[broker] getMessageById

This is to just fetch the message, given it's message id.

This is for querying reasons, to see what is available.
parent bd8ae5ab
Pipeline #6887 failed with stages
in 1 minute and 29 seconds
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ packages:
type: git
location: https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/haskell-pgmq
tag: b45423def18390818c19861a458d6cd7964c5b60
tag: 1dd92f0aa8e9f8096064e5656c336e562680f4e3
tests: true
......@@ -137,6 +137,9 @@ instance (SerializableMessage a, Show a) => MessageBroker PGMQBroker a where
msgIds <- PGMQ.queueAvailableIds conn queue
pure $ PGMQMid <$> msgIds
getMessageById (PGMQBroker' { conn }) (renderQueue -> queue) (PGMQMid msgId) = do
mMsg <- PGMQ.readMessageById conn queue msgId
pure $ PGMQBM <$> mMsg
instance ToJSON (MessageId PGMQBroker) where
......@@ -184,6 +184,9 @@ instance (SerializableMessage a, Show a) => MessageBroker RedisBroker a where
Left _ -> return []
Right msgIds -> return $ catMaybes (bsToId <$> msgIds)
getMessageById b queue msgId = do
getRedisMessage b queue msgId
-- Helper functions for getting redis keys
-- | Redis counter is an 'Int', while sets can only store strings
......@@ -223,7 +226,7 @@ archiveKey queue = BS.pack $ beePrefix <> "archive-" <> renderQueue queue
getRedisMessage :: FromJSON a
=> Broker RedisBroker a
=> Broker RedisBroker a
-> Queue
-> MessageId RedisBroker
-> IO (Maybe (BrokerMessage RedisBroker a))
......@@ -163,6 +163,14 @@ instance (Show a) => MessageBroker STMBroker a where
msgIds <- Map.keys <$> filterAvailableMessages broker queue
pure $ STMMid <$> msgIds
getMessageById (STMBroker' { stmMap }) queue (STMMid msgId) = do
atomically $ do
map' <- readTVar stmMap
case Map.lookup queue map' of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just qm ->
pure $ STMBM <$> (Map.lookup msgId qm)
filterAvailableMessages :: Broker STMBroker a -> Queue -> IO (Map.Map Int (STMWithMsgId a))
filterAvailableMessages (STMBroker' { stmMap }) queue = do
......@@ -166,3 +166,6 @@ class (
{-| List all pending message ids -}
listPendingMessageIds :: Broker b a -> Queue -> IO [MessageId b]
{-| Get message by it's id -}
getMessageById :: Broker b a -> Queue -> MessageId b -> IO (Maybe (BrokerMessage b a))
......@@ -152,6 +152,13 @@ brokerTests bInitParams =
qs <- BT.getQueueSize broker queue
qs `shouldBe` 0
it "can get message by it's id (from queue)" $ \(TestEnv { broker, queue }) -> do
text <- randomString (onlyAlphaNum randomASCII) 20
let msg = Message { text }
msgId <- BT.sendMessage broker queue (BT.toMessage msg)
mMsg <- BT.getMessageById broker queue msgId
(BT.toA . BT.getMessage <$> mMsg) `shouldBe` (Just msg)
pgmqBrokerInitParams :: IO (BT.BrokerInitParams PGMQ.PGMQBroker Message)
pgmqBrokerInitParams = do
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