Commit 6df83ec4 authored by Alfredo Di Napoli's avatar Alfredo Di Napoli

Use newtypes when appropriate

parent dace7b41
Pipeline #7075 failed with stages
in 2 minutes and 18 seconds
......@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ instance (SerializableMessage a, Show a) => MessageBroker PGMQBroker a where
conn :: PSQL.Connection
, defaultVt :: PGMQ.VisibilityTimeout
data BrokerMessage PGMQBroker a = PGMQBM (PGMQ.Message a)
newtype BrokerMessage PGMQBroker a = PGMQBM (PGMQ.Message a)
deriving (Show)
data Message PGMQBroker a = PGMQM a
data MessageId PGMQBroker = PGMQMid Int
newtype Message PGMQBroker a = PGMQM a
newtype MessageId PGMQBroker = PGMQMid Int
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic)
data BrokerInitParams PGMQBroker a =
PGMQBrokerInitParams PSQL.ConnectInfo PGMQ.VisibilityTimeout
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