: pgmq.metrics is NOT a proper way to deal with messages
-- that have vt in the future
-- (c.f.
-- mMetrics <- PGMQ.getMetrics conn queue
-- case mMetrics of
-- Nothing -> return 0
-- Just (PGMQ.Metrics { queueLength }) -> return queueLength
PGMQ.queueAvailableLength conn queue
getArchivedMessage (PGMQBroker' { conn }) queue (PGMQMid msgId) = do
mMsg <- PGMQ.readMessageFromArchive conn queue msgId
......@@ -12,10 +12,13 @@
The design is as follows:
- for each queue we have an 'id counter'
- each queue is represented as a list of message ids
- each queue is represented as a set of message ids
- each message is stored under unique key, derived from its id
- the above allows us to have an archive with messages
- deleting a message means removing it's unique key from Redis
The queue itself is a list, the archive is a set (so that we can use
......@@ -31,7 +34,7 @@ module Async.Worker.Broker.Redis
import Async.Worker.Broker.Types (HasBroker(..), Queue, SerializableMessage)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
-- import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..), (.:), (.=), withObject, object)
......@@ -55,8 +58,6 @@ instance (SerializableMessage a, Show a) => HasBroker RedisBroker a where
deriving (Eq, Show)
data BrokerInitParams RedisBroker a = RedisBrokerInitParams Redis.ConnectInfo
-- We're using simple QUEUE so we don't care about message id as we
-- won't be deleting/archiving the messages
messageId (RedisBM (RedisWithMsgId { rmidId })) = RedisMid rmidId
getMessage (RedisBM (RedisWithMsgId { rmida })) = RedisM rmida
toMessage message = RedisM message
......@@ -76,23 +77,45 @@ instance (SerializableMessage a, Show a) => HasBroker RedisBroker a where
let queueK = queueKey queue
void $ Redis.runRedis conn $ Redis.del [queueK]
readMessageWaiting b@(RedisBroker' { conn }) queue = loop
-- TODO This is simplified
readMessageWaiting = popMessageWaiting
popMessageWaiting b@(RedisBroker' { conn }) queue = loop
queueK = queueKey queue
loop = do
eMsgId <- Redis.runRedis conn $ Redis.spop queueK
case eMsgId of
-- 0 means block indefinitely
eData <- Redis.runRedis conn $ Redis.blpop [queueK] 0
case eData of
Left _ -> undefined
Right Nothing -> do
threadDelay 100
readMessageWaiting b queue
Right (Just msgIdBS) -> case bsToId msgIdBS of
Right Nothing -> undefined
Right (Just (_queueK, msgIdBS)) -> case bsToId msgIdBS of
Nothing -> undefined
Just msgId -> do
mMsg <- getRedisMessage b queue msgId
case mMsg of
Nothing -> undefined
Just msg -> return msg
maybe undefined return mMsg
-- popMessageWaiting b@(RedisBroker' { conn }) queue = loop
-- where
-- queueK = queueKey queue
-- loop = do
-- eMsgId <- Redis.runRedis conn $ Redis.spop queueK
-- case eMsgId of
-- Left _ -> undefined
-- Right Nothing -> do
-- threadDelay (10*1000)
-- popMessageWaiting b queue
-- Right (Just msgIdBS) -> case bsToId msgIdBS of
-- Nothing -> undefined
-- Just msgId -> do
-- mMsg <- getRedisMessage b queue msgId
-- case mMsg of
-- Nothing -> undefined
-- Just msg -> return msg
setMessageTimeout _broker _queue _msgId _timeoutS =
pure ()
sendMessage b@(RedisBroker' { conn }) queue (RedisM message) = do
mId <- nextId b queue
......@@ -104,34 +127,44 @@ instance (SerializableMessage a, Show a) => HasBroker RedisBroker a where
let msgK = messageKey queue msgId
let queueK = queueKey queue
void $ Redis.runRedis conn $ do
-- write the message itself under unique key
_ <- Redis.set msgK (BSL.toStrict $ Aeson.encode m)
Redis.sadd queueK [idToBS msgId]
-- add message id to the list
-- Redis.sadd queueK [idToBS msgId]
Redis.lpush queueK [idToBS msgId]
return msgId
-- deleteMessage (RedisBroker' { conn }) queue (RedisMid msgId) = do
deleteMessage (RedisBroker' { conn }) queue msgId = do
