Commit 035036f4 authored by Fabien Manière's avatar Fabien Manière

Make All optional: put EN instead.

parent 5a8dc3a0
......@@ -31,17 +31,21 @@ readConfig :: FilePath -> IO NLPConfig
readConfig fp = do
ini <- readIniFile' fp
let val' = val ini iniSection
let lang_default_text = "EN" -- Change this value by one of your choice: "All" or "FR", "EN"
let m_nlp_all = parseURI $ cs $ val' "All"
-- let m_nlp_all = parseURI $ cs $ val'
let m_nlp_default = parseURI $ cs $ val' lang_default_text
let m_nlp_keys = filter (\k -> k `notElem` ["All"]) $ fromRight [] $ Ini.keys iniSection ini
let m_nlp_keys = filter (\k -> k `notElem` [lang_default_text]) $ fromRight [] $ Ini.keys iniSection ini
let m_nlp_other = listToMaybeAll $ (\k -> (,) k <$> (parseURI $ cs $ val' k)) <$> m_nlp_keys
let mRet = NLPConfig <$> m_nlp_all <*> (Map.fromList <$> m_nlp_other)
-- let mRet = NLPConfig <$> m_nlp_all <*> (Map.fromList <$> m_nlp_other)
let mRet = NLPConfig <$> m_nlp_default <*> (Map.fromList <$> m_nlp_other)
case mRet of
Nothing -> panicTrace $ T.concat [ "Cannot read config file: _nlp_all = "
, T.pack $ show m_nlp_all
-- , T.pack $ show m_nlp_all
, T.pack $ show m_nlp_default
, ", _nlp_other = "
, T.pack $ show m_nlp_other ]
Just ret -> pure ret
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