[tests] fix unit tests with ESRepeatNElseArchive

parent 9ef63634
Pipeline #6443 failed with stages
in 9 minutes and 58 seconds
......@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ aesonPropTests = testGroup "Aeson (de-)serialization property tests" $
instance QC.Arbitrary WT.ArchiveStrategy where
arbitrary = QC.elements [ WT.ASDelete, WT.ASArchive ]
instance QC.Arbitrary WT.ErrorStrategy where
arbitrary = QC.elements [ WT.ESDelete, WT.ESArchive, WT.ESRepeat ]
arbitrary = do
n <- arbitrary
QC.elements [ WT.ESDelete, WT.ESArchive, WT.ESRepeatNElseArchive n ]
instance QC.Arbitrary WT.TimeoutStrategy where
arbitrary = do
n <- arbitrary
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