let queueK = queueKey queue
void $ Redis.runRedis conn $ Redis.srem queueK [idToBS msgId]
let messageK = messageKey queue msgId
void $ Redis.runRedis conn $ Redis.del [messageK]
-- void $ Redis.runRedis conn $ Redis.srem queueK [idToBS msgId]
void $ Redis.runRedis conn $ do
_ <- Redis.lrem queueK 1 (idToBS msgId)
Redis.del [messageK]
-- archiveMessage (RedisBroker' { conn }) queue (RedisMid msgId) = do
archiveMessage (RedisBroker' { conn }) queue msgId = do
let queueK = queueKey queue
let archiveK = archiveKey queue
eMove <- Redis.runRedis conn $ Redis.smove queueK archiveK (idToBS msgId)
case eMove of
Left _ -> undefined
Right True -> return ()
Right False -> do
-- OK so the queue might not have the id, we just add it to archive to make sure
void $ Redis.runRedis conn $ Redis.sadd archiveK [idToBS msgId]
void $ Redis.runRedis conn $ do
_ <- Redis.lrem queueK 1 (idToBS msgId)
Redis.sadd archiveK [idToBS msgId]
-- eMove <- Redis.runRedis conn $ Redis.smove queueK archiveK (idToBS msgId)
-- case eMove of
-- Left _ -> undefined
-- Right True -> return ()
-- Right False -> do
-- -- OK so the queue might not have the id, we just add it to archive to make sure
-- void $ Redis.runRedis conn $ Redis.sadd archiveK [idToBS msgId]
getQueueSize (RedisBroker' { conn }) queue = do
let queueK = queueKey queue
eLen <- Redis.runRedis conn $ Redis.scard queueK
-- eLen <- Redis.runRedis conn $ Redis.scard queueK
eLen <- Redis.runRedis conn $ Redis.llen queueK
case eLen of
Right len -> return $ fromIntegral len
Left _ -> return 0
Left _ -> undefined
getArchivedMessage b@(RedisBroker' { conn }) queue msgId = do
let archiveK = archiveKey queue
......@@ -169,7 +202,7 @@ nextId (RedisBroker' { conn }) queue = do
-- | Key under which a message is stored
messageKey :: Queue -> MessageId RedisBroker -> BS.ByteString
messageKey queue (RedisMid msgId) = BS.pack $ beePrefix <> "queue-" <> queue <> "-message-" <> show msgId
messageKey queue (RedisMid msgId) = queueKey queue <> BS.pack ("-message-" <> show msgId)
getRedisMessage :: FromJSON a
=> Broker RedisBroker a
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ Broker typeclass definition.
module Async.Worker.Broker.Types
( Queue
, TimeoutS
-- * Main broker typeclass
-- $broker
, HasBroker(..)
......@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
type Queue = String
type TimeoutS = Int -- timeout for a message, in seconds
{- $broker
......@@ -117,11 +119,23 @@ class (
{-| Drop queue -}
dropQueue :: Broker b a -> Queue -> IO ()
{-| Read message, waiting for it if not present -}
{-| Read message from queue, waiting for it if not present (this leaves
the message in queue, you need to use 'setMessageTimeout' to prevent
other workers from seeing this message). -}
readMessageWaiting :: Broker b a -> Queue -> IO (BrokerMessage b a)
{-| Pop message from queue, waiting for it if not present -}
popMessageWaiting :: Broker b a -> Queue -> IO (BrokerMessage b a)
{-| We sometimes need a way to tell the broker that a message shouldn't
be visible for given amount of time (e.g. 'visibility timeout'
setting in PGMQ). The broker operates only on 'a' level and isn't
aware of 'Job' with its 'JobMetadata'. Hence, it's the worker's
responsibility to properly set timeout after message is read. -}
setMessageTimeout :: Broker b a -> Queue -> MessageId b -> TimeoutS -> IO ()
{-| Send message -}
sendMessage :: Broker b a -> Queue -> Message b a -> IO ()
sendMessage :: Broker b a -> Queue -> Message b a -> IO (MessageId b)
{-| Delete message -}
deleteMessage :: Broker b a -> Queue -> MessageId b -> IO ()
......@@ -41,13 +41,12 @@ module Async.Worker.Types
-- * Other useful types and functions
, HasWorkerBroker
, formatStr
, JobTimeout(..)
