[worker] fix setMessageTimeout

parent cb67cc40
Pipeline #6909 failed with stages
in 1 minute and 22 seconds
......@@ -124,14 +124,13 @@ handleMessage state@(State { .. }) brokerMessage = do
let job' = toA msg
-- putStrLn $ formatStr state $ "received job: " <> show (job job')
let mdata = metadata job'
let t = jobTimeout job'
let timeoutS = t * microsecond
let timeoutS = jobTimeout job'
-- Inform the broker how long a task could take. This way we prevent
-- the broker from sending this task to another worker (e.g. 'vt' in
-- PGMQ).
setMessageTimeout broker queueName msgId (TimeoutS timeoutS)
-- mTimeout <- Timeout.timeout timeoutS (wrapPerformActionInJobException state brokerMessage)
mTimeout <- Timeout.timeout timeoutS (runAction state brokerMessage)
mTimeout <- Timeout.timeout (timeoutS * microsecond) (runAction state brokerMessage)
let archiveHandler = do
case archiveStrategy mdata of
......@@ -147,7 +146,7 @@ handleMessage state@(State { .. }) brokerMessage = do
Nothing -> do
callWorkerJobEvent onJobTimeout state brokerMessage
throwIO $ JobTimeout { jtBMessage = brokerMessage
, jtTimeout = t }
, jtTimeout = timeoutS }
-- onMessageFetched broker queue msg
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