, JobException(..) )
, JobTimeout(..) )
import Async.Worker.Broker.Types (Broker, BrokerMessage, HasBroker, Queue)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Exception.Safe (Exception, SomeException)
import Control.Exception.Safe (Exception)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..), object, (.=), (.:), withObject, withText)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
......@@ -156,7 +155,12 @@ data JobMetadata =
, timeout :: Timeout
-- | Read count so we know how many times this message
-- was processed
, readCount :: ReadCount }
, readCount :: ReadCount
-- | A worker might have processed a task and be
-- killed. If 'resendWhenWorkerKilled' is 'True', this
-- job will be resent to broker and picked up
-- later. Otherwise it will be discarded.
, resendWhenWorkerKilled :: Bool }
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ToJSON JobMetadata where
toJSON (JobMetadata { .. }) =
......@@ -166,6 +170,7 @@ instance ToJSON JobMetadata where
, "tstrat" .= timeoutStrategy
, "timeout" .= timeout
, "readCount" .= readCount
, "resendWhenWorkerKilled" .= resendWhenWorkerKilled
instance FromJSON JobMetadata where
parseJSON = withObject "JobMetadata" $ \o -> do
......@@ -174,6 +179,7 @@ instance FromJSON JobMetadata where
timeoutStrategy <- o .: "tstrat"
timeout <- o .: "timeout"
readCount <- o .: "readCount"
resendWhenWorkerKilled <- o .: "resendWhenWorkerKilled"
return $ JobMetadata { .. }
-- | For a typical 'Job' it's probably sane to just archive it no
......@@ -184,7 +190,8 @@ defaultMetadata =
, errorStrategy = ESArchive
, timeoutStrategy = TSArchive
, timeout = 10
, readCount = 0 }
, readCount = 0
, resendWhenWorkerKilled = True }
-- | Worker 'Job' is 'a' (defining action to call via 'performAction')
-- together with associated 'JobMetadata'.
......@@ -277,10 +284,3 @@ data JobTimeout b a =
, jtTimeout :: Timeout }
deriving instance (HasWorkerBroker b a) => Show (JobTimeout b a)
instance (HasWorkerBroker b a) => Exception (JobTimeout b a)
-- | An exception, thrown when job ends with error
data JobException b a =
JobException { jeBMessage :: BrokerMessage b (Job a)
, jeException :: SomeException }
deriving instance (HasWorkerBroker b a) => Show (JobException b a)
instance (HasWorkerBroker b a) => Exception (JobException b a)
......@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..), FromJSON(..), withText)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Integration.Utils (getPSQLEnvConnectInfo, getRedisEnvConnectInfo, randomQueueName, waitUntil)
import Test.Integration.Utils (defaultPGMQVt, getPSQLEnvConnectInfo, getRedisEnvConnectInfo, randomQueueName, waitUntil)
import Test.RandomStrings (randomASCII, randomString, onlyAlphaNum)
data TestEnv b =
......@@ -72,28 +73,56 @@ brokerTests bInitParams =
parallel $ around (withBroker bInitParams) $ describe "Broker tests" $ do
it "can send and receive a message" $ \(TestEnv { broker, queue }) -> do
let msg = Message { text = "test" }
BT.sendMessage broker queue (BT.toMessage msg)
msgId <- BT.sendMessage broker queue (BT.toMessage msg)
msg2 <- BT.readMessageWaiting broker queue
-- putStrLn $ "[messageId] " <> show (BT.messageId msg2)
msg `shouldBe` BT.toA (BT.getMessage msg2)
msgId `shouldBe` BT.messageId msg2
it "can send, archive and read message from archive" $ \(TestEnv { broker, queue }) -> do
let msg = Message { text = "test" }
BT.sendMessage broker queue (BT.toMessage msg)
msgId <- BT.sendMessage broker queue (BT.toMessage msg)
msg2 <- BT.readMessageWaiting broker queue
let msgId = BT.messageId msg2
msgId `shouldBe` BT.messageId msg2
BT.archiveMessage broker queue msgId
putStrLn $ "Reading msg " <> show msgId <> " from archive queue " <> queue
-- It might take some time to archive a message so we wait a bit
waitUntil (isJust <$> BT.getArchivedMessage broker queue msgId) 200
msgArchive <- BT.getArchivedMessage broker queue msgId
let msgIdArchive = BT.messageId <$> msgArchive
msgIdArchive `shouldBe` Just msgId
it "returns correct message id when sending message to broker" $ \(TestEnv { broker, queue }) -> do
let iter = [1..20] :: [Int] -- number of steps
mapM_ (\_i -> do
-- Generate random strings and make sure that the
-- message ids we get from sendMessage match our data
text <- randomString (onlyAlphaNum randomASCII) 20
let msg = Message { text }
msgId <- BT.sendMessage broker queue (BT.toMessage msg)
bMsg <- BT.readMessageWaiting broker queue
msg `shouldBe` BT.toA (BT.getMessage bMsg)
msgId `shouldBe` BT.messageId bMsg
BT.deleteMessage broker queue msgId
) iter
it "preserves msgId when archiving a message" $ \(TestEnv { broker, queue }) -> do
let iter = [1..20] :: [Int] -- number of steps
mapM_ (\_i -> do
-- Generate random strings and make sure that the
-- message ids we get from sendMessage match our data
text <- randomString (onlyAlphaNum randomASCII) 20
let msg = Message { text }
msgId <- BT.sendMessage broker queue (BT.toMessage msg)
BT.archiveMessage broker queue msgId
msgArchive <- BT.getArchivedMessage broker queue msgId
Just msg `shouldBe` (BT.toA . BT.getMessage <$> msgArchive)
) iter
pgmqBrokerInitParams :: IO (BT.BrokerInitParams PGMQ.PGMQBroker Message)
pgmqBrokerInitParams = do
PGMQ.PGMQBrokerInitParams <$> getPSQLEnvConnectInfo
conn <- getPSQLEnvConnectInfo
return $ PGMQ.PGMQBrokerInitParams conn defaultPGMQVt
redisBrokerInitParams :: IO (BT.BrokerInitParams Redis.RedisBroker Message)
redisBrokerInitParams = do
module Test.Integration.Utils
( getPSQLEnvConnectInfo
( defaultPGMQVt
, getPSQLEnvConnectInfo
, getRedisEnvConnectInfo
, randomQueueName
, waitUntil
, waitUntilTVarEq
, waitUntilTVarPred )
, waitUntilTVarPred
, waitUntilQueueSizeIs
, waitUntilQueueEmpty )
import Async.Worker.Broker qualified as B
......@@ -20,6 +23,26 @@ import Test.Hspec (expectationFailure, shouldBe, shouldSatisfy, Expectation, Has
import Test.RandomStrings (randomASCII, randomString, onlyLower)
-- | Timeout for 'wait' jobs, in ms.
newtype TimeoutMs = TimeoutMs Int
deriving (Eq, Show, Num, Integral, Real, Enum, Ord)
-- | Visibility timeout is a very important parameter for PGMQ. It is
-- mainly used when reading a job: it specifies for how many seconds
-- this job should be invisible for other workers. We need more tests
-- and setting this correctly, preferably in accordance with
-- 'Job.timeout'. Issue is that at the broker level we don't know
-- anything about 'Job'...
-- The lower the value, the more probable that some other worker will
-- pick up the same job at about the same time (before broker marks it
-- as invisible).
defaultPGMQVt :: Int
defaultPGMQVt = 1
-- | PSQL connect info that is fetched from env
getPSQLEnvConnectInfo :: IO PSQL.ConnectInfo
getPSQLEnvConnectInfo = do
......@@ -46,10 +69,14 @@ randomQueueName prefix = do
postfix <- randomString (onlyLower randomASCII) 10
return $ prefix <> "_" <> postfix
waitThreadDelay :: Int
waitThreadDelay = 50 * 1000
-- | Given a predicate IO action, test it for given number of
-- milliseconds or fail
waitUntil :: HasCallStack => IO Bool -> Int -> Expectation
waitUntil pred' timeoutMs = do
waitUntil :: HasCallStack => IO Bool -> TimeoutMs -> Expectation
waitUntil pred' (TimeoutMs timeoutMs) = do
_mTimeout <- Timeout.timeout (timeoutMs * 1000) performTest
-- shortcut for testing mTimeout
p <- pred'
......@@ -61,12 +88,12 @@ waitUntil pred' timeoutMs = do
if p
then return ()
else do
threadDelay 50
threadDelay waitThreadDelay
-- | Similar to 'waitUntil' but specialized to 'TVar' equality checking
waitUntilTVarEq :: (HasCallStack, Show a, Eq a) => TVar a -> a -> Int -> Expectation
waitUntilTVarEq tvar expected timeoutMs = do
waitUntilTVarEq :: (HasCallStack, Show a, Eq a) => TVar a -> a -> TimeoutMs -> Expectation
waitUntilTVarEq tvar expected (TimeoutMs timeoutMs) = do
_mTimeout <- Timeout.timeout (timeoutMs * 1000) performTest
-- shortcut for testing mTimeout
val <- readTVarIO tvar
......@@ -78,12 +105,12 @@ waitUntilTVarEq tvar expected timeoutMs = do
if val == expected
then return ()
else do
threadDelay 50
threadDelay waitThreadDelay
-- | Similar to 'waitUntilTVarEq' but with predicate checking
waitUntilTVarPred :: (HasCallStack, Show a, Eq a) => TVar a -> (a -> Bool) -> Int -> Expectation
waitUntilTVarPred tvar predicate timeoutMs = do
waitUntilTVarPred :: (HasCallStack, Show a, Eq a) => TVar a -> (a -> Bool) -> TimeoutMs -> Expectation
waitUntilTVarPred tvar predicate (TimeoutMs timeoutMs) = do
_mTimeout <- Timeout.timeout (timeoutMs * 1000) performTest
-- shortcut for testing mTimeout
val <- readTVarIO tvar
......@@ -95,5 +122,24 @@ waitUntilTVarPred tvar predicate timeoutMs = do
if predicate val
then return ()
else do
threadDelay 50
threadDelay waitThreadDelay
waitUntilQueueSizeIs :: (B.HasBroker b a) => B.Broker b a -> B.Queue -> Int -> TimeoutMs -> Expectation
waitUntilQueueSizeIs b queue size (TimeoutMs timeoutMs) = do
_mTimeout <- Timeout.timeout (timeoutMs * 1000) performTest
qSize <- B.getQueueSize b queue
qSize `shouldBe` size
performTest = do
qSize <- B.getQueueSize b queue
if qSize == size
then return ()
else do
threadDelay waitThreadDelay
waitUntilQueueEmpty :: (B.HasBroker b a) => B.Broker b a -> B.Queue -> TimeoutMs -> Expectation
waitUntilQueueEmpty b queue timeoutMs = waitUntilQueueSizeIs b queue 0 timeoutMs
This diff is collapsed.
module Main where
import Test.Integration.Broker (brokerTests, pgmqBrokerInitParams, redisBrokerInitParams)
import Test.Integration.Worker (workerTests, pgmqWorkerBrokerInitParams, redisWorkerBrokerInitParams)
import Test.Integration.Worker (workerTests, multiWorkerTests, pgmqWorkerBrokerInitParams, redisWorkerBrokerInitParams)
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.Hspec
......@@ -13,18 +13,22 @@ main = do
pgmqBrokerSpec <- testSpec "brokerTests (pgmq)" (brokerTests pgmqBInitParams)
pgmqWBInitParams <- pgmqWorkerBrokerInitParams
pgmqWorkerSpec <- testSpec "workerTests (pgmq)" (workerTests pgmqWBInitParams)
pgmqMultiWorkerSpec <- testSpec "multiWorkerTests (pgmq)" (multiWorkerTests pgmqWBInitParams 5)
redisBInitParams <- redisBrokerInitParams
redisBrokerSpec <- testSpec "brokerTests (redis)" (brokerTests redisBInitParams)
redisWBInitParams <- redisWorkerBrokerInitParams
redisWorkerSpec <- testSpec "workerTests (redis)" (workerTests redisWBInitParams)
redisMultiWorkerSpec <- testSpec "multiWorkerTests (redis)" (multiWorkerTests redisWBInitParams 5)
defaultMain $ testGroup "integration tests"
, pgmqWorkerSpec
, pgmqMultiWorkerSpec
, redisBrokerSpec
, redisWorkerSpec
, redisMultiWorkerSpec
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ instance QC.Arbitrary WT.JobMetadata where
timeoutStrategy <- arbitrary
timeout <- arbitrary
readCount <- arbitrary
resendWhenWorkerKilled <- arbitrary
return $ WT.JobMetadata { .. }
aesonPropJobMetadataTests = testGroup "Aeson WT.JobMetadata (de-)serialization tests" $